If you don't have an account yet, the first time you try to log in you'll get a 2 week free trial. That's 2 weeks since you start it, so if you don't use it it'll go to waste.
You want to get as comfortable as you can offline before going online, so as to maximize your potential use of that 2 weeks. Try more complex manuvers, such as steep dives (up to compression) and recovery, zoom climbs, loops, wing-overs (or hammerheads, either one), perhaps barrel rolls, sudden 180-degree breaks, etc.
Flying level to and from a target is pretty basic. Also, practice on the offline drones. Learning to fly is one thing, learning to aim is another! You need a good mix of both eventually.
It's a common question so I'll answer it now: Offline drones don't fall out of the sky when you shoot wings off and such. They're not "flying" but are moving on invisible rails and will continue to until you make them explode. They are only there for gunnery practice.