Author Topic: Naturally Occuring Global Warming  (Read 2107 times)

Offline john9001

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #30 on: April 13, 2007, 03:51:03 PM »
""we had a unique space program headed by JERRY BULL who was assasinated by Israel for selling arms to Iraq. His idea was to use a very large cannon to shoot stuff into space. ""


Offline Jackal1

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #31 on: April 13, 2007, 05:10:50 PM »

I can lead a horse to water, but I can`t hold his head under until he.................err make him drink.

Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Angus

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #32 on: April 13, 2007, 07:25:58 PM »
Try to teach a strong and stupid bull calf to drink warm milk out of a bucket then. Remeinds me of debating with you guys on these threads. Well, the bull either bends or dies :D
Anyway, the ozone layer was mentioned here, and well, measuers were taken to stop it's declination, and those seem to have worked.
It did not hit the consumers so bad, - the loadout in the spraycans are now different, and all modern cooling devices are a little different (another cooling fluid with a higher pressure, - the joke of it being that the banned Freon 12 was a superb cooling device, just a very naughty one if escaping, which it did from systems always becoming cheaper and more leaky with no penalty), - to cut a long story short:
Man realizes that some chemicals released make ozone layer smaller, ozone layer starts shrinking but there are deniers of that, ozone layer gets holes and is established beyond doubt as shrinking, countermeasures are taken, ozone layer seems to hold it's own now.

Same goes to the "cough" global warming, which is now only "local", since it's only melting ice where there is any (not to mention that ice melts from other reasons than heat, which could anyway secretly be from a newly established chain of underwater volcanoes from underneath the poles), and in other regions it could possibly be a normal fluctuation, or excess heat bouncing from the nearest runway. So, in short, your poles migh be melting, your rivers drying, your habitad filling up with bugs and weeds that once needed a warmer climate, - rest assured, it cannot be because of the atmosphere geting any warmer.

"I can lead a horse to water, but I can`t hold his head under until he.................err make him drink"

You can take the bushman from the bush, but you cannot take the bush from the bushman :D
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline RASTER

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #33 on: April 13, 2007, 08:00:17 PM »
@Angus; I think what most of the folks are saying is go and deal with it, make your corrections but dont step on anyones liberty. Fanaticism is not a good thing.

And if you think it is a serious problem, find out what you can do and then do the right thing. But dont cut the fun out from under yourself or the kids because of some kind of "WE THINK IT COULD BE" kind of science. Just moderate yourself a bit in the positive direction and what more does anyone need to ask of you.

The problems with air are only the beginning. This whole ecological train wreck is only going to get worse. Be advised that the water you drink is going to turn to poision very soon. If you drink anything but rain water, well dont be surpised if you grow breasts and give milk. There are so many drugs going into sewage and dumped into the rivers, lakes, streams and oceans that you are currently being treated for hundreds of diseases and dont even know it. Snort. Tee Hee Heee.

Offline Ripsnort

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #34 on: April 13, 2007, 08:47:27 PM »
Originally posted by RASTER

The problems with air are only the beginning. This whole ecological train wreck is only going to get worse. Be advised that the water you drink is going to turn to poision very soon. If you drink anything but rain water, well dont be surpised if you grow breasts and give milk. There are so many drugs going into sewage and dumped into the rivers, lakes, streams and oceans that you are currently being treated for hundreds of diseases and dont even know it. Snort. Tee Hee Heee.

That deserves a 4 copter.
:noid :noid :noid :noid

Offline john9001

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #35 on: April 14, 2007, 12:43:53 AM »
Originally posted by RASTER
The problems with air are only the beginning. This whole ecological train wreck is only going to get worse. Be advised that the water you drink is going to turn to poision very soon. If you drink anything but rain water, well dont be surpised if you grow breasts and give milk. There are so many drugs going into sewage and dumped into the rivers, lakes, streams and oceans that you are currently being treated for hundreds of diseases and dont even know it. Snort. Tee Hee Heee.

hey hey , don't forget about the "chem trails".

