First off, thanks to all for being so patient while I battled through things to finally get the scores done.
Also, a big thanks to SLED for helping to tally the kills. WTG Boss! <.S>
Let me preface the scores with a description on how they were tallied.
Aircraft are pretty straightforward.
Airfields and v-bases, however....
As each of you are probably aware, each field is comprised of objects. These objects are assigned a hardness factor that determines the amount of ordnance required to destroy them.
The factors are 2.78 for hangars and .3125 for everything else ( ammo, barracks, fuel, radar )
AAA guns are not counted for tally.
All the objects and their relative hardnesses were tallied to compile a total amount of ordnance required to destroy the field 100%.
The objects destroyed were tallied with their hardness to compile the total amount of ordnance that damaged the field. ( No, I did not factor in proximity damage on non-destroyed objects, as It would probably have taken at least 2 more days, if even possible, to calculate )
The resulting percentage is the amount of damage done to the target.
Since targets were assigned 200 points, the difference between total points and points damaged was awarded to the defending country for 'defensive' points.
I know that has got to be confusing as all get-out, but I wanted to get these posted before daddog found a nice, very healthy tree to hold his rope up.
I'll address any questions in follow up posts.
And now the results..