Author Topic: B25 Tank Killer!  (Read 14330 times)

Offline Bronk

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B25 Tank Killer!
« Reply #105 on: October 06, 2007, 10:05:35 AM »
Originally posted by BBBB

 Right now I stand at 15 Kills and 15 Deaths.
 I have 13 Kills in the B-25H and have died 11 times in a B-25H. The kills in the B-25H are as followed.
 3 M16 kills
 1 M3
 1 M8
 2 Osties
 1 Panzer
 1 Seafire
 I have one kill in a B-25C and no deaths. That one kill was in an ostie that was hiding in some trees and would not come out.




Interesting to say the least.

Edit: no kills anywhere else.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2007, 10:18:15 AM by Bronk »
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Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #106 on: October 06, 2007, 12:02:42 PM »
Originally posted by BBBB
You gotta love being called a troll by two of the biggest trolls on the board. Define irony. Lol

 Lush I agree with you. The point I was trying to make here is the B-25H is not some uber tank buster as it is being claimed. There are far better choices out there for killing tanks. I prefer my 38. Each is their own. The only point I have been trying to make is the 75MM gun on the B-25H was not put there to kill tanks. I have had to endure a lot of leg humping from people who haven't really even used it. There are a lot of kill claims going around that are not correct. I am simply trying to explain that. If that is being a troll..then I guess I am a troll.

Okay, is your point that it wasn't put in the game as an AT weapon, or that it is not effective as an AT weapon? This is what you said, and I quote

Guys are not able to take the B-25 H out and just fly tank busting missions. The 75MM on board the aircraft is not a tank killer. Kills made by it are flukes. Nothing more.

That has nothing to do with why the plane was added. It is completely unrelated. Your statement above is what I'm disagreeing with. As for why the plane was added- it was voted in by players. There are probably a thousand reasons, and you might technically be correct. However, there is no way you'll be able to prove that, so we will dismiss your opinion, as you have ours (for lack of proof, of course.)

 However, IRT your original claim, I have flown the plane, more than once, and you are more than welcome to check my stats. You will find the gameID I actually fly under in my signature. I will be the first to state that some of those are ord kills, and some are strafing open top vehicles and M3s, but the majority are 75mm kills. I could probably produce some films, but I don't think you're really interested in facts, having already made up your mind.
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Offline E25280

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« Reply #107 on: October 06, 2007, 02:21:16 PM »
Originally posted by BBBB
You gotta love being called a troll by two of the biggest trolls on the board. Define irony. Lol
Pointing out that someone is talking out of the wrong end of his alimentary canal is not a troll, but a public service.
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Offline BBBB

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« Reply #108 on: October 06, 2007, 04:10:21 PM »
Originally posted by E25280
Pointing out that someone is talking out of the wrong end of his alimentary canal is not a troll, but a public service.

 Because my view on an issue that has not been proven ether way differs from you, that makes me a troll. You guys must get all the chicks with your wit and wisdom. When you grow up, I want to be just like you.


Offline Bronk

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« Reply #109 on: October 06, 2007, 07:28:31 PM »
Originally posted by BBBB
Because my view on an issue that has not been proven ether way differs from you, that makes me a troll. You guys must get all the chicks with your wit and wisdom. When you grow up, I want to be just like you.


What point?
The one where the 75 mm can't outright kill tanks or the inability to make multi kills?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I know, the one where you have no idea what you're talking about.  Good point, numpty.

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Offline sethipus

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« Reply #110 on: October 07, 2007, 03:47:52 AM »
Guys, you're arguing with no point.  Define the question first.

I thought that the argument was over whether the B-25H is somehow overpowered as a tank killer.  If that's not the argument, then what is?  What's really the problem here?

If the question is whether the B-25H is somehow overpowered as a tank killer, I think the stats Spot posted are pretty clear about it - Hell No.

If the question is something else, what is it exactly we're arguing over?

Offline Bronk

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« Reply #111 on: October 07, 2007, 07:40:12 AM »
Originally posted by sethipus
Guys, you're arguing with no point.  Define the question first.

I thought that the argument was over whether the B-25H is somehow overpowered as a tank killer.  If that's not the argument, then what is?  What's really the problem here?

If the question is whether the B-25H is somehow overpowered as a tank killer, I think the stats Spot posted are pretty clear about it - Hell No.

If the question is something else, what is it exactly we're arguing over?

