Author Topic: the revenge kill  (Read 1239 times)

Offline xbrit

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the revenge kill
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2007, 06:06:26 AM »
Originally posted by Stoney74
Gents, I was the squadmate that got whacked.  I got mad and then promptly got over it.

Stoney like you said "got mad and got over it" this other guy brings it to the BBS ??

Offline Oldman731

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the revenge kill
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2007, 07:23:39 AM »
Originally posted by toonces3
I'm not suggesting what anyone did was 'wrong' or 'unfair'.  I would characterize it as 'lame' but that's just my opinion.

Shooting someone who's in the landing pattern is lame, so far as I'm concerned.  

Having said that, I have chased people who really irritated me into their own ack, just to make sure I get them BEFORE they entered the landing pattern.

One night I caught two guys building their scores by having a friendly "please shoot me down" engagement (they told me it was "a squad event").  I politely stayed out of their match, then made certain that I killed the survivor before he could land the kills.  That one felt very good, so good that I am just a bit embarrassed to admit it.

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Offline Kazaa

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the revenge kill
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2007, 07:59:20 AM »
I love the revenge kill, after 7-8 times in a row it doesn't fell as good  though. :aok

I lie, yes it does :D

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Offline Stoney74

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the revenge kill
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2007, 08:04:03 AM »
Originally posted by xbrit
Stoney like you said "got mad and got over it" this other guy brings it to the BBS ??

He's a newer player that's trying to understand what the accepted boundaries of conduct are among the community.  It was an honest question.

Offline shamroc

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« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2007, 08:12:56 AM »
....killing a guy twice - nothing is funnier than that - like kill the guy once (fairly), and he ups again for payback, and you kill him again.

About 1.5 years ago I remember flying in a small mission to capture a base on the then new donut map.  Very well known "ace stick" (whom I won't name) upped an LA-7 to shoot me down in my Mosquito (I was working the town).

To note: there were other fighters in the immediate area, on the deck, but he chose to pick the "easiest" target.   I guess he was thinking he'd start his Fabulous Ace Run with the soft warmup target, then come back around and kill everyone else.

Well, he completely underestimated my Mossie, and I roped him and blew him away real easy.

Enraged, he announced on 200 that I had just signed "my death warrant", and he was coming back to get me.  It was like as if he thought his handle/reputation would intimidate me or something.

What did I do ?  I flew to the field and vulched him headon, just as he came wheels up off the runway.

Of course my squaddies were ROTFL, along with a lot of other people who saw what happened.

Landing those 20-some perks was sweet... but, the best part of all was the silence that followed - the guy in question logged off immediately - probably went to the kitchen, grabbed the broom, and started sweeping.


Offline Shuffler

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the revenge kill
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2007, 08:18:50 AM »

I put a target on top of my canopy.... figured since I get killed so much I would make it more painless.

I have also perfected the art of landing just off the tarmac for a ditch in cases where someone, anyone is trying to kill me.

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« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 08:45:14 AM by Shuffler »
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Offline LYNX

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the revenge kill
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2007, 08:32:26 AM »
One of my funnier revenge kills went like this

We were trying to capture a field with some stiff opposition.  No biggy because we were near reset.  I'm in a KI61 and attack and shoot down a c205.

Well you know those bananas that hold the trigger down in a decapitated plane.  You know the one's.  The complete hoper avacados.  Well this avacado actually lucky as maybe blows me wing off.  That's the first and only time in 5 years of playing that I've been hit by one of these idiots.

So I go :rolleyes: "buggery lucky lucky barstud" to meself prepaired to let it go BUT then the idiot who's name forsakes me, types on 200 "lol  lynx".  Well friends that was it.  Screw the reset and screw this nonce above all else.  I was  :furious

So I up again and shoot the tosser down 4 times consecutively in 1 sortie.  I hate those bananas.

Offline dedalos

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Re: the revenge kill
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2007, 08:39:23 AM »
Originally posted by toonces3
Hey all,
The revenge kill is an awesome thing.  Nothing is more satisfying than killing someone that killed you; it's especially sweet if you got killed in some BS manner.

Last night a teammate got revenge killed.  I thought it was kind of a BS thing to do, and I wanted to throw it out there to the crowd.

Me and a couple other guys flew over to an enemy base that was empty.  It was about a sector and a half flight.  We were dispersed a bit but still supporting, maybe 2-6k apart, flying about 15k up.  Anyway, eventually some bad guys started upping and we hung out until they got some altitude before we started getting into some fights.  Eventually there were 4 friendlies there including me and the bad guy dar bar just exploded.  One of my buds shot down a well-known, high rank player in a fair fight.  After the fight, he got shot up by another bad guy and we all decided to egress.  Unfortunately, based on how we all got separated during the melee, 2 of my teammates egressed to a different base than me.  I landed and then went to the tower as my buddies were a few miles out from their field.

