The next scenario is:

It is November, 1944. The US 8th Air Force is exerting itself to its limits, sending enormous waves of escorted heavy bombers into Germany for wide-ranging strikes in an attempt to bring Germany to its knees. However, General Galland has gathered Luftwaffe resources and is focusing its remaining might, which is substantial. His goal is to inflict horrific losses upon the 8th Air Force, preferably enough to crack its resolve. His goal is to deliver “Der Grosse Schlag” -- The Great Blow.
This scenario will pit 8th Air Force P-51D’s, P-51B’s, P-47D-25’s, P-38J’s, P-38L's, B-24J’s, and B-17G’s against Luftwaffe Bf 109K-4’s, Bf 109G-14’s, FW 190D-9’s, and FW 190A-8’s. The US will have strategic targets to destroy, and the Luftwaffe will do all it can to take down the enemy fighters and bombers. This is a battle for supremacy in the skies over Germany.
Pilots get two lives each frame, and there will be four frames plus one practice frame. The scenario is designed for a ratio of USAAF players to Luftwaffe players of 1.0 to 0.95 (nominally 112 USAAF fighter pilots and 27 USAAF bomber pilots to 130 Axis fighter pilots).
More details, when they are available, will be posted at: