Author Topic: 200 mph (or kmh) bug?  (Read 344 times)

Offline Sincraft

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200 mph (or kmh) bug?
« on: July 21, 2007, 04:27:12 PM »
Seems like esp in the 262 and p51 - you can drop your speed pretty rapidly to about 200, then after amount of rudder and 0 throttle can slow you below that 'mark'.  I also noticed that while in a 262, I was able to hold a 10 second knife edge at 200mpg (almost complete knife) and was actually INCREASING in speed.

Something is not right there.

Not to mention, there is some serious bobbing with the controls on the 262 on approach with the most minor changes on the stick, while at takeoff you can barely get the thing to react.  Now this may just be a nuance that I'm not understanding but the knife edge and 'stuck' 200mph issue seems to be real.


Offline NHawk

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200 mph (or kmh) bug?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2007, 06:41:34 AM »
If you're talking about when you land, I see this all the time. People coming in hot and bouncing down the runway or breaking their gear.

Your glide slope is to steep for those planes. A general rule of thumb is 500fpm decent rate. Which is actually pretty shallow and depending on your altitude could start WAY out but 15 miles out is a good distance from around 7000 ft AGL. And don't forget flaps.
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Offline Bosco123

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200 mph (or kmh) bug?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2007, 11:05:37 AM »
well here is what I do when I land somthing with a nose gear.
2: gear

the next thin you do is set your glide angle which is usally at a down angle to keep some speed.
next once over the runway pull up to keep the nose gear up and slow the speed let it land itself play with the throttle in the process so that it keeps some speed

I usally have more than enough controlls to get the 262 down

as for the 51 almost the same thing but keep the airplane level at 200 you should have 1 flaps lowerd and pulling hard elevator to the point were its shaking like carzy that will slow the speed down or another way is to come down at full throttle all the way to the runway do a loop and at the pak of the loop pull flaps so that will slowit down also do the same thing with the 262 and the 163 and you wont have a problem with speed
Skifurd AKA "Bosco"
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200 mph (or kmh) bug?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2007, 12:03:51 PM »
Use the flaps on the 262.  They start coming out at about 300 or so.  Each notch will get your speed slow enough at idle throttle to get the next notch out.  If you're still too hot on approach, some hard S turns will bleed off speed.

Just don't expect to make a straight in landing if you're coming into the field at 500 KIAS less than 5 miles from the field.