Author Topic: Close Escort Today!!! 3 PM Eastern  (Read 128 times)

Offline Stoney74

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Close Escort Today!!! 3 PM Eastern
« on: April 29, 2007, 10:37:15 AM »
One outstanding feature of the Lorraine Campaign was the co-operation between the XIX Tactical Air Command and the Third Army. Despite the poor weather and the short days in November the XIX TAC was able to give considerable support in the initial phases of the Third Army offensive, flying 2,114 sorties between the 8th and 19th. A concentrated effort was made, as in early October, against the Metz-Thionville position. In one respect the entire course of the Lorraine Campaign was affected in demonstrable fashion by the strategic air war. Few of Patton's troops ever saw more than a single German plane at a time. - excerpts from The Lorraine Campaign by Hugh M. Cole

Co-operation between the US 3rd Army and XIX TAC created a situation of mutual support which resulted in an advance to the German border ahead of projected schedules and ahead of other elements of the Allied push. German defenses and counter attacks proved unable to stop the fall of Metz and the creation of major bridgeheads across the Mosselle. Following the crossing of the Mosselle the Sarre region fell under determined attack by the 3rd Army under General Patton, putting at risk a great part of Germanys industrial strength.

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