Author Topic: Bomber Town  (Read 1481 times)

Offline 68slayr

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Bomber Town
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2007, 11:11:31 PM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum

lol you beat me too it karaya :D

Offline Oleg

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Bomber Town
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2007, 02:10:57 AM »
HTC need perk 3-buffs formations, after that nobody will have problems with using bomber perks.
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."
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Offline Hazard69

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« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2007, 04:32:07 AM »
Originally posted by Oleg:
HTC need perk 3-buffs formations, after that nobody will have problems with using bomber perks.  


Maybe we can also have a perked dive bomber formation option. I mean these drones (on aircraft like Val, Stuka, Dauntless etc.) will maintain formation in a steep dive (or maybe change to a trail formation during a dive) and allow more effective dive bombing, whilst encouraging usage to these aircraft (reducing some hangar queens):rolleyes: .I am waiting to torp CVs in a formation of Kates (dont know why formations are not enabled on a bomber that needs them the most ::mad: ).
This ofcourse would only be useful, after neutering the heavy bomber's dive bombing abuse:o . My personal suggestion is that vertical speed should be within 100ft/min for successful bomb release from the heavy buffs.

Just a thought.:aok
<S> Hazardus

The loveliest thing of which one could sing, this side of the Heavenly Gates,
Is no blonde or brunette from a Hollywood set, but an escort of P38s.

Offline C(Sea)Bass

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« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2007, 04:04:58 PM »
Originally posted by Mr No Name
According to Boeings website the B-17 actually had a 4,000 ft alt advantage over the B-29.  (B-17 at 35,600 feet vs. B-29 at 31,850 feet)

The B-29 was 78 MPH faster though.

Its a shame that such a historically important bird isn't here.  The lancaster had a ceiling of 24,500 but I have had them above 32K with bombs onboard lol.

The B-17's service ceiling was around 35k, but was rarely used over 25k.

Offline tedrbr

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« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2007, 09:08:16 PM »
Originally posted by Oleg
HTC need perk 3-buffs formations, after that nobody will have problems with using bomber perks.

Nerfing the buffs does nothing but further reduce bomber use in the game.   Take up a lone bomber sometime and see how effective you will be with it over a contested airfield.  

Lone buff = cold meat.  

Perk points are supposed to be a reward to players for doing well in order to take up better rides as they can afford.  Using perks to purchase an additional 1 to 3 drones, to the standard 2, is a reward.  
Requiring all drones have a perk price is a Nerf to the bombers across the board, or at the very least, just coming up with a perk sink for buff perks just to have a perk sink other than the Arado..... no benefit to the buff drivers at all.

Those that think buffs in formation are "too strong" are either using poor tactics, or picking the wrong planes, to go after the bombers.  A patient buff hunter with proper plane and tactics usually has the edge.  Two or more fighters working together can tear a formation apart.

Remember, during WWII, bomber operated in formations of 60 to 1,000 planes with escorts.  In game, getting a mission together for bombers is difficult enough..... getting escorts for those buffs even harder still.  The drones give buff drivers some chance against the good buff interceptors that are out there.

Offline AAolds

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« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2007, 10:07:29 PM »
Originally posted by tedrbr
Those that think buffs in formation are "too strong" are either using poor tactics, or picking the wrong planes, to go after the bombers.  A patient buff hunter with proper plane and tactics usually has the edge.  Two or more fighters working together can tear a formation apart.

Remember, during WWII, bomber operated in formations of 60 to 1,000 planes with escorts.  In game, getting a mission together for bombers is difficult enough..... getting escorts for those buffs even harder still.  The drones give buff drivers some chance against the good buff interceptors that are out there.

From my experience, you are right, given a decent plane and using some tactics, bomber formations are not all that tough to take down.  I like the idea of being able to purchase additional buffs.  Some perks ord like napalm (which was used in WWII) would be great.  Though I wonder how the game would account for fire since at present you can fly or drive thru fire with no ill effect.
The AArch AAngelz is its own country, we owe loyalty only unto ourselves and those we fly with at the moment.---AAolds AArch AAngelz XO.

I love to GV and do Jabo missions vs GVs, get used to it.  Being good at one helps in the other.

Offline C(Sea)Bass

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« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2007, 11:28:15 PM »
would napalm really do anything to gvs or hangers? I always thought of it as an anti-infantry weapon.

Offline thndregg

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« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2007, 01:00:34 AM »
Originally posted by tedrbr
Those that think buffs in formation are "too strong" are either using poor tactics, or picking the wrong planes, to go after the bombers.  A patient buff hunter with proper plane and tactics usually has the edge.  Two or more fighters working together can tear a formation apart.

