Author Topic: coolest new discovery about TrackIR yet!  (Read 971 times)

Offline HomeBoy

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coolest new discovery about TrackIR yet!
« on: July 19, 2007, 07:27:22 PM »
Ok, I don't promise that you will benefit from this but the two of us who have tried it certainly have.

I have had TrackIR4 for over a year now and I have always experienced a bit and sometimes a lot of stuttering and "stickiness" from time to time.  With 4.1 build 30 came the famous "lap snap" problem where the view would suddenly snap to your lap when you would look away or turn your head just right.  When the view would begin to stick, I often would have to use my view hat to force the view past the "sticking point."  I experienced this both with my old computer as well as my new one.

The problem is solved!  I was reading through a post at the NaturalPoint forum and a guy was complaining about a very similar behavior.  Vincent told the guy to try upping the priority of the TrackIR.exe process.   Ahhh!  The light came on.  That makes sense.  Sure enough, that did it!  It is so smooth and fluid now I just can't believe it!  It's like a new piece of hardware.  It seems a lot faster now too!  My squaddie said the same thing.  So, give it a try and see what you think.  It's simple as can be to try.  Just right-click on the task bar and bring up Task Manager.  Find the TrackIR.exe process and right-click on it.  Go down to "Set Priority" and change it from "Normal" to "AboveNormal."  Simple as that.  Warning:  don't go above that or you'll be hitting the reset button.  Also, don't try this with other processes (e.g. aceshigh.exe   hee hee) as you can't just be running around changing the process priorities without bad things happening.

One negative (maybe it just bothers programmers) is changing the process priority is temporary.  If you reboot your machine, the priority of TrackIR.exe goes back to "Normal."  I have written a VB Script that sets the priority when you run it.  Since I use FSautoStart to fire off Aces High, I simply put this program in to get started when AH does.  Sweet!  Works like a charm.  Here is the program:

'setTIRpriority.vbs -- Sets the priority of TrackIR.exe to AboveNormal
' Usage:
' setTIRpriority.vbs -- Sets priority of TrickIR.exe to "AboveNormal"
' setTIRpriority.vbs Normal -- Sets priority of TrickIR.exe to "Normal"

Const progName = "TrackIR.exe"

Const RealTime = 128
Const High = 256
Const AboveNormal = 32768
Const Normal = 32
Const BelowNormal = 16384
Const Low = 64

' Check the command line for "Normal", else set to "AboveNormal"
set args = Wscript.Arguments
If args.Count = 1 Then
priority = Normal
priority = AboveNormal
End If
strComputer = "."
set objWMIService = getObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name = '" & progName & "'")

For Each objProcess in colProcesses

I created a directory "C:\bin" to store little utilities like this that I write.  I call this one "setTIRpriority.vbs."

To set up FSAutoStart to run the program for you, click the "Configure" button and  click "Add" in the "Auto Launch the following programs after starting main app:" section.  Because this is a VB Script, you can't call it directly.  You have to use the Windows Command program (cmd.exe).  So, in the "Program" section you will want to type this path:


In the "Command Line" field is where you tell cmd.exe to call your VB Script.  Here is what you type in that field:

/c C:\bin\setTIRpriority.vbs

The "/c" tells cmd.exe to run your script.

Leave the delay set to "0"  but change the "Delay before auto starting other programs:" to "10".  That's plenty of time to wait before running the script.

Hope this helps you if your experiencing any sort of sluggishness with TIR.

Let me know if this helps you.

The Hay Street Boys

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Locking in downview
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2007, 03:00:59 PM »
I had the same problem, but I solved it with editing the pitch view to a higher setting so I wouldn't have to tip my head as far.  What was happing was the bottom  two reflectors were getting cut off from the IR detector. Then it would lock up.  Just my 2 cents.


Offline HomeBoy

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« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2007, 03:13:17 PM »
That's a different problem
The Hay Street Boys

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coolest new discovery about TrackIR yet!
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2007, 09:24:34 PM »
Changing the priority of TrackIR as Homeboy suggests has worked great for me also.  One of the complaints about TrackIR is that you can't check your 6 as quickly as with the AH view system using the hat switch.  Upping the priority of TIR speeds it up a lot.   You do have to learn to turn your head a liitle slower when just looking around but that's an easy adaptation.

Thanks Homeboy:aok
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Offline SIK1

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coolest new discovery about TrackIR yet!
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2007, 11:20:19 AM »
Homeboy, I tried this the other day and it does make the trackir faster and more fluid.

The problem I had was that I got discoed after flying for about 15 minutes both times I had changed the priority.  The third time I logged on I didn't change the priority I flew for more than an hour without a disco. Is this related or a differant issue?

The other question I have is can I just cut and paste your code into a folder, and then set up fsautostart the way you show.

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Offline HomeBoy

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coolest new discovery about TrackIR yet!
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2007, 12:05:36 PM »
Originally posted by SIK1
Homeboy, I tried this the other day and it does make the trackir faster and more fluid.

Yep, it definitely works!


The problem I had was that I got discoed after flying for about 15 minutes both times I had changed the priority.  The third time I logged on I didn't change the priority I flew for more than an hour without a disco. Is this related or a differant issue?

Sounds like your network connection is on the "edge" and upping the priority of TIR pushes you over that edge.   Have you run pingplotter on your connection to see what the problems might be?  

