Author Topic: Why you chose the squad your in  (Read 4005 times)

Offline A8TOOL

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Why you chose the squad your in
« on: December 08, 2007, 05:35:29 PM »
It was my first computer and not long after messing with it found this WWll flight sim called AW. It costed big per hour to play at the time and did not realize the bill would be so large. I remember blaming the first on a non-existent 12 year old neighbor my non-existent wife babysat. The game quickly became an addiction for me and almost had to sell my body to old ladies to pay for it.... but then it became free as part of AOHELL ...WHEWW that was close!!!.

I played for quite awhile before I hooked up with my first squad The Rangers. They made me wait almost 3 months before I could join but was worth it. There was no vox at the time and think thought I was a squeaker or squad jumper or something, I was 30 then. They were base takers and taught me a lot about Teamwork, Honor and Respect. They disbanded due to to the leader realizing the game had interfered with all aspects of his life and left for therapy I believe. Many others basically did the same and that was the end of that.

I flew around squadless for a long time trying to find another of the same caliber without success. I was BZ at the time and that particular country lacked in those areas IMO. Many months later a group of guys on the CZ side kept busting my missions so I decided to go meet them. They were from some jet sim and wanted to try AW out for a month. They stuck together and were very persistent defenders. After meeting and flying with them for awhile I decided to stay and help them along their way by teaching them all the Rangers had taught me. There name would become well known and hated by many.  Hail to the late but great Marine Air Wing (MAW) one of the largest and best base taking squads there was in AW.

 AW ended on Dec.7th 2001 :cry

Some of us continued playing on AH and after rebuilding the squad made just as heavy an impact here. I left sometime in late 2002 for basically all the same reasons my old squad had split up. It was time for a break and some re-evaluating.

I came back in late MAY of 2007 to find MAW still on but rarely playing. They had very few numbers compared to the 77 or so they once had and 40 wasn't responding to my emails :(  
I needed to find a team oriented squad to fly with if I was going to be happy here again.

Looking at the roster I found only a few squads using their squad names and cpid's together, which in my opinion shows them as having the strongest sense of teamwork and unity which the MAW definitely had.

The AA's, AK's A8's Ltar's 68's and SE's

The AK's were a squad with respect, Stability and a hell of a record. They are an old squad and were my first choice to contact but for some reason never did. I met and flew with the AA's first which was another great squad and got along with Apache right from the start talking about old times in AW and AH. I investigated and flew with some others not on the list but was not sure i would fit in or meet my requirements.

Then the A8's: Now here’s a squad that seems to have it all. Not to big, not to small. Kind of new but their scores say they might have some experience in base taking. Nice web site, I think I'll fill out an application:aok

Offline Masherbrum

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2007, 05:37:45 PM »
Nazgul is the best group of guys you'll find anywhere.
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Offline Latrobe

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2007, 05:56:20 PM »
I was just a dirty, poor noob on the streets when Kalisto invited me into the warm cozzy home of ~Gruppe Outlaws~. Every day is just so fun with them, and until the day (if there is) that ~Gruppe Outlaws~ disband I won't be leaving them any time soon.

Offline A8TOOL

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2007, 05:56:27 PM »
Sorry mine is so long but it's how and why I found them

Offline Avaro

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2007, 05:58:35 PM »
Cause We're the owners of all Das Skills?? :D
Das Muppets

Offline hubsonfire

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2007, 06:34:21 PM »
I was drunk, and made a mistake.
++Blue Knights++

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Offline Tattered

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2007, 06:57:08 PM »
I get a handjob with every base capture.

Offline BMathis

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2007, 07:05:16 PM »
1st day I was on the game, I get a "Heya Mathis?..." "You related to Jonny?"

It was TwoDogs5. He happens to have the same last name, and introduced me to JG-3. They were all great, except for the 'hazing' FNG period I got for the first few weeks. :p  They all helped me get acclimated to the game. Gave me training in acm, GVs, and everything else. I adjusted very quickly with their help, and began to land kils and build confidence... Couldn't have asked for a better group of guys. I've actually got to meet 7 of them already.

<> JG-3 UDET & all the other squads flying.
B~Smooth Xtreme Racing (Retired)
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Offline 68Wooley

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2007, 07:16:14 PM »
I started playing about 14 months ago. I'd been into flight sims for ever - my first being on the Commodore VIC 20, which kinda show's my age. I'd been through every version of MS Flight Sim and Combat Flight Sim but for some reason had never considered playing on line. When I saw the ad for AH2 on the military channel one night, however, I immediately knew I was going to be addicted.

