The pieces of crap are fun to fight with when the opponent also has a piece of crap.
Rich here seems to suggest that only the fastest, best armed and most maneuverable planes are worth something. What is the difference when the opponent has a similar plane at MA anyways? Go Cart races can be just as fun as (even often more fun than) Indy car races. This means that early war fights can be great.. heck the WW1 fights I used to fly were really something.
But, let's all wish for F-16!!!.. then we all would have fun
My point is that adding one super plane throws others of the same category to trash. Adding a weaker plane to the set adds strength and power to all the existing better planes.
What "this game needs" at the moment is NOT another Ami bomber. There are plenty already. IMO it needs to fill the biggest gaps in the plane set regarding the whole WW2 air war. It need more different kinds of opponents to shoot down for the lacking eras. Many of us already have our favorites to fly in anyways.
Thus, IMO, one creates more "hangar queens" by adding a new super plane than by adding weaker planes, which some of us enjoy as bigger challenges, and which add variety to what others can engage and shoot down with their "this is my 15$ La-7:s" or what ever they fly.