Author Topic: the revenge kill  (Read 1240 times)

Offline Kami

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the revenge kill
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2007, 07:16:28 PM »
I had upped an ostie on a base that had a bish horde over it and was raking in the kills.  Well I noticed that I killed a certain pilot twice in a row but thought nothing of it.  Shortly thereafter while firing on everyone I hear bomb whistles and tried to evade but failed.  Same pilot had came back with bombs for my smart butt.  I just had to laugh, because I know I would do the same thing if the  roles were reversed.  Gotta love this game.

Offline Saxman

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the revenge kill
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2007, 07:16:44 PM »
Warlock: It doesn't take much skill to blow across a field in a Pony at ludicrous speed with cons at ones' back without taking a hit.

That's seriously lame. However I love those guys who pop up in an La-7 after I shoot them down to try running me down when I'm rtb, and give me another kill. ;)

I've hunted specific targets due to dweebery on the intended victim's part before, but I don't try to run him down before he can land his kill and dammed if I die in the process. I pick out where he's operating, figure out his M/O, and put myself in a position to catch him next time through. Went all the way up to 25k to hunt down an alt-monkey Tempest dweeb who wouldn't come down and kept picking guys from a 20k perch during the course of 5-6 sorties once, and patrolled the flight path he was using for 15mins only to find out he had moved to a different part of the map after the 6th sortie. :p

I'll tell you one thing though, you sure as hell didn't want to be a Typhoon where I was operating that's for sure. :D
« Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 07:19:11 PM by Saxman »
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline toonces3

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the revenge kill
« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2007, 07:17:22 PM »
He didn't get under my skin.  He's shot me down enough times.  This isn't about me.

Second, we didn't vulch the field.  We weren't trying to CAP the base.  

Finally, there was a very brief exchange on 200.

The revenge guy is a good stick, I already told you that.  

Maybe there is more to the story.  Who knows, maybe one or both of these guys will chime in with their side of the story.

I didn't say anyone was in the wrong here.  I didn't say that anything was unfair.  Just curious to what lengths folks will go to get a revenge kill, that's all.
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the revenge kill
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2007, 07:47:44 PM »
LOL revenge kill, if some moron has to chase me that far to kill me while landing a beat up plane then he has some serious issues. Fair fight or not. I could care less if I land his scalps. I'd be ROFLMAO just knowing that person got that upset he died in a game. It amazes me what some people do in this game.
  Retired from AH

Offline pluck

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the revenge kill
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2007, 08:07:06 PM »
though I can appreciate an rtb, If I see someone chasing me, I'm not gonna keep running.  Obviously he wanted some action, the chaser is thinking...."fine you don't want to fight me after i've flown all this way, then i'm gonna shoot you in your ack." Personally I have very little sympathy for anyone getting shot down, much less someone who is avoiding a fight for whatever reason.  It's just a game, the point being to fight. complaining cause you can't land your kills sounds more like crying because you score is suffering and no one can see you name in lights.
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Offline WaRLoCkL

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the revenge kill
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2007, 08:11:03 PM »
Well revenge kills are awsome, I dont really do alot of them but i will go back after the plane that took me out of a furball, and if the Muppets are around then i most definetly gun for them, cause i know they are gunning for me, My best fights are when me and agent360 link up in the air. but i always get afraid and know i have to watch my six if i get in on him, cause there will be a muppet from somewhere to make me regret it. but i will just re up and hunt them down again.

Offline Tango

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the revenge kill
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2007, 08:11:31 PM »
I got mine tonight. Trukk and I were in 38s and had a few LAs and Spits come up at us. We were covering each other back toward our AF when a 262 [Fringe] comes in. I had 2 choices, turn and lose me E and have to deal withe Spits and LAs or wait and jinkwhen he comes in. I jinked and lost my wing.

We uped from the AF [after a break] when we realized there was an enemy carrier there. I up a P-40E and low and behold the first kill I got was Fringe in a Spit.

