Go to the bathroom.
Stretch out near the toilet on the cool flat tile floor.
There. Now you won't fall and hurt yourself, and it's a good consciousness validation to be able to raise yourself high enough to barf in the toilet.
Not that I've ever been in that situation. I just read about these things.
(sarcastic symbol, green with rolling eyes, doubles as post-binge icon)
Be grateful it's only beer and not (1) starboard lights (half gin, half creme de menthe when too lonely on deployment), (2) toxic margaritas from a home bartender, (3) bourbon and cokes used as thirst quencher instead of water after coaching Little League game in record heat.
One of our classic family stories is the wife and kids stepping over me (my feet stuck out in the hallway from the foyer bathroom) en route to church, saying, "We hope you feel better, Daddy."
Fortunately these three boozers were long ago. Third time was a charm. Yes, I eventually am trainable.