Hi Viking,
this made me believe it was also a RAE conclusion:
Originally posted by Viking
He said that when Doolittle found that his fighters didn't engage the enemy, but simply dived past them into oblivion never to be heard from again, he contacted the British at RAE Farnborough to find out what was going on. The British being the leading authority on high speed testing at that time. RAE found that the 109 and 190 had a tactical Mach limit of 0.75, the P-38 had a tactical limit of 0.68 or 0.69 (I don’t recall which) and the P-47 had 0.71. Brown said they were useless as high altitude escorts and that only the P-51 with a tactical Mach limit of 0.78 could deal with the Germans at 30k.
As i wrote before, i got this impression and obvious it was a mistake, but it have nothing to do with the fakt that history did proof the P47 to be a very good high alt fighter also without the flaps.
And it looks like even Brown wasnt the opinion the P47 was useless as high alt fighter, therefor it dont matter even more who made this statement.
The low critical mach was a disadvantage, nothing to argue, but the P47 had otherwise huge advantages in 30k alt. And actually the critical mach problems in 30k isnt that a problem for the headline question of this theatre anyway.
In a dive from 25k downward, we get a absolut different picture.