Last night I caught a guy low/slow in a pony and killed 'em quick (Was in a spit) and was then p.m.'d at length about what a dweeb I was, and how I would have been DEAD MEAT if I wasn't in a spit.
Over the next hour I caught a few assists on said player (who was in a la7 HO'ing everything in sight, flat turning, and dying dumb) and finally got him into the DA.
OH the whines.
This player was quite upset by my "phoney rules" that I used.
(co alt, co e, same plane, guns cold 1st pass)
They were even more upset after dying three times in a row in one move.
The fourth fight was hillarious. They climbed above the agreed alt, and came in guns blazing trying to HO me on the initial merge. They then extended out a few K, reversed, and tried again. Killed 'em on the 3rd "try". They couldn't even land a bullet.
They got mad and logged.
EVERYTHING was at fault EXCEPT for their flying according to them. They died in 2 seconds because of the rules, or how AcesHigh was "wrong" and planes can't fly like that. The player had no concept of what a merge was, or what to do outside of pointing their nose at you and holding down the trigger.
Boy I got a kick out of it all.
I then spent over an hour w/ a squaddie and 1SADS doing some training and had a blast.
( Sads thanks for you help)