Also, TIR requires a pretty powerful computer.  People say otherwise but I disagree.   If your computer specs are not on the high end, that could cause the problem you describe as well.  Cutting down on the number of processes that are running when you start AH (that's the primary purpose of fsautostart of course) will make a big difference here too.  Skuzzy says you can get down to about 20-21 processes.  I haven't been able to get my system trimmed that much but it hasn't been a problem for me so I haven't tried that hard.

I have been using this setup for about a week now without any discos or problems of any kind.


The other question I have is can I just cut and paste your code into a folder, and then set up fsautostart the way you show?

What you want to do is create a file with Notepad called "setTIRpriority.vbs" and put it somewhere on your HD.  Cut and paste my program into that file and set up fsautostart to reference it the way I describe.

Hope that helps ya!  Good luck on your network issue.   Have you checked the other threads on pingplotter?  Some are very helpful.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 12:14:00 PM by HomeBoy »
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coolest new discovery about TrackIR yet!
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2007, 12:38:42 PM »
Thanks for your help.:aok  

I'm not sure what's going on with the discos for the longest time I never was, and then in the last few months I'm getting 2 or 3 for the ten hours or so I fly a month.

I have been following the connection issue threads, and this does seem to be an issue with several people recently.

My system is not bleeding edge but I have been using trackir for about a year now with out any real performance issue, but maybe like you said by pushing the priority is effecting my connection.

BTW I am down to 26 processes running with fsautostart.
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FS autostart
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2007, 01:37:59 PM »
I'm on the learning curve with the FS autostart.  Autostart was crashing with an error message something about c: drive etc.  I found an older version that seems to be working well.  Setting the priorities made a big difference too!!  Glad I found this info.  I still need more info about Autostart.

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coolest new discovery about TrackIR yet!
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2007, 07:25:40 AM »
Hi Homeboy,

I've tried bumping the TIR priority and it does help. Great advice.

I see you have CH stuff too. Do you use CH Manager and a map file?

If you do, do you start it running with FS Autostart?

And if so, how do you set FS Autostart to "download" the map file?

Sorry for the many questions. At this point I run FS Autostart to shut down a lot of stuff but I don't know how to get the CH map file downloaded.

Thanks and best regards.

Offline HomeBoy

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« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2007, 08:50:49 AM »
Hi Oldsport,
Glad you're seeing improvement with the priority change.  I am thrilled with how mine is working now!

Ok, CH setup.
I use the CM Control Center (that comes with the Command Manager install) to start my map.  It places an icon on the System Tray when it starts up making it easy to load different maps, etc.   CMCC can be placed in your "startup" folder and will start automatically when you start your machine.  You can configure it to "Start in Mapped Mode" which will load the last loaded map.   Works great and provides a very convenient way to access your maps with very little overhead.  The great thing about CMCC is if you decide to play MS Flight Simulator for a while, you can simply click that icon, change the map and you're done.  That map will stay loaded even if you reboot because CMCC will load the most recently loaded map at startup automatically.  You can then come back to Aces High and do the same thing.  CMCC simply loads the most recently loaded map at bootup time.  Very simple.  IMHO it is THE way to do it.  Using CMCC will eliminate getting FSAutostart involved in the starting of your map which I think is much better.

Hope that helps you.  Feel free to PM me if you have further questions.  I am an old hand with CH stuff and have been a beta tester for a couple of the Command Manager versions.  If you haven't discovered the CH Hangar, you ought to check out their forum too.  There are lots of very helpful people that frequent that site.   Bob Church, the author of Command Manager monitors the forum and answers many of the questions himself.  They are great folks.  (BTW, I am known as "snomhf" over there.)

Best of luck!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2007, 09:54:31 AM by HomeBoy »
The Hay Street Boys

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coolest new discovery about TrackIR yet!
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2007, 02:32:30 PM »
Hi Homeboy,

Thanks a lot for the CH advice.

Here's the deal. I run my CH stick, throt. and peds with a .map file from CH Control Manager v 3.6, which I believe is ancient history. When v. 4.0 came out, prolly more than a year ago, I tried it, but it would not read my .map file, and I am not a programmer. I wasn't too excited about down-loading a compatible profile that would require me to learn all the buttons again, so I just went back to the old v. 3.6 .map file.

But I will lurk around the forums of the link you posted and see if there is a better way. Thanks again.

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Re: coolest new discovery about TrackIR yet!
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2007, 08:37:54 PM »
Originally posted by HomeBoy
Ok, I don't promise that you will benefit from this but the two of us who have tried it certainly have.
Hope this helps you if your experiencing any sort of sluggishness with TIR.
Let me know if this helps you.

Did it ever help - great! So far so good.
But I have a question and I'm not sure where to start.
I just moved over to WindowsXP on my Mac with 'Bootcamp' to play AH.
I was wondering if you could point me to any white papers that helps me with processes. I'm not sure which to turn off or leave on without screwing everything up.
FSautoStart works great with your suggestions but you did all the work. I'm clueless!
Appreciate any help and pointers for a nooB.
Peter (aka hrdhrd)
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coolest new discovery about TrackIR yet!
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2007, 09:28:37 PM »
Hey homeboy, have you ever played around with Freetrack at all? I've got a set up going at home with a cheap webcam and its very hard to get used to - im not convinced yet. Done lots of tweaking of settings and have improved it immeasurably and practiced lots (check 6 view).

Anyways - wonder if your priority mod will work for FreeTrack?
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