Not sure I understand the question but the .oba should show more than just trains and barges. For example the first line should list country 1’s headquarters. If you open the .oba file in a text editor such as Notepad, the first line should start like this:
C01GMS000, hq0, …
Where "CO1" means Country 1 is the owner, "GMS" means Group Master, "000" means first object, and "hq0" means the headquarters shape/group.
The next few lines should list Country 1’s cities and factories (city0, rdrfac0, aaafac0, fulfac0, amofac0, bacfac0), and then list all the country’s trains. This pattern repeats for Country 2 and 3. Finally the fields (lafld0, mafld0, safld0, port0, vfld0), towns (town0), entry points (entpnt), trucks and barges are listed.
The .oba is the correct file. Perhaps the formatting of this file has changed from what you are used to seeing and things are now Group Master (GMS) instead of things like CIT and FUF. You need to look at the second column to see what the GMS is referring to.