Author Topic: Operation Husky patches  (Read 8635 times)

Offline Husky01

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Operation Husky patches
« Reply #60 on: February 18, 2008, 10:15:30 PM »

Offline Krusty

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Operation Husky patches
« Reply #61 on: February 19, 2008, 12:01:58 PM »
That's pretty snazzy!

Offline BlauK

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Operation Husky patches
« Reply #62 on: February 19, 2008, 12:57:22 PM »
Good job with the planes :aok They are recognizable, even though just barely so :)
I wonder if they can maintain that quality in the production. Often the sample may be of better quality. Still it looks much better than I expected.

WTG Brooke!

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline Brooke

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Operation Husky patches
« Reply #63 on: February 21, 2008, 10:07:06 PM »
Thanks, guys.  I don't have the production yet -- I still need them to find that best design (which was made a while back) from among all the other mods and to make that best design again so that I know they have the right one.  Once that is shown, then I'll trigger production.

Offline Krusty

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Operation Husky patches
« Reply #64 on: February 28, 2008, 10:53:07 AM »
I'm surprised you didn't run into a similar problem with Op Downfall! Although, those are a little bigger.

Offline Brooke

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Operation Husky patches
« Reply #65 on: February 28, 2008, 03:13:15 PM »
The Operation Downfall patch had to go through a couple of iterations, but not as many.  A top-down outline is more tolerant of little changes not affecting the perception of what plane type it is.  A side-on profile is much more touchy -- the visual cues people go by (cockpit canopy shape, tail shape, scoops under the fuselage, etc.) are smaller details.

Offline NUTTZ

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Operation Husky patches
« Reply #66 on: March 05, 2008, 02:43:35 AM »
Brook, Any problems Call me I can help, I feel obligated and maybe it will help me feel better about the past. I do have the leading cutting edge Sewing programs(Including x3), and can do any Graphic conversion to Any commercial embroidery machine (And there are many) What seams to be misunderstood here are a few things, And before people hop on my case I do have 22 years Experience in this Feild.

Any Patch you design, there are a few factors.
1: look at it to scale


3: you CANNOT skrink thread! when you scale down your design, your lines get thinner... The sewing thread does not!

4:Thread has a direction... if you sew a 3inch feild of blue, the thread needs to fill that feild in a direction, lets say it sews it North to south(up and down for ya'll living in the south) and you try to sew an outline of an airplane in that feild..keep with me here.. any thread sewn in the outline over the feild of blue sewn East and west (side to side for you southerners)
Will look great, any thread sewn north to south over the feild MAY or MAYNOT fall between the blue threads, since they run the same direction.

5: Keep it simple. Design is one thing, Detail is another.

Sofar I've seen some awsome patches designed on this site.

I can be reached
Phone 1-215-333-6510
Dave (NUTTZ)

Originally posted by Brooke
Here is the leading candidate of the Operation Husky patch I'm trying to get produced.  It's taken a very long time, as the patch company was having a lot of trouble with the plane outlines -- I had to go back and forth a lot on different versions.

Anyway, if they are able to make the following, this is the one I'll go with:

Offline NUTTZ

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Operation Husky patches
« Reply #67 on: March 05, 2008, 02:51:58 AM »
Thats called "stich pull componsation" if you sew the letter I and O the O needs to be sewn alittle bit bigger than the I the direction of the sew will pull it smaller in that direction, since the I is sewn side to side, there will be no pulling or shrinkage of the design up and down. But side to side the I will get thinner. As the Bottom and top of the O will get thinner as well as the sides of the O so if done the same size the I will be taller.

That is NOT the patch designers problem but the Patch Maker. Just to put a light on how hard  it is to make the smallest of details AKA the Macci canopy shape.


Originally posted by Brooke
The Operation Downfall patch had to go through a couple of iterations, but not as many.  A top-down outline is more tolerant of little changes not affecting the perception of what plane type it is.  A side-on profile is much more touchy -- the visual cues people go by (cockpit canopy shape, tail shape, scoops under the fuselage, etc.) are smaller details.

Offline Brooke

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Re: Operation Husky patches
« Reply #68 on: March 31, 2008, 03:21:31 PM »
Good news -- the patches are in.

I will be sending the following out via e-mail to all registrants shortly:

Hello, pilots who registered for the scenario Operation Husky, which ran back in June, 2007.  (If you want some pictorials of the action from that scenario to remind you what it was like, feel free to visit ).

The patch for this scenario is finally produced, and all pilots who would like a patch are encouraged to send e-mail to Roscoroo ( roscoroo at ) requesting one.  That's all you have to do -- just send him your physical mail address, and you'll get one.  Also, as noted on this page there are patches available from past scenarios as well -- let Roscoroo know if you want any of the past patches and which you want.

Please do not send me your request for getting a patch -- Roscoroo is the one to contact about that.  He has very generously volunteered his time and effort to do the mailings.  Thank you very much, Roscoroo!

The next patch to be produced will be one for the scenario Der Grosse Schlag, which ran in October, 2007.  We are starting the process of gathering donations enough to total about US$250 to start that patch run.  If you'd like to contribute to that effort, please see for information.

Thanks, all, and I hope to see each of you in the next scenario.  The date of the next scenario hasn't yet been determined, but it will be announced on, in the Aces High message board, and in the Main Arenas when we have it.

Best regards,

-- Brooke

Offline BlauK

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Re: Operation Husky patches
« Reply #69 on: March 31, 2008, 04:05:58 PM »
Once again, excellent work!  :salute

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline Roscoroo

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Re: Operation Husky patches
« Reply #70 on: April 01, 2008, 11:24:19 AM »
thats it guys keep the requests coming .. I'll collect addys this week and do the 1st mailing this weekend .

For you guys that live in the same Country (Finland as example) its easier to send one large patch order to one place then it is to send all individual orders (customs on each one and it gets really expensive)
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
(=Ghosts=Scenariroo's  Patch donation

Offline Brooke

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Re: Operation Husky patches
« Reply #71 on: April 16, 2008, 02:44:46 PM »
I dropped off the patches to Roscoroo last night, and he's got a list of addresses.  If you haven't sent in a request for a patch yet, please feel free to send your name and physical mail address to him (roscoroo at

Also, we still have patches from various past scenarios (see to know which ones area available).