Westy! Good to see the voice of truth and reason again!
Fencer thanks for taking the time to design what I am sure will be a great Scenario.
Count me in Allied.....Jugs...and for help in any way that I can.
Westy you best get in this one!
And for you that are whining already all I have to say is.
"I can't believe this!" Someone has taken his valuable time who has vast experience at designinng scenarios as well as placing the correct skins for the event into the game and people are complaining already? And to Boot this is a realistic occurance during the Air War in Europe.
In all honesty I am completely discouraged with some of the people and comments that have been made at this point before the Scenario even flies.
Come on Folks. Some of you need to grow up.
Fencer, again count on me for any help that you may need.
Thanks for your work. Many many of these people did not participate in AW Scenarios so they know not of what they speak.
Some should think........then keep their mouths shut.
As I see it we have the 56th and 78th FGs along with the 4th am I correct?