Well, I have always had the Japanese, the Korean and the various Chinese sets, you can get them from Microsoft... I have them because its fun to translate things into Asian languages via Babelfish and then translate that back to English to see how jacked-up it gets.
In this case, the words I fed to Babelfish were the same text that is in English right below 'Imperial Japanese Navy - Battle orders'
However, it is very possible that it did translate to 'Don't Touch your mustache' I have seen stranger things. And if thats what it did, then I really want to buy a programmer over at Babelfish a beer, because thats WAY more interesting than 'Battle Orders'.
My Favorite thing that ever came out of Babelfish was a phrase converted to Korean and back... When I translated back to English it said
"It goes out, but/and only it knows I think that it does to sleep."
I'd had a few beers at that point in the evening, so it was extra funny. It was so non-sensical that I think I laughed out loud for about 15 minutes like an infant impressed with a game of peek-a-boo.
Anyhow, I want to impress on all my pilots, During this flight is is VERY important that you keep your damn hands off of your mustache!