Author Topic: Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief  (Read 627 times)

Offline straffo

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Yes it hurt... (I almost lost my left brain cell    ;) I should not overclock my brain )

I was thinking about the number ,country switcher and CV thief ...

What about linking  rank to the country ?

Exemple : you start TOD 18 as bishop and in the middle of the TOD because of strategie concern (yeah ... you realy LOVE vulching ) and number you decide to switch either crook  or knit ...

What about losing your rank in the process ?
So each time you switch country (in the MA) you are zeroed     :)

No you have to think about the side effect for now I'll have to rest for the end of the week ...     :D

1st side effect it should not reset the perk point cause if you are in a rotraitor squad you will loose your PP each start of month      ;)

<edit 2> changed the title (was to cryptic IMO)
[ 07-09-2001: Message edited by: straffo ]

[ 07-09-2001: Message edited by: straffo ]

Offline Pepe

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Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2001, 04:48:00 AM »

Now If you can only put your right cell to work, you might be a genious, not like me!   :D

I think this is not only an idea, but a NEED!




  • Parolee
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Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2001, 05:22:00 AM »
straffo, I'm stunned, atonished and blinded by so simple, brilliant and excelent idea.
Your left brain side has done one of the most finest services to this comunity.

As a side note, I took a week far from AH and it works, suppose that was another brilliant idea of your left brain side ;D

Offline straffo

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Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2001, 06:45:00 AM »
I try to apply the KISS principle :
Keep It Simple Stupid  :)

Offline AKDejaVu

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Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2001, 07:38:00 AM »
The basic assumption is that a country is low on numbers because people have switched to another country.

Suppose its just a case of not that many people flying for that country one night.  Would this discourage people from switching sides to help that country out?

Would the Dmd have switched to Knit halfway through last tour if it meant all of them losing all of their ranking?

Its just that there is a difference between balance and discouraging people from changing countries frequently.  The two aren't necessarily linked.  


Offline AKSWulfe

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Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2001, 07:44:00 AM »
I think it's a matter of people logging off from the country getting raped... not from people switching sides. Maybe a very small percentage switching sides, but I don't notice too many names on my side switching to another side halfway through the night because our side is getting beat up.

This idea further discourages people from jumping to the side with lower numbers to help out. In fact it discourages people from switching sides altogether and thus you further imbalance the arena.

People log off when they aren't having fun, that's a fact. I do it, Ripsnort does it, many others do it when they simply aren't enjoying their night.

Offline Pepe

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Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2001, 08:08:00 AM »
Well, I think it would be much better trying to balance numbers before each TOD.

I appreciate help when needed, but the best offered in this particular issue would be having Squad CO's trying to balance MA numbers in advance. What happened to that try in this sense that was posted here some time ago?

Once the tour gets going, each side should stick to their respective odds. Then, a perk modification could be set to help the gangbanged country. I see this a better solution than free rotation. And I like a lot Straffo's idea.



Offline straffo

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Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2001, 08:18:00 AM »
Answer to the AKTwins (j/k   :))
The basic assumption is that a country is low on numbers because people have switched to another country.
Not in my mind, it's just an idea perhaps wrong perhaps right we have to imagine the diferents effects on the game.
And your argument is good and valid (for Eurovisions fan : ONE POINT   ;)).
Suppose its just a case of not that many people flying for that country one night.
Completly true ,each sunday when I log I see lot of bish online with a ridiculous number of fields ...
Would this discourage people from switching sides to help that country out?
I've yet to see switching defender ...
Would the Dmd have switched to Knit halfway through last tour if it meant all of them losing all of their ranking?
Obviously no ... that the purpose   ;)

Its just that there is a difference between balance and discouraging people from changing countries frequently.
The two aren't necessarily linked.
Right again it's not a way to balance the arena balancing is just side effect it's more to reduce switching and protect country asset (CV)(1)

I think it's a matter of people logging off from the country getting raped... not from people switching sides. Maybe a very small percentage switching sides, but I don't notice too many names on my side switching to another side halfway through the night because our side is getting beat up.
This idea further discourages people from jumping to the side with lower numbers to help out. In fact it discourages people from switching sides altogether and thus you further imbalance the arena.
As I've said above I don't often see people switching side to help...
People log off when they aren't having fun, that's a fact. I do it, Ripsnort does it, many others do it when they simply aren't enjoying their night.
By not participating in the final gangbang and loging they accelerate the agony of their country (witch is good IMO)

A BIG side effect is if the MA is unbalanced at start of month with this system it should continue the ENTIRE month... btw it's already the case when big squad (2) rotate ...

(1) question how can we in this case deal with the hidden CV syndrome ?
(2) read Dmd ... you are an Dmd fellow an feel guity ... yes you can   :D   ;)

[ 07-09-2001: Message edited by: straffo ]

Offline AKSWulfe

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Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2001, 09:39:00 AM »
My point is that you don't often see huge amounts of people switching to the side(s) with the huge advantage. They'd just assume log off or go to a field where they can have fun. This idea that people switch to the winning side just to get the perk points is in your head. Maybe 3 or 4 people switch sides, but that really isn't much.

This idea does nothing to promote people to switch to the losing side and only screws over people who WOULD switch to the losing side.

Offline sling322

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Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2001, 10:06:00 AM »
Switching to the winning side for perk points is ridiculous.  You dont get any perks unless you have been in the winning country for at least 12 hours prior to the reset.

Offline AN

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Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2001, 10:23:00 AM »
Speaking as one who usually switches when my side has greater numbers (or is just gangbanging, which doesn't necessarily require having greater numbers overall), losing my rank wouldn't affect my decision one little bit.

But then again, rank/score means absolutely nothing to me.

The only thing that does affect my decision is the 12-hour rule--I try not to switch to a side I think will overwhelm the other countries in the next 12 hours.

I do think people should be encouraged to switch to the side with fewer people, should be encouraged to attack heavily defended targets, and should be encouraged to defend heavily attacked targets.

Right now, I think people are encouraged to switch to the side with more people, tend to attack undefended targets, and tend to attack undefended targets (this sentence is correct, just sayin').


Offline Pepe

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Ouch !... I've an idea ...about number ,country switcher and CV thief
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2001, 11:30:00 AM »
I don't think rotation at one's will, anytime is good for gameplay. Not even when a country is gangbanged. That's why I think straffo's idea is good.

I find blocking rotations is too aggressive, but I am definitely in favour of measures agains rotations in the middle of a tour.

IMO, the day the TOD is started, Htc. should set a perk scheme based on numbers, valid for that tour onwards, different for each country, and only appliable to people enlisted at the beginning of the tour.

Ahh! How I hate long working mondays....too much time to give solutions in search of a problem!    :D

See ya in 120 minutes   :)
