Author Topic: tips for wing rockets and bombing  (Read 789 times)

Offline halcyon

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Re: tips for wing rockets and bombing
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2007, 04:31:26 PM »
Originally posted by yyrkoon
I have been tooling around in my p-38 and p-51 in the offline practice... need to get my leet skillz back before I show people at the bar whats going on...

anyway, was wondering if there were any good links or tips for using these devices... the way i see it, drunks love to blow stuff up, so this would be a point of interest.... :cool:

I know i use my backspace key to toggle between rockets or bombs and my guns and use the secondary guns trigger to fire them.... but i cannot seem to get a divebomb site or anyy site for the rockets... it seems they are more a spray and pray thing... oh, and do the divebrakes on the 38 work?

thanks for the feedback.

The only time you'll get a bombsight is in the following aircraft: Boston III, Lancaster, B-17, B-24, B-26, Ju-88, KI-67 , and the AR234. (unsure about the B5N, D3A1, or the Mossy...never fly 'em)

Every other plane must be used in a divebomb capacity when carrying eggs. The strategy I use is coming down at about a 45 degree angle to the target, putting the target just below the bottom of my crosshairs, and releasing between 2-3k feet.
The higher you release above that threshold, the greater the chance to miss the target increases.

Rockets behave very very differently. They have a substantial arc to their flight path (a shorter arc for HVARs, a longer for M8 rockets) and you usually have to give a lot of lead when aiming at your target.
Personally I only use rockets when attacking stationary land targets (buildings, gun emplacements) since I can never kill anything heavier then an M3 with them and using them against aircraft is a waste of time.
You might be able to track a panzer/M4/T34 or maybe disable the turret, but you have to get a really, really good hit on them with rockets.

Now about divebrakes on a P38, they don't exist. Not in this game anyway.
But if you happen to find one that does have them, let me know, I'd love one. :)

Offline Sketch

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tips for wing rockets and bombing
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2007, 04:34:19 PM »
Originally posted by TinmanX
There ya go, turn bank indicator, new it had to have a real name, though I prefer "level bubble thinger".

I like your version better Tinman!  :rofl
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Offline Krusty

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tips for wing rockets and bombing
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2007, 04:35:15 PM »
B5N has a bombsight. Mosquito does not. Not sure about D3a.

One of the P38s has dive FLAPS, but these don't slow it down like dive BRAKES do. They are meant for very high speeds where compression prevents you from pulling out of a dive.

Offline KayBayRay

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tips for wing rockets and bombing
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2007, 05:59:49 PM »
OK, so the Slip Indicator is the device to use?

When the ball of the slip indicator is centered that means that your point of aim is somewhere through your gunsights?  The exact point of aim is dependant upon the aircraft you are flying of course.

This is what you are saying correct?

I am gona check this out cause I suck so bad at dive bombing there is a gravity well for about a 50 meter radius around my aircraft. God pitty the fool that gets near me when I am dive bombing.  :rofl

Cause they will get sucked into a different star system.  

See ya in the Sky !!

Offline Krusty

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tips for wing rockets and bombing
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2007, 06:02:21 PM »
No no no, he's just saying put the target about where that ball is, on your screen... That means just about under the edge of your gunsight. It's not meant to be used for aiming, he was just giving a fast and easy way of doing it.

Offline llama

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tips for wing rockets and bombing
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2007, 03:57:40 PM »
You can "cheat" a little bit with rocket and bomb aiming by turning on "Combat Trim" as you start your attack run at 45 degrees or so. I also recommend physically taking your feet off the rudder pedals (if you have them) or doing everything you can to avoid twisting your twisty stick.

This tends to zero-out your stick forces and keeps your nose (and your gunsight) pointed straight and true, which is where your ord will go when you shoot/drop it.

As you get better, you can stop using Combat Trim as a crutch in these situations, but I still take my feet of the pedals to ensure I'm not corrupting my bombing aim.


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Offline halcyon

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tips for wing rockets and bombing
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2007, 07:06:02 PM »
Originally posted by llama
You can "cheat" a little bit with rocket and bomb aiming by turning on "Combat Trim" as you start your attack run at 45 degrees or so. I also recommend physically taking your feet off the rudder pedals (if you have them) or doing everything you can to avoid twisting your twisty stick.

This tends to zero-out your stick forces and keeps your nose (and your gunsight) pointed straight and true, which is where your ord will go when you shoot/drop it.

As you get better, you can stop using Combat Trim as a crutch in these situations, but I still take my feet of the pedals to ensure I'm not corrupting my bombing aim.


Sometimes you have to compensate for a moving target, in which case you'd need to use your pedals.

Offline hubsonfire

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tips for wing rockets and bombing
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2007, 09:58:19 PM »
I think it's actually a bit simpler to just roll the entire aircraft or push the nose down a bit- for me at least, the rudder input is too much for accurate aiming on a rocket run, unless I'm just salvoing them at a town or something.
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Offline llama

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tips for wing rockets and bombing
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2007, 01:11:06 PM »
Originally posted by halcyon
Sometimes you have to compensate for a moving target, in which case you'd need to use your pedals.

No, in these cases, you should roll and pitch up or down. Rudders generally change where your nose is pointing, but gravity pulls those bombs straight down regardless of your nose's orientation. Strangely, this goes for rockets in AH too...


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tips for wing rockets and bombing
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2007, 01:57:06 PM »
The Secret to rockets is in the wings. Rockets are mounted under your wings and thus...where your wings point at where your rockets will go.

Air-to- Air rockets and Air- to -ground rockets may differ a bit. I mostly use air-to-ground. I aim with my wings and give enough time for my aircraft to stabilize before firing.

Some Folks may have a special gunsight they use for rockets. I don't. Use your own gunsight...level your wings before firing whislt diving on the target...observe your hits and adjust as necessary. Soon you'll be hitting very well with your rockets.

Practice! And practice a lot!

Good Luck!
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