Well now lets have a look see.
First post.
Originally posted by Yarbles
Not sure I understand why but the B25 apparently kills tanks with an HE round? :confused:

Wants to know if a B-25 could kill tanks.
Originally posted by Widewing
Well, the context of the B-25H's usage in the game is often not historic. Then again, Spitfires fighting P-51s and Corsairs isn't historic either. The basis for historical accuracy are the aircraft and vehicles, not the battles they fight. In the game, people will employ assets as they need them.

Had the B-25H had been deployed to the 9th AF, they would have been attacking armor with them. The T13E1/M6 75mm HE round had enough kinetic energy to punch thru thin armor, up to 50mm under certain circumstances at 100 yards as established at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in 1943. At 500 yards it could still penetrate 25mm at 90 degrees. That's just penetration, and does not include the secondary effect of the explosive charge (test rounds at Aberdeen were inert).

Thus, it should not be considered unusual for a B-25H to knock out armor with a well placed or just lucky hit.

My regards,



Originally spewed by BBBB
Sure you can take out an engine, turret or pop a track, but to get a solid one shot, one kill on a tank is more a thing of luck and less an exercise of skill.

Originally posted by BBBB
I am not saying it is not possible to kill a tank with the 75MM gun. I am just saying it is not something that has to do with skill. As in finding an aiming point on a tank and they will pop every time.  

These statements are false. If you aim for certain spots you kill tanks outright. no luck just practice. See films.

Then this load of bs.
Originally leaked by BBBB

 Right now I stand at 15 Kills and 15 Deaths.
 I have 13 Kills in the B-25H and have died 11 times in a B-25H. The kills in the B-25H are as followed.
 3 M16 kills
 1 M3
 1 M8
 2 Osties
 1 Panzer
 1 Seafire
 I have one kill in a B-25C and no deaths. That one kill was in an ostie that was hiding in some trees and would not come out.

 I have a total of 1 hour and 14 mins in the B-25. I flew 19 sorties and killed a total of 14 times in the B-25s.

Total BS he is doing what he claims others are. See my post of sp0t's score, 1 kill 2 deaths.

 I think what is happening is that guys are popping gvers tracks and they are towering. Sure this is a kill, but I don't think it is a direct result of the 75MM gun piercing the tanks hull and killing the guy. My one Panzer kill came from me picking away at this panzer from every angle. By the time he towered out I had taken out his turret, engine and both tracks. I took out his turret first. Then his engine and after that I flew at him from every angle trying to kill him. I did everything I could think of to kill him with that gun. Nothing.

Already covered, because he doesn't know how it's impossible. C'mon now if I can pop a tiger don't ya think a panzer is doable?


Get it now ,troll boie's fragile ego cant take being wrong. so he argues from different angles on the same question.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2007, 07:42:40 AM by Bronk »
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Offline BBBB

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« Reply #112 on: October 07, 2007, 09:22:49 AM »
Sethipus, I see that you are somewhat new here so I will give you a heads up. There are some people on this board who live here. This is there life. If your views do not parallel theirs then you are wrong, you are a troll, you are stupid.

 The best thing you can do when you run across one of these types is click on their profile and hit ignore user. It will save you a whole lot of hassle. Some people in here get their jolly's off by being ******s. There is no cure for them.


Offline Bronk

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« Reply #113 on: October 07, 2007, 10:38:36 AM »
Originally posted by BBBB
WAAAAAAAAAA I'm not wrong, and I'll ignore any who say I am. WAAAAAAAAAA



« Last Edit: October 07, 2007, 11:06:37 AM by Bronk »
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Offline Becinhu

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« Reply #114 on: October 08, 2007, 03:14:12 PM »
I have only killed 1 tank with the 25H, and that was at about 800 yards in the back of the turret (panzer). I have killed ostis by pulling the round down through the top of the turret. I still have yet to disable a tiger at all with the H model. But I'm also a terrible shot with it...normally my gv kills are by putting a 500lber on their head. However it is fun to track a guy after his spawn base is captured and just let him sit there.
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Offline BBBB

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« Reply #115 on: October 08, 2007, 04:32:02 PM »
I have never been able to get a round to connect on a Tiger. That is why I suspect Bronks flims. They are off line and I am pretty sure he lowered the Tigers hardness to make them easier to kill. The total number of Tigers killed by the B-25H since the B-25H came out is: 132 Kills. Compare that with the number of B-25Hs being killed by tigers: 465.