I think I hurt Trukk's hearing on TS with a WHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
« Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 08:43:18 PM by Tango »
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the revenge kill
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2007, 10:04:37 PM »
I still remember the revenge kill of several years ago.......yes in B17's of course...flew and fought my way into and out of a base ..very intense....I escaped with one shot up B17 seven kills and a prayer........wiith home base in sight.. on final... wheels down  skies clear ......bang!!!! im dead!!!!
seems  "Goose" who was one of my 7 kills hunted me down low on the deck screaming fast for a bout 5 mintues to catch me landing!!!I had to tip my hat on a job well done!

Offline moneyguy

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the revenge kill
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2007, 10:25:50 PM »
if it pisses the other guy all for it  :aok

Offline xbrit

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the revenge kill
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2007, 10:39:50 PM »
Toonces if he didn't get under your skin why are you writing about it here?? and if you say it's not about you it's about your friend , can he not write ?
It's a game you killed him he killed "your buddy" so what up another plane and carry on fighting.

Offline Stoney74

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the revenge kill
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2007, 11:10:35 PM »
Originally posted by xbrit
Toonces if he didn't get under your skin why are you writing about it here?? and if you say it's not about you it's about your friend , can he not write ?

Gents, I was the squadmate that got whacked.  I got mad and then promptly got over it.

Offline toonces3

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the revenge kill
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2007, 11:34:05 PM »
No need to single yourself out.  What we chatted about on vox was perfectly valid.

You didn't come off mad.  You came off questioning, like me, why someone would go through the trouble.

I'll take the rest to PM.

See ya,
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Offline Coshy

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the revenge kill
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2007, 11:48:17 PM »
I had this happen to me a few weeks ago. I was in B26's porking ords on a couple fields on ndisles before our CV got too close.

I made 2 passes knocking out ords and had started turning to egress when 3 enemies caught up to me. 1 was a Niki and I think the other 2 were spits. All 3 got shot down as they chose a dead 6 approach, but I lost my 2 drones in the exchange and got a fuel leak on my lead plane. One was from the OreO squad.

So in a single, leaking B26 I decide to dive down to the deck and land on the CV which was 2 sectors away. About half a sector from the CV I look back and see a LA7 5.5 out and closing. Uh oh. Check the rear guns, only a handful of rounds left, definately not enough. Up ahead I see someone upping from our CV and ask if he can give me a hand clearing my 6. He says he will give it a go.

The friendly Zero blows past and makes a HO at the La7. Missed, and the La7 keeps right on coming. I pass over the lead destroyer and make a hard right turn over the CV with the La7 in hot pursuit. I see pieces of the La7s wing come off and think I'm home free. But noooooo ..... Ping, ping, ping, Tower. It was the OreO guy.

He flew half a sector to where I shot him down, then 2 more sectors to catch up to me and eventually shoot me down after getting his wing blown off and just before he crashed into the ocean.

Then the weirdiest thing happened ....

I got in a BRAND SPANKING NEW cartoon airplane and continued flying.:aok
Currently flying as "Ruger"

Offline Bruv119

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the revenge kill
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2007, 01:13:05 AM »
What about the avenging of the revenge kill.....

As his squaddie you should have hunted this guy down and killed him some more!
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Offline Flatbar

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the revenge kill
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2007, 03:21:42 AM »
Someone tried to do this to me a few weeks ago. On NDISLES I was RTB'ing very low on fuel with 6 scalps to A10 from A9.

 As I was about to flair for landing I saw the base ack start shooting towards the North. I looked and saw an LaLa on the deck just as he had to go over a tree and his icon showed.

I hit wep, pulled in flaps and gear turned into him and defeated his initial pass. Grabed a bit while he was reversing out of ack range and managed to get a ping on him during his second attempt, then the field ack chewed him up.

When the kill message showed up I got the biggest scat eating grin on my face, he was number 6 AND 7.

Kills like that are among the most satisfying in the game.