How well I know. I've been jumped by the best of them (right Simaril?:D )
However, they help me become a bettter gunner.
Former C.O. 91st Bombardment Group (Heavy)
"The Ragged Irregulars"

Offline Oleg

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« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2007, 01:23:32 AM »
I misread something or they trying to learn me how to intercept buffs? :huh

Perking formations must force ppl to fly buffs more historical - higher and with escort fighter(s) and decrease number of suicide bomber runs (which prevails at arenas right now).
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."
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Offline DaddyAck

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Re: Bomber Town
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2007, 01:24:02 AM »
Originally posted by Uriel
I understand that some people love the good old furball, but there is a whole lot of furball and not enough war. Bombing is what wins wars.

Please either:
A. let bombers spend their perk points on fighters
B. add perk points for flying and fighting at real war alts.. like 20k
C. create an arena that encourages high alts perhaps centalized high alt bases so we dont have to climb for an hour in a bomber

the dogfight should happen at 15-25 k, it happens at 5
you have a fighter town, you have a tanker town, where is bomber town?

Where do these ideas come from? I am at work and have been al night and even in my tired stuppor I see no need for any of this!

A).Bomber perks are for bombers, if they were not then you would just have generic perks.
B).I as well as most decent Buff pilots make our runs at 20K+ in alt, why do you need an incentive for survival?
C).Just why? Thats all I can say.  You want to encourage Hi alt fights stay high and pick the low gus as they climb to you, eventually they will fly higher to try and intecept you. Besides they already split up the good ol' MA to is currently scattered state, why add another split? Unless your intent is another milker's paradise.

Offline AAolds

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« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2007, 10:22:25 AM »
Originally posted by C(Sea)Bass
would napalm really do anything to gvs or hangers? I always thought of it as an anti-infantry weapon.

Having a run way that is engulfed in fire should make the taking off of aircraft nearly impossible due all that flamable fuel they carry.  GV driving thru fire might survive but the crew more than likely would not.
The AArch AAngelz is its own country, we owe loyalty only unto ourselves and those we fly with at the moment.---AAolds AArch AAngelz XO.

I love to GV and do Jabo missions vs GVs, get used to it.  Being good at one helps in the other.

Offline BaldEagl

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« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2007, 10:26:23 AM »
Originally posted by AAolds
Having a run way that is engulfed in fire should make the taking off of aircraft nearly impossible due all that flamable fuel they carry.  GV driving thru fire might survive but the crew more than likely would not.

But none of that's coded into the game.  You can go and sit in the very center of a fire forever in a GV right now.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline tedrbr

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« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2007, 10:41:46 AM »
Originally posted by Oleg
I misread something or they trying to learn me how to intercept buffs? :huh

Perking formations must force ppl to fly buffs more historical - higher and with escort fighter(s) and decrease number of suicide bomber runs (which prevails at arenas right now).

Perking formations would just RESULT in bombers not being flown much.  Getting coordinated team efforts in the War Arenas is hard now.  Trying to herd a bunch of players together to run bomber missions "more historically" much more often than the scattered missions seen these days would be an impossible task.  You won't force them to fly more historical..... you might force them to fly Jabos more, which have a chance of getting through solo more than a lone buff does.

Changing game mechanics in an attempt to get the players to do what you want them to do, rarely works as intended.  

Also, remember, many high altitude buff drivers launch their mission, then go away from keyboard for a while as buff climb to altitude.   How do you keep a formation of singleton's together that way?  You don't.  

I'll agree that there are many suicide bombers now, but that comes from not having anything other than the Arado to spend buff perk point on:  no real incentive to land the bombers.  The Arado is one of the least flown planes in the game, tour after tour.  It's not a bad plane, just very limited in abilities in regards to the rest of the game, and not many pilots seem to like it.
If there were 1 or 2 other perk worthy bombers out there in the game, it might lower the number of bomb and bails.

Offline AAolds

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« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2007, 11:01:06 AM »
ted makes some great points.  I love AR234 and fly it often, but I agree 100% that is it limited in its effective application--the payload it carries makes great for dar killin, town softening, scouting, and GV bombing....which takes practice and some luck to hit GVs with the AR234.
The AArch AAngelz is its own country, we owe loyalty only unto ourselves and those we fly with at the moment.---AAolds AArch AAngelz XO.

I love to GV and do Jabo missions vs GVs, get used to it.  Being good at one helps in the other.

Offline AAolds

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« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2007, 11:02:09 AM »
Originally posted by BaldEagl
But none of that's coded into the game.  You can go and sit in the very center of a fire forever in a GV right now.

Currently you are 100% correct.
The AArch AAngelz is its own country, we owe loyalty only unto ourselves and those we fly with at the moment.---AAolds AArch AAngelz XO.

I love to GV and do Jabo missions vs GVs, get used to it.  Being good at one helps in the other.