Author Topic: Spies - closing a game hole.  (Read 4078 times)

Offline sgt203

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Spies - closing a game hole.
« Reply #90 on: July 20, 2007, 08:09:43 PM »
There is a knight sqaud that has done this in the past and I too have contacted HTC about same...

I was also told that is for now is being considered gaming the game but they were interested in screenshots I took of incident and the butthead bragging about what he was doing on 200.

I unfortunately was unable to send the screenies to HTC in a timely manner so I let the ball drop in that reguard.

What I found most troubling about the incident was the CO of the squad was the one getting the supplies dropped to him by this weenie..

Is it gaming the game I guess... Is it way out of line I feel it goes beyond the normal "lame" play..

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #91 on: July 20, 2007, 08:59:14 PM »
Originally posted by Carwash
Consume me?  I think you forgot the last line in my post: "My two cents worth."
Your posts are lengthy, so yes, it does irk you.  But, until HTC does something we are all in this together.
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« Reply #92 on: July 21, 2007, 11:11:25 PM »
After re-reading the post and replies I had a number of thoughts.  (If you think that this is just whining; feel free to stop right here and go and spend your time on more productive endeavors – I will not be offended).

With respect to the “why does it matter” arguments, I’ll point out one lesson I got from it was how INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVE spy spotting can be.  In my original post I did not want to go into a lot of details of actually what happened that night, (yes losing that specific base in that manner pissed me off – but I saw a bigger problem and in my post I was suggesting and asking for possible specific and generic solutions).

After the Nits captured the 8.5K bases they moved hard on the V base below.  From the advantage of my C47 in god mode I was able to communicate range and direction of the in coming GVs.  The Nit (above) who stated that they ended up taking the base anyway was right.  He neglected to tell you, however, the cost.

In their first wave the Nits came in with 8 to 9 tigers, a couple of M4s, a panz, 2 M3s and if I remember correctly an A20 and some other heavy fighter.  At that time the base was being defended by 4 GVs – a tiger – 2 M4s and a flack.  The Nits ended up losing all of their first wave GVs.  Ouch.  

As any GVer knows, getting first Viz on a target is 95% of the engagement.  As I found out, being able to call an incoming target (tiger 1.5K away on your 2 o’clock) was disturbingly effective.  Their subsequent waves were mostly concentrated on air – bombers etc.

To the “get a life” crowd I’ll share the following.  The following day, in the morning I grabbed a cup of coffee and logged on to see what was happening in that arena.  And guess what, the Nits had re-captured most of the peninsula, the spy from the night before was on (as a Nit) and our CV (I had switched back to my home country) was doing tight donuts in the middle of nowhere.  I just logged and went to MA.  The heck with it.  I guess what I am saying is yep I agree with you.  If it gets to the point were I see this practice all over – and I don’t have a way of dealing with it - I’ll just log.

To those who say that what I did was “childish” because it was pay back – wait a minute – how many of you have been taken out by one ping from 3K and not said ‘I’m going to get that guy’?  Pay back is part of game.  I’ll agree that I went to an extreme – but I was mad.  (BTW, being called a 12 year old is a compliment when you consider that my wife and kids often compare me to a 9 year old.)

One final observation on the thoughts expressed in these “whiner” themes.  One of the posts was from someone who has been a spy in the past.  Yep – I guess that he doesn’t see a problem here at all!

As far as the solutions I had the following thoughts.

I do not think that turning off Killshoot is the “worst idea ever”.  It may not be perfect, but the “worst idea ever……”?  I think that the problem with newbes would be real one.  In fact, I had one come after me tonight.  I really tried to warn him and help him out – to no avail….  But again, if there was a way of only turning it on for a single flight-by-flight basis I think that most of problems would be avoid.  (Maybe turning it on should cost you peak points – what the heck – give us something to spend these points on!)

It would leave two problems – that of jealous team mates and the other would be perhaps one of rampant vigilantism.

Does anyone know if Killshoot is a global only setting?  Can it even be turned off on a per flight basis?

Turning off cross country VOZ/Chat might work – but as someone said – third party tools could possibility step into the mix.  I should also point out that you can talk cross country without the squad channel – 255 I think.  I have used it in the past to talk to other players and I would miss it if it was not allowed.

Limiting or penalizing country jumping seems to be a common theme in addressing this problem.  There are some really good reasons to change countries so I do not think prohibiting would work – but extending the change time really does seem in order.

