Well, another dog attack makes the news.As someone said,it's not the breed of dog,it's the owner!!!! So many ppl have opinions about "pitbulls" saying they are this or that,then I ask"how many "pitbulls" have you owned??
I have been breeding these dogs for 30 years now and I've never had a dog harm a person.Once a stray dog came into my yard,jumped the fence,and I had a little dog on dog aggression.After this happened I put up a 7 foot fence to stop any dog from entering my yard.
While I must admit I'm not up on this story,it appears a pack of dogs were roaming and a person was attacked. So are the dogs to blame or the owners who allow their dogs to roam.
I read Bighorn's post and he states the breed as " american bulldog" but the news wont tell you that,if a dog attacks make it a "pitbull" that will keep the ppl's interest!!!
If the thruth be known,a real fighting dog would never attack a person,human aggression is not tolarated.Any dog showing signs of this is culled.There are ussually several people in the "ring" during a fight,so in order to stop the dogs from biting them it's common to have the right to cull any animal that bites a human.
The human aggression we see today in these "dogs" is a result of bad breeding and the desire of some to make a guard dog from a breed that doesnt make a very good watch dog.
I'm sure some of you will find some fault in this post,thats your right,but don't start telling me "putbull"this and "pitbull"that because then I'll ask how many have you owned.