some weeks ago i made such tests(in a very simply way).
I took a 190A8 and a P47D-25, climbed to 25000ft(here the A8 have a wep climb of around 1800ft/min, the P47 around 2000ft/min w/o wep and around 2900ft/min with wep). Then i accelerated to 200mph and started a dive. While looking to the right sight initially the horizon fog started in the upper left corner of my screens(dont know exact what dive angle this was, no WEP but full throttle), now i enabled the "flight autopilot angle mode", what keeps the current flight angle constant(as long as the flight physics allow it).
The 190 accelerated rather fast under hard bufferings to 600mph, here the trim wasnt enough to keep the dive angle, so the plane raised slowly the nose, and after around 45sec, in around 3k alt, the plane was in a level flight starting a slow climb.
The P47D-25 had a suprising slow acceleration, the buffering did start more early and it never did reach 600mph, but it also leveled out alone in around 5k alt after around 55sec.
Since the P47D have a MUCH better climb in 25k alt, it also should have a much faster dive acceleration up there as result it should dive much faster.
But here, imho, the wrong FW190A8 FM show up.
The FW190A8 imho have to few drag(specialy parasite drag), but it miss power. As result the plane is realistic fast, have a realistic climb(both rather on the lower end of the scale) but on the other side it dive to good and it bleed to much energy while turning with full power.
But of course it could also be the other way around: Then the P47 would be to powerfull and would have to much drag, resulting in a realistic Vmax, but a to bad dive.
I often fly a FW190A8 and without engine(no power) it need ages to slow this plane down, the Sp16 for example decelerate MUCH faster, if both planes have the trottle on zero.
BUT, if both planes turn with full power, the 190A8 decelerate much faster, althought it have some hundret HP more power(it looks like we have the 2050HP 190A8).
I see a big discrepancy here!! Also while a full power highspeed upzoom the FW190A8 is one of the badest planes in game, although the powerload and inertia are rather good(at least in low level). Even the 109F4 own the FW190A8 in a highspeed upzoom, although the FW190A8 has a better powerload and keep MUCH more inertia.
My conclusion:
The 190´s need more drag, but more power in relation to the other planes.