2 points
1) I know the scenario hasn't begun yet, but this can take a long time. Don't see why we can't start now
2) I don't want to clutter the Battle of Britain thread with Op Husky patch discussion (it's cleaner this way).
I had an idea for a patch. Still kind of rough right now. I wanted opposing forces, as if fighting for Italy itself. One early idea I had included rocky mountainous terrain under the axis side (as if defending Italy from seaborne invasion). The fight would be against a light blue sky backdrop (where we focus in this game). In my head I had put in one of the stronger symbols Italy used, the Fasces, right along the center as a split down the left and right. The allies and the axis would be represented by a P40, B24, 109, and C205 silhouette. I drew this all out on paper with pencil while at work.
When I got home I started up Photoshop and have this so far. I incorporated my early idea by having Italy itself represented by the mountainous terrain underneath the sky (in the center).
It uses only 7 colors. No merrowed edge. It has a thin black border but is similar to Stalin's Fourth at the edge (which has a thin border at the edge but no merrowing).

I wanted to present a second idea as well, having the Fasces higher, and the sky behind it on the left be a US roundel (star on blue) and the left being a LW cross (black and white) but this screwed up things with the planes on the background, made it far too dark, and blended the axe blade on the fasces into the star on the US roundel, so I totally scrapped that idea.
I wanted to come up with an idea that incorporated some idea of defending Italy. Let me know what you think.
EDIT: I plan to remove the radio masts from the 2 planes and the tail wheel from the 109. Need to simplify it, or it won't show up well in patch form. NO markings on the planes themselves. They are far too small and it'll just be blobs of thread if they try to replicate it.