I'm not sure if you are misinterpreting my comment or are unaware of the A-20's capabilities as a "fighter".
Overall the A-20 is significantly hampered as a fighter, however if you run into one that is well handled its obvious that its a dangerous adversary and needs to be handled with some care. In fact the more "late war" the plane the tougher the A-20 is to deal with.
Now once we accept the fact that the A-20 is "dogfight" capable we need to look further at how it accomplishes that goal. The A-20 cant sustain any high G manuevering at speeds over about 405 and even low level control input can pop control surfaces at 410-415 if trim is off. So the A-20 cant B&Z. The A-20 cant really angles fight with any success either so its not one of those. So how does it fight....between 225 & 375 in the semi verticals. It is in fact purely an E fighter. No plane in the game can transition from + to - E and back as smoothly as an A-20. I dont think there is any plane more stable in unusual attitude manuevering at widely varying speeds either. Nothing in the game can slow down, reload and zoom with the A-20 in that "E fighting" speed zone IMO.
The A-20 matches up suprisingly well with the p-51, p-47, p-38, la-7/5 Yak & 190. It can fight well vs the F6F, F4U and all 109's but relative pilot skill is more of a factor. It has a tougher time with spitties since both a good spit driver and often a bad one can force a fight unsuitable to the A-20. Ki's and nikkis are tough as well....
I said the A-20 is a "pure" E fighter...not the best E fighter. But as others have mentioned E fighting is more about the pilot then about the plane.