Offline lazs2

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #36 on: April 14, 2007, 09:55:35 AM »
well.... trace amounts of perscription drugs and cosmetics can be found in all waste water effluent..  it is a bear to remove.   Probly can't be done.

There are plenty of things to worry about and no one should pollute if for the fun of it... everyone has a different idea of that tho.   The people taking perscription drugs don't feel that they are polluting.. the guys using paper plates or buying disposable stuff or taking pleasure trips in jets or....

Everyone wants to save old mother earth... so long as it is the other guy that they can restrict.....    They don't even mind spending 1/2 of 1% of their income on some feel good idea even if doing that comes to 20% of some poor families income... talk about your tipping point!   let them eat cake huh?

There is an economic "tipping point" for many people on this planet who are close.. raise "fees" and taxes to cover "man made global warming" and plunge them into mind numbing poverty...

The other thing is... there is plenty to worry about.. our water... the coming comet... plague... it is all due.. but...

There is no money in that.. no control..  no power..  

"Man made global warming"  now there is a gem... a darling of the left... lots of control over everyone...  those who are shunned for their socialist lefty politics are now raised up...  everyone being told what to do to....  save the planet...


Offline john9001

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« Reply #37 on: April 14, 2007, 10:05:55 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
well.... trace amounts of perscription drugs and cosmetics can be found in all waste water effluent..  it is a bear to remove.   Probly can't be done.

it,s true, traces of vitamin C have been found in orange juice.:noid

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #38 on: April 14, 2007, 10:13:56 AM »
what?  you don't believe me?


Offline mietla

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« Reply #39 on: April 14, 2007, 01:05:46 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
Another Idiotic Global Warming Thread Started

Well, we need to do "something" about it. We can't afford to do nothing, and talking about it is good. That's what Al Gore does for a while now.

Sure, he won't give up his polution footprint, but he is willing to buy polution credit.

What an creative solution. Let's all pay the polution credit and problem solved.

Offline bozon

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« Reply #40 on: April 14, 2007, 03:04:43 PM »
Originally posted by mietla
Well, we need to do "something" about it.

Find a clean source of energy and buy a good air-conditioner.
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

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the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #41 on: April 15, 2007, 09:21:25 AM »
mietla... I had heard that the entire US carbon footprint could be erased with a 11 billion dollar credit.   All we have to do is send algore 11billion and the whole problem goes away.   11 billion is nothing.. just like man made global warming is.

No one here is willing to make any personal sacrafices but the lefties here are all willing (and eager) to see others do so.    They are very eager to see people punished.

If it costs some poor peoples half their income... well.. that is tough.. if it drives these poor people to starvation and the stone age.. that is fine too.

If it were to cost them 50% of their income that would most defenitly not be fine.

That is what they don't want to talk about.. what they want us to do.

I have only heard on this board that they want us to make nuke power plants...and.. stop driving suv's... since they don't drive suv's of course.

They won't stop flying around in jets or move into a studio apartment with strangers or pay $50 a gallon for gas tho.


Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #42 on: April 15, 2007, 10:19:42 AM »
Originally posted by Angus
Try to teach a strong and stupid bull calf to drink warm milk out of a bucket then. Remeinds me of debating with you guys on these threads. Well, the bull either bends or dies :D

Get a bucket with a nipple on it. Let the calf do what comes naturaly. Not a problem if you are smarter than the calf. :)
Raised around 200 of them in 2 years that way about 9-10 years ago. Tidy little profit considering most of the calves were gotten for free.

not to mention that ice melts from other reasons than heat, which could anyway secretly be from a newly established chain of underwater volcanoes from underneath the poles), and in other regions it could possibly be a normal fluctuation, or excess heat bouncing from the nearest runway.

