I recommend you seriously look into http://realclimate.org/ to start out with. It's filled with climatologists that actually DO the work, not just claim to, which you can look up, and actually check the numbers.
Now that is some rich stuff right there.
There is quite possibly more controversy and unanswered questions dealing with realclimate.org than any such site on the web.
Polish that statue.
Here a a couple of my favorite comments concerning this site.
Nir Shaviv on "More Slurs from RealClimate.org"
Realclimate.org continues with its same line of attack. Wishfulclimate.org writers try again and again to concoct what appears to be deep critiques against skeptic arguments, but end up doing a very shallow job. All in the name of saving the world. How gallant of them.
A recap. According to realclimate.org, everything my "skeptic" friends and I say about the effect of cosmic rays and climate is wrong. In particular, all the evidence summarized in the box below is, well, a figment in the wild imagination of my colleagues and I. The truth is that the many arguments trying to discredit this evidence simply don't hold water. The main motivation of these attacks is simply to oppose the theory which would remove the gist out of the arguments of the greenhouse gas global warming protagonists. Since there is no evidence which proves that 20th century warming is human in origin, the only logically possible way to convict humanity is to prove that there is no alternative explanation to the warming (e.g., see here). My motivation (as is the motivation of my serious colleagues) is simply to do the science as good as I can.
But here is my favorite.
(Wish I could post the entire content of this one here.)
realclimate.org is not Real Climate…. Field Workers are not Field Marshalls.
Its got to be a power trip with these clowns.
If we could just deflate the egos of the specialists and were able to get straight answers from them we would have a good understanding of this climate deal in weeks.
I have the policy of still tending to trust these tax-eating science-workers in their specific field of specialization.
But this particular bunch of idiot-savants have gone further and they have set up a website for world spiritual and economic domination and they call this website REALCLIMATE.
None of these guys would be worthy to lick the souls of the feet of a real scientist.