When I started, I was auto allocated to Knights and never really considered changing (the mental image the term 'Knights' conjures up has always seemed much cooler than 'Bishops' or 'Rooks' to me...).

Anyway, after the harsh realization that my experience of shooting down AI drones in CFS meant jack against human opponents, I started paying attention to what other people were doing. One name kept popping up - 68KO. He seemed to be the one guy that could rally the Knights at will - when KO posted a mission, the turnout was usually spectacular. I started looking out for the 68th guys and just flew around the periphery of what they were doing, trying to pick up tips. It was an honor then, when KO contacted me on private VOX and asked me if I wanted to join. I didn't have to think twice.

Over the next couple of months, my education in all things AH2 was second to none. I learned there was so much more to AH2 than just upping and furballing. We'd do buff runs, jabbo raids, GV missions as well as just mixing it up in fighters. More than anything else, the 68th are all about having fun. We don't take things too seriously, we're not too hung up on score, we expect squad memebers to play the game with respect for those flying with us and against us, and as a team we never leave anyone behind. All of these things matched perfectly what I was looking for in the game.

As many of you know, 68KO passed away almost a year ago. Its my regret I didn't have more time to get to know him better, however its an honor to continue to fly in his squad. In 68Falcon, we have a leader who has done a magnificent job filling the gap left by 68KO's passing. In players like 68Boomer, 68Boxcar, 68LU, 68Hawk and 68Magnum we've been blessed with some great leaders. More than anything else though, we're just a bunch of guys who share the same goal - and that's to make sure this game remains fun.

68th and the rest of the AH2 community. I think the most telling thing I can say about you is my wife hates you all :D
« Last Edit: December 08, 2007, 07:18:54 PM by 68Wooley »

Offline Raptor

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2007, 07:19:38 PM »
Fellow 38 enthusiasts with similar humor and attitudes

Offline Xasthur

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2007, 07:52:58 PM »
Raw Prawns..... They're all Australian or English ex-pats and play the same time as I do.

I used to fly in a different squad on a different country so I kept getting shot down by them because they wing so well. Of course, I suspect they were gunning for me as I had flown with them a few times before, so we knew each other.

After a while I migrated over to the Rooks in the hopes of finding better fights and better general fighter team-work (I found the Bish seriously lacking in this regard). I had planned on just going lone wolf for a while but the JR insisted that I join the Prawns, so I did.

And that's that. Fellow Australians who don't give a watermelon about capturing bases and fly for the love of air combat.
Raw Prawns

"Beaufighter Operator Support Services"

Offline RedTop

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2007, 07:59:29 PM »
Luck I guess.

I had left a very good squad and was looking for something a bit more to my way of flying.

I met Batfink and Buffer one day. We struck it off real well and talked about our love for Spits and a few other trinkets. After a bit we decided to form a squad of Spit V pilots. This was in AH1 when the Spit V was IMHO the best lil fighter in the game.

I really got elected CO by default. They just said Red would be good so they made me CO. Thus , 71 Sqd. RAF Eagles was born. We snagged SteffK , DeeBee , and a few others that were in the game at that time. Since then , it's been 4 years or so I believe ,we've been flying as a squad.

Our squad has grown. We've had guys come and go and made friends with many along the way. We all share basically the same look at AHII. Have fun , don't worry bout things and enjoy yourself when your here and flying with 71 sqd.

It's really been that philosophy that has kept this squadron relaxed and I'd say somewhat humble. We're not well known like alot of squads. Alot in the game kind of just over look us. And , that's ok with me. We have 2 wings now. Quiet guys as far as getting in 200 purse fights. (Although I have on occasion been in 1 or 2. BatfinkV as well. :lol)

We just cruise the skies , looking for a fight and have fun doing things our way.

It's been with out a doubt the best time I have ever had in a squad. I am not only lucky to be the CO of this squad , but blessed to have found such great guys AND a gal (Schatzi) to fly with. They are like my family. I think the world of them and can't imagine being anyplace else in AHII than with these guys. Then mean alot to me each and every one of them.
Original Member and Former C.O. 71 sqd. RAF Eagles

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2007, 08:36:19 PM »
Pipz sings .

Now what more could a squadie want ? :aok
My current Ace's High handle is spro

Offline Soulyss

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2007, 09:07:42 PM »
Ear plugs?

80th FS "Headhunters"
I blame mir.

Offline Guppy35

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Why you chose the squad your in
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2007, 09:08:13 PM »
I misunderstood the!

I started the 80th.  What was I thinking!?!?! :)
8th FS "Headhunters