 Once again we are at the same cross road. The B-25H is a good attack plane. If it were the tank buster guys are claiming it is, it would, A; have more kills vs tanks and B; be flown more than it is.

 You can chalk the numbers up to inexperience with the aircraft to a certain point, but the fact is the B-25H does not have a positive number no matter where or who flies it. Since the B-25H came out it has scored 11,636 kills in the LW arenas. It has been shot down 19,464 times. It is almost impossible to maintain a positive K/D in the aircraft.

 There are a few guys who are so willing to defy this they have gave up producing evidence and have dropped down to childish name calling and banter. I want to be proven wrong. I love the B-25H. However I do not think I am wrong. The B-25H is a great plane. It is a tough plane, but when it comes to killing tanks there are far better choices out there.

 I would love to see films of guys landing the claimed 17-15-10 kill tank sorties in the LW. I would love to see scores that back up these kill claims. The problem is I have yet to see it. The only flims I have saw on the subject have all been offline films and it was one shot kills on Tigers that made me suspect the maker of the film is not being honest with his claims.  

 Once again I want to point out. I never said you couldn't kill a tank with the B-25H. You can. However you can not do it with such regularity that when it comes time to kill tanks you use the B-25H or that the aircraft it's self can maintain a solid positive K/D over any tanks. The best score it has is against the Panzer and that is almost at a 1 for 1 exchange with the Tank. That is a really sad number.

 So if anyone can come here with some facts and some evidence, something more than name calling, banter, stupidity. I really would like to see it.


Offline BBBB

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« Reply #116 on: October 08, 2007, 04:34:56 PM »
Originally posted by Bronk

Interesting to say the least.

Edit: no kills anywhere else.

 Try the name Studder. You will see my claims are correct. Your mistake for assuming I was flying under Sp0t when I made those claims. I was in fact trying to get HTC to change my name of Studder over to Sp0t since I had just re-opened my account. Try harder there bud. Back on ignore with you.


Offline Bronk

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« Reply #117 on: October 08, 2007, 04:41:19 PM »
Originally posted by BBBB
I have never been able to get a round to connect on a Tiger. That is why I suspect Bronks flims. They are off line and I am pretty sure he lowered the Tigers hardness to make them easier to kill. The total number of Tigers killed by the B-25H since the B-25H came out is: 132 Kills. Compare that with the number of B-25Hs being killed by tigers: 465.

No I didn't. I have no need to lie about it. Get over the fact you are wrong.
Tell ya what nupmty lets go to the da you set your butt in the tiger and I'll pop it with the 25. Or couldn't that glass ego take it.
Ohh maybe you could put handle it in your sig or do you enjoy being a shade tard?

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Offline Lusche

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B25 Tank Killer!
« Reply #118 on: October 08, 2007, 04:58:15 PM »
Originally posted by BBBB
I have never been able to get a round to connect on a Tiger. That is why I suspect Bronks flims. They are off line and I am pretty sure he lowered the Tigers hardness to make them easier to kill. The total number of Tigers killed by the B-25H since the B-25H came out is: 132 Kills. Compare that with the number of B-25Hs being killed by tigers: 465.

First, I have duplicated this "feat". It was difficult, and I needed several tries and augered more than once. But it finally it worked, with standard settings.

Second, looking at K/D B-25H vs Tiger doesn't tell anything about the effectiveness of the cannon. Nothing. It's just an indication that it might not be easy.
I might just present an earlier example again:
The Hurri IID has a similar abysmal K/D vs Tigers, yet it is fully capable of killing them - it's just not that easy.
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Offline BBBB

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« Reply #119 on: October 08, 2007, 05:12:06 PM »
Originally posted by Bronk
No I didn't. I have no need to lie about it. Get over the fact you are wrong.
Tell ya what nupmty lets go to the da you set your butt in the tiger and I'll pop it with the 25. Or couldn't that glass ego take it.
Ohh maybe you could put handle it in your sig or do you enjoy being a shade tard?


 You are a dolt. If I have a shade then please by all means e-mail HTC. I was in the process of re-opening my account. I could not sign up with my old name. So I was waiting until HTC was open to change my name. I did that already. You will see that Studder, a name I just came up with on the fly has not flown since I have gotten my old name back.

 As for your DA stuff. I would be willing to do that. I am available tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow evening. You can e-mail at and we can hammer out a time.
