Author Topic: Film Viewer  (Read 142 times)

Offline LePaul

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Film Viewer
« on: May 14, 2007, 11:08:17 AM »
I'm getting constant crashes on films.  Especially if I try to export to AVI

These AHF files are 1.5 to 3mb

The most annoying is this:  I'll have the Film Viewer Maximized (Full screen).  When I create an AVI, i'll get a very small window in the top left, which makes it hard to adjust the views/angles I want to capture.

I really wish the Film Viewer remembered your file settings.  For example, if you saved an AVI in a certain folder, rememeber for the next film, etc

It would be really cool if the Open Film Folder also remembered how you had the films sorted previously (detailed file view, sorted by date, etc)

With a 4gb RAM system, with everything, including Antivirus off, this program still lugs very slowly.  With nothing running, my system ram in use is 214mb.  I've got a clean rig resource wise and its just maddening to have this program bomb out all over the place.

Please and thank you!