My bud that got shot had to throttle back to keep from running out of gas on the way home- he was in a hellcat.  This well-known, high ranked player apparently re-upped a Pony, took off and flew flat out to catch my buddies RTB'ing.  

Now, by the time we had left, other friendlies had flown in to the evolving furball over the enemy base and there were other guys to shoot down.  Instead, revenge guy flew a sector and a half to our friendly field to shoot my buddy down.  That in and of itself isn't so BS though.  I'd probably do it if I was mad enough.  But this guy flew a sector and a half into the field ack.  My buddy evaded his pass, although he was slow and damaged and essentially out of gas at this point.  A couple friendlies got on the high ranked guys tail and were rapidly closing, yet this guy pressed his attack and shot the tail off my buddy's hellcat on short final on his second pass, about 3 seconds before getting shot down himself.

My bud was kinda upset by this, and I tended to agree with what he said.  While there's nothing inherently unfair about what happened, I have to wonder why someone would essentially commit cartoon suicide in order to get a revenge kill.  I dunno.  I like to kill the guy that killed me as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to kill myself trying to do it.  

What do you guys think?

Right when I begin to like you, you post something like this :rofl

I bet you, if you asked the bad guy the story maybe different.  Maybe in his eyes he got got ganged by a couple of high cons while he was low and slow after take off and then they tried to run home :rofl

Not saying it is what happened.  He might have seen it that way

BTW, there is no fur ball over a field.  Thats called picking on the low guys taking off.  Very close to vulching with out the ack thread.
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Offline straffo

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Re: the revenge kill
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2007, 08:58:08 AM »
Originally posted by toonces3

What do you guys think?

I think : Muahaha :D

Offline ghi

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the revenge kill
« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2007, 09:02:37 AM »
my best revenge was 1.5-2 years ago, i log in bish out# and rooks were vulching our Comet base, i was trying to up a Comet ,but as i spawned on the runway, :BANG!  system;Shawk shot you down! i was trying again, and i made it up through the vulchers nest and look for that FwD9, he was rtbing, but i've been chassing him 1 sector and vaporized him close to his base,even if i had to dich it out of juice,  that was verry orguzmatic sensation:D

Offline dedalos

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the revenge kill
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2007, 10:02:22 AM »
Originally posted by ghi
my best revenge was 1.5-2 years ago, i log in bish out# and rooks were vulching our Comet base, i was trying to up a Comet ,but as i spawned on the runway, :BANG!  system;Shawk shot you down! i was trying again, and i made it up through the vulchers nest and look for that FwD9, he was rtbing, but i've been chassing him 1 sector and vaporized him close to his base,even if i had to dich it out of juice,  that was verry orguzmatic sensation:D

Ahhhh, yes, the good old hunt the SHawk days.  think he knew that if he vulched me 1 time, it was time to RTB.  I would chase him 3 sectors sometimes going through every ack (a couple of times), HOing his friends that would be upping to save him, so I could kill him landing I
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Simaril

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the revenge kill
« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2007, 10:18:10 AM »
If the question id "What's acceptable AH behavior?" I gotta say, this one's an individual call. I generally don't care who kills me (Lord knows its a long list!) but there are times that revenge feels very sweet.

Funny that this got posted, because I lived it last night. A Tiffy with alt was picking away over our base, and generally taking advantage of people who weren't smart enough to climb out of range. Unfortunately, that included a squaddy who ended up dying twice, once to a HO. I had upped a B-Stang expecting to ignore the tiff, but loyalty made me go back. I ran a standard immel merge with a little less E than he had, and to no surprise he was blasting away below me with the failed HO. Unfortunately, I screwed up badly by being a little to gentle on the pull back, trying to BOTH make up some of my E disadvantage as well as going for the angle -- and as they say, I fell between 2 stools. He was able to pull onto me as he stalled, and nipped by tail off with those hispanos.

So I'm irritated now, because this guy has 4-5 low skill kills, and I screwed up to give him one of them. He decides its time to run away, because he's pizzed off enough guys that there are 3-4 chasers engaging, and 2 of them were co-alt, lower E with him. I upped an LA7 and chased away.

We all caught up 2k off his base. He lands jsut before we get there. but somebody upped a Hurri2C on seeing the radar. He comes after that with a Spit XVI. The guys on the Hurri misplay their hand, and the hurri keeps twisting enough that nobody can kill it. I made several high yo yo passes, but he evades me as welll...and even though I tried to mainatin E and postion for the oncoming XVI I can't get a good line on either. Meanwhile, the XVI starts cleaning up the target fixated freindlies....I make a pass on the hurri just in time to see the last firendly kill it, and then die to the XVI. But, my move to get on the Hurri left me in position and with low enough E that the XVI is only 400 back. I the same joker that had been in the tiff, it turns out (when he lands another 3).