BTW, I really like the idea of turning a recently changed country player to blue!

The other spy issue that I’m not sure how you would deal with is multiple accounts.  Yea – I have no problem with people who want to play with multiple accounts on the same country – but I’m not sure that all multiple account players feel that way.

I know that my $14.95 a month fee does not entitle me to a seat on the Board of Directors of HTC, but if it did, I would ask HTC managers why not turn killshoot on on a flight-by-flight basis, turn recently changed country players to blue and extend country change times?

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Spying is distasteful and it does impact the game experience in a negative way.  Unfortunately, spying can be very effective for those who make that choice and given the competitive nature of the game it will not go away.  I think that we as players need effective tools to deal with this sometimes common problem.


Offline pluck

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« Reply #93 on: July 22, 2007, 12:03:21 AM »
ok, i read a couple posts. same old same old.  maybe solution....just disable supplies, they are very gamey to begin with.  You have a broken tank, no prob, i'll fix for you in 1 second...... kill the quick vehicle supplies, part of your spy problem solved.
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Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #94 on: July 22, 2007, 12:12:00 AM »
Originally posted by Carwash
Yes there were spies in WWII, just as there are spies today.  However, in war and in peace spying carries a very real risk.  In AH, spying carries no risk, no danger, no cost, only a reward for the side that is doing the spying.  In this light, spying in AH cannot be compared to spying in real life.


And flying cartoon planes cannot be compared to real wartime combat flying :)  Nothing in AH carries any real risk.  Heaven forbid they spied and "won the war".  We get a redo with the same map.  Fights start all over again.

It's a game gents.  Relax, have some fun, die a little, reup in your brand new plane and enjoy :)
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Offline PanzerIV

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« Reply #95 on: July 31, 2007, 06:58:58 PM »
Originally posted by 5PointOh
This is a letter to Skuzzy I wrote a while back, seems fitting for topic:

> Good Morning Roy,

Last night, my squadies and I (Bish) witnessed a player (Bish) dropping
supplies to enemy (Rooks)during a battle.None of the Rook fighters would
go near the C47 piloted by the player.  Slightly before this battle, I
noticed this player on the Rooks side ( he'd made a inappropriate comment of 200, therefore I reported him).  So I am assuming that he switched sides to drop supplies to avoid being killed.   My question is this, is
this by terms of the game legal?  If so I will stop right there.  We have
video of this instance.  I realize that one is allowed to switch countries
every hour, but I still feel this is cheating.  What can I do as a player
to prevent this. Or is this out of our hands.  Perhaps a longer period to
switch countries would be more reasonable.<

This is the response:

>HiTech is thinking about it.  Right now it is just gaming the game.<

That is how the problem is correctly addressed.
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Offline hooper69

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« Reply #96 on: July 31, 2007, 08:11:32 PM »
i started play'n in 2001........i've always be Hooper just the numbers at the end have changed......A game that is so good it cause's Divorce...u know people are going to get all worked up.  P.S.,,,,the divorce was not me.well yet...hehe
there was spies then ......there will always be spies
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 08:14:46 PM by hooper69 »

Offline Daubie

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« Reply #97 on: September 11, 2007, 01:44:14 PM »
So, what's to prevent a guy from having 3 separate accounts and 3 separate computers / IP addresses?  I'm pretty sure that is the case with some folks,  especially with one guy over in ew and his very low score.

Other ways to cheat, I think guys manipulate the source code.  Used to be guys manipulated disc info on the old floppies to game the game on store bought games.  There was actually a company out near Seattle that supplied the cheats.

I found this thread by doing a search for "cheating" .  It took a minute just to go fetch all the entries.

I did a little experiment, a few times, by typing in country specific intel to my fellow comrades.  Very shortly there were nme, same folks, every time, responding to my info.  Even works with false info.  On my country's message board I typed the wrong position of our cv and then just orbited the position from 12,000 feet.  A few nme showed up.  Now how can this be?  Productive!

Cheating exists to AHII in a few various scenarios AND it is not policed to stop it.

This game is played at various levels, various interests,  and sometimes it is a lot like chess.

I play all sides.  Squad activities are too restrictive for me.  I do what I wish within tos guidelines.  I join a squad and they tell me I can't play bish?  Mostly why I switch sides is I like the 25 bonus perk points.  That 12 hour rule is bs.  It is not necessary to make a change at the last minute.  I come on board for the session, study the arenas, make my side / territory decision and play along to support the win.  A lot of times I make a switch just because it is too quiet and I want a better fight opportunity.