As far a s I have read on the subject of the undersea volcanoes, it has not been mentioned that they were either near the poles or were newly established. Up until very recently, histroicalwise, it was not know that Yellowstone was sitting on top of a very, very large volcano.
Not much is known about them period. They have not been studied to any extent. Why? Why hasn`t anything been allowed in this little fairy tale besides what fits the AlBore bill?
Why is everything else shunned and put down when it is suggested or proposed by someone out of the AlBore loop?
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Fishu

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Naturally Occuring Global Warming
« Reply #43 on: April 15, 2007, 01:06:44 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
Everyone wants to save old mother earth... so long as it is the other guy that they can restrict.....    They don't even mind spending 1/2 of 1% of their income on some feel good idea even if doing that comes to 20% of some poor families income... talk about your tipping point!   let them eat cake huh?

The EU wants to cut the pollution by another 20% once again, while alot more pollution is produced in the USA and even more than that in China. Soon we'll have no industry left over here because they've all ran to China where the pollution doesn't matter as much.

Anyway, it'd be a good time for the good ol' USA to start building less polluting factories. Why? Because your factories are getting to be friggin old and has to be rebuilt anyway! Might as well make them cleaner while at it.

Offline Angus

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« Reply #44 on: April 15, 2007, 01:37:10 PM »
"@Angus; I think what most of the folks are saying is go and deal with it, make your corrections but dont step on anyones liberty. Fanaticism is not a good thing. "

Whose liberty is it to ruin the atmosphere? There are some things that we earthlings share, whether you like it or not. Those include the atmosphere  and the seas. /example N-Atlantic pollution through the Gulf stream (fat solluble chemicals from the paper industry in the USA), Acid rain, killing lakes in Scandinavia by the thousands whose origin is from central Europe and the UK, Mercury in the baltic, making the fish there a rather unhealty food (origin forestrry in the surrounding countries) etc etc. On the receiving end is often a nation that had nothing to do with the whole mess.
When the big industries in several countries poisoned the atmosphere and oceans near and in other countries, was it just for liberty? Is it an untouchable liberty to piss into your neighbours drinking water?
IMHO this is THE job for our newly begun century.

And Jackal, - back to the farming..;)
"Get a bucket with a nipple on it. Let the calf do what comes naturaly. Not a problem if you are smarter than the calf."

I was about the first in the country to completely convert to systems like that some 13 years ago. Today I have a feeding system (machine) where I can program the quantity for each and every calf, and monitor the usage.
So, buckets with nipples come as secondary (they're a pain to deal with if you do long time feeding, so you're dealing with 400 lb's calves :D)  Anyway, fun to correspnd with someone that is into those things.
(smilie :D for that one)

As for this:
"As far a s I have read on the subject of the undersea volcanoes, it has not been mentioned that they were either near the poles or were newly established."
It has been mentioned by certain members on these threads as a possible explanation to the ice melting. However, any connection with realism has failed....

Getting to Yellowstone, the whole thing is sitting on top of a highly active area, much like we have where I live. With modern technology and (cough, - government supported scientists even!) and equipment, the mapping of magma pockets and release sites is making good process.
There is no connection between there and global warming, in the real life there should slowly be less and less activity (cooling planet), and anyway, there is NOTHING we can do to stop volcanic activity.  We can monitor changes (those darned scientists eating my tax money), we can get to the level of issuing warnings of eruptions some little time before they occure(talking about 100% probability here), and we can try tohold back flowing lava with cooling. This is all opposite to Lazs's philosophy of course, but has however proved itself worthy in countries that deal with high earth activity on a daily basis.

This one:
"Why is everything else shunned and put down when it is suggested or proposed by someone out of the AlBore loop?"

Get this. Al Gore did not invent or spot global warning. He however made a film about it. Oil companies, which have high interests in CO2 connection with warming being hushed, have countered by paying people to speak as supporters to the opposite.
In the meantime, the shunning and putting down happens by itself, for after all, the globe keeps locally warming ;)
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)