Long story, fun to tell as an AAR. But did anybody do anything "wrong?" Not at all. He had fun alt picking, and I let him get me. My bad. I didn't like him thinking he was skilled, but on the other hand I died to him twice even though I think my tactics were better. I wasn't bad for running to his base to attack. Really, who cares?

If your bud ran so low on fuel that he had to throttle back on egress, well, thats what happens if you stay too long. Its part of SA. If the other guy did something you thought was dweeby, don't forget that YOU LET HIM -- just like I let the tiff take my tail off.

Just as a general note, I've found you do better in life -- and are happier in the long run -- if you focus more on the part you're responsible for (and LEARN FROM IT) and less on the parts you can blame on others.
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Offline hubsonfire

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the revenge kill
« Reply #42 on: August 23, 2007, 10:39:54 AM »
Tell toonces that he just needs to have fun. That is the code of conduct in the community. The game is setup with no rules. Fly to entertain yourself. Only when you're not having fun, are you screwing up.

It's not real life, and you shouldn't be playing a game simply to please other people.
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Offline Sketch

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the revenge kill
« Reply #43 on: August 23, 2007, 10:53:34 AM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
I have flown over 50 miles just to kill a squaddie that I know wanted to land. Your buddy gets no sympathy from me. :)

:rofl :t :D
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Offline toonces3

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the revenge kill
« Reply #44 on: August 23, 2007, 12:03:52 PM »
I feel compelled to reply because I want to make this clear, yet again, so I'm not misunderstood- not that it really matters though.

When I think of 'vulching' a field, that means, to me, making passes at guys either rolling or just off deck over a field, low and slow.  I can assure you that wasn't the case.  I was in a 190A5, Stoney was in a hellcat, the other squaddie was in a Pony D I think.  Not uber rides.  We came in with altitude into a sector with no darbar, in between a few fights.  If I remember the fight correctly, We were outside or just on the radar ring and Stoney got engaged over a ridge at about 12 or 15k.  I didn't even have Stoney in sight, and the other guy was maybe 4k from me.  While Stoney was engaged, the other squaddie got engaged, I flew over to him, by the time I got there it was 2 v 1 against my squaddie, and the fight sort of turned into a furball.  We started with an altitude advantage, true, but not with the intent to start vulching low guys.  While we were there another friendly flew in and the dar bar got huge with red cons everywhere.  Stoney got a kill and then we started our egress.  I dunno, it's sorta a blur now, but I just feel the need to point out that we weren't vulching.

I'm not 'bringing this to the bbs' like you imply, in my opinion.  I didn't name names.  I am not suggesting (for like the 5th time now) that anyone did anything UNFAIR OR WRONG.  I don't think that it's worth flying a suicide mission to revenge kill someone that legitimately shot you down, but that's my opinion.  

To reiterate: I don't have any problem with anyone who chases another person down and shoots them down for any reason whatsoever.  

Stoney, nor I, ever said here or on vox that what the guy did was wrong or unfair.  I don't want to get too into specifics out of respect for privacy about what we say among ourselves, but to paraphrase Stoney he said something like, "Why would someone fly all the way over here to get shot down just because I killed him?"  I wouldn't characterize it as being mad or whining.  

The question in and of itself was interesting to me.  I brought it to the BBS so I could see what other folks thought about revenge killing.  You're putting your own spin on this to make it into a 'what that guy did was wrong' thread, which it isn't.  I've given you the context of the question, that is all.  I could say who it was, but what difference would that make?  The question is still the same, and the guy had every right to do what he wanted which apparently was to shoot Stoney down at any cost.

Finally, not knowing revenge guy's side of the story, for all I know he might feel like he got vulched, might have just wanted to kill us RTB, or was simply heading towards our base anyway.  In my opinion it was a revenge kill because the guy should have broken off if he wanted to live, but he obviously just wanted to press his attack at any cost.

My score and Stoney's score are easy enough to check.  Stoney has like a 1.8 K/D and 80 some kills, I'm about the same.  The killer has well over 550 kills and over a 3 K/D.  Clearly Stoney and I aren't overly concerned about landing our kills for a score or any other measure of performance other than the satisfaction of landing a sortie safely.  Revenge guy with is top 50 rank and very nice score stands far more to lose from a score perspective than either of us.  But maybe he's just really good and doesn't care about score.  

I can only tell you the story from my point of view.  I have made assumptions about the other guy, but I could certainly be wrong.

Sorry for the overly long post.
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