Originally posted by Halo
Good luck. I tried rudder pedals long ago when I was flying a lot, and found them more clutter than control improvement. I much prefer a good twisty stick, and I wouldn't be surprised if real planes don't go that way eventually.
Or maybe some already do? I dunno.
I couldnt play without rudders. First off after your on them awhiles you'll find yourself using both stick and rudders together, landing and taking off, without even knowing your doing it. It just gives you so much more control.
And if you fly bombers? Forgetaboutit. When your in gunners positions having the rudders working for you gives you so much more control of the engagement. Even better with little adjustments going into a bomb target. 1st you calibrate, go into front gun position "thats centered correctly, go into F-3 views, and you can make little adjuments going into target with your rudders. As long as you level out first before dropping you should be right on and theres no need to recalibrate.
And the best part about it is you can keep looking all around you cause your in F-3 view. I couldnt play without my rudders.