WWII and CIA they don't always shoot the culpret; ever hear of double and triple agents?

Some guy got really po'd because I parked my plane in back country in a hangar waiting for the win, not chipping in with his team.  He said he was going to switch sides just to get me---that is really funny.  Well, bring lots of gas.  I know guys that after a day's session leave their pc on all  the next day with their plane / vehicle parked just in case their side wins,  until they come back on to play again.

EW usually I'm Knits; MW Bish; LW any side.  I've gotten friendly w/ some folks here and just like hanging with them.  Any side I play with, everybody chips in to watch our back, doesn't seem to be hard feelings.    

Some guys I actually avoid---suspected cheaters I won't play against.  You know who you are.  I know who you are, too, but I'm not a rat.


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 Spies - closing a game hole.
Tonight, in mid war, we had a NIT change sides and spot and drop supplies for the NITS. (That is in addition to turning our CV around etc etc). We lost a 8.5K airbase that we had captured that morning that we were using to hit the Nits hard with. Now I do not like losing important bases, but I hate it when a spy is involved.

As pay back I went Nit for a while and spotted and dropped supplies. Out of a sense of fair play I told my new “team mates” what I was doing. They were not happy. I understand. They claimed that they had “no idea” etc etc. Hard to believe. (We lost two guys defending the downed town because the guy was spotting.) The Nits told me that I was nuts and even lying – I maybe nuts (I’m taking this game too seriously) but the facts from my point of view were not misrepresented.

I do not like spies; they take away from the strategy and tactical aspect of the game.

And YES I know – there is nothing in the rule book about not being a spy – just a code of conduct that some of us wish to follow. (BTW, I do not think that what I did was spying – I was pretty open about it – in part because I wanted to let them know that I was there so that they could either keep their communications to themselves – and in part to work them up – yep – many of them were not happy - although I did receive one or two expressions of love form one Nit with a sense of humor - and yes I still love you too!)

I think that there has got to be a way to kill your own country member if you need/want to. Real world spies were killed all the time. I do not know – is there a technical limitation within the game that stops this from happening? I’m assuming that there is a difference between collisions and gun fire. (I think that if friendly collisions were allowed then when two guys tried to up at the same time from the same runway you would have problems. Image losing a 262 before you even take off!). But there has to be a way of shooting a “friendly”. Maybe it could be an option so that newbes don’t go around killing own team members by mistake. Maybe it could be a non-permanent option i.e. you would have to select the option every time you upped.

This is just an idea to close a game weakness against those who game the game.

To the Nits not involved in the affair – my apologies.

Offline dedalos

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Spies - closing a game hole.
« Reply #98 on: September 11, 2007, 02:23:15 PM »
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Yknurd

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Spies - closing a game hole.
« Reply #99 on: September 11, 2007, 02:26:59 PM »
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Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #100 on: September 11, 2007, 02:31:47 PM »
All in-game spies, and even those players we just suspect of spying, should be summarily executed on the spot.  In real life.

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Offline pluck

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« Reply #101 on: September 11, 2007, 02:35:12 PM »

I'm really confused about most of that post. (to the one who decided to dig this up. I could go back and quote it, just don't feel like it.) On one hand it seems to support spying, on the other it doesn't.  Accusing unknown people for doing bad things, no proof, no film.  Needing to switch sides to get 25 extra perks speaks volumes.  Why a few people would show up to investigate a dot, hmmm, hard to figure that one out.  Taking a shot at AH saying it doesn't police it's environment for wrong doing might just earn you a png.  Aside from the fact that it is wrong.  I give the whole thing 3/10.  A good and classic whine, encompassing a few popular items, but in the end turns out to be barely intelligible.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2007, 02:39:08 PM by pluck »
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« Reply #102 on: September 11, 2007, 02:46:23 PM »
i've been in the area of this crap before. very fustrating not being able to shoot down some ahole dropping supplies to his buddies on the other country.

Offline Ack-Ack

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« Reply #103 on: September 11, 2007, 02:49:49 PM »
shoot the supplies.

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« Reply #104 on: September 11, 2007, 03:00:24 PM »
no, get mad, throw a fit, post about it here, demand HTC change the code, and threaten to quit if they don't!!!1
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