Wow.... very old story.
Hearing these kinds of incidents of official stupidity did not make me feel any safer about airport security: That an 80-year old man, WWII veteran, and holder of a medal of honor recipient was considered by airport security as a threat, or considered a key fob made from a non-usable round as a threat, does not fill me with any confidence in the quality of people TSA has in charge of airport security. Plain English: if they are that stupid, a smart person who is actually trying will be able to get past them.
That NONE of the fools from TSA working the gates that day recognized the Medal of Honor comes in a close second.
Around this same time, you had infants showing up on the No-Fly List, and it being enforced at the boarding gates!
Common sense seems to be a liability in getting hired to Federal jobs more and more often.... seems we are taking the ideas of "leveling the playing field" and "lowest common denominator" to the extreme.