Author Topic: A good fight?  (Read 2494 times)

Offline RedTop

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Re: A good fight?
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2007, 05:50:21 PM »
Originally posted by WWM
Just wondering what you all think a “good fight” really is.   It amazes me to see posts such as “Nothing better then a good fight” coming from some individuals when it appears it is the last thing they want.

Is it a “good fight” to fly over a runway at 350mph in a FW190/P51 hoping to get that “kill” on a plane that is traveling 60mph in a straight path?

Is it a good fight to make sure you are at least 1000 over the top of anyone upping from a base if you can’t vulch because of the ack?  Heaven forbid they get co-alt or I you can just run away in the P38.  

Is it a good fight to meet a single con and then turn and run half a grid in the Fw190 until you have a friendly P51 at least 1.5 alt advantage dive on the chaser…Then I can turn around and get that “kill”

   Is it a good fight to fly 1.5 above the good fights so you can dive on someone already involved in a good fight?

   Is it a good fight to begin firing at D800 on the merge and if you miss just extend at least 1.5 or 2 and repeat.  If you loose to much E then just run to someone that will help you get the “kill”.

I think a lot of people should post “Nothing like scoring a kill no matter how I do it”

To me, a good fight involves none of the above.  If I get pissed off and do any of the above then I feel no satisfaction at all.  I got pissed and ho’ed several times last night and tried to purposely ram those that were doing the above mentioned.  I will do anything possible to try to destroy your plane after witnessing such events so that you can not land your “Good kills.”

P.S.  I will also now shoot down every chute I see after some dweeb decided to stand on the runway and shoot at cockpits.....sorry to the innocent individuals.

Less Coffee....small doses of beer and or Tequila and you won't worry as much with it.

Seriously....DA is for those "good fights" which usually arent cause one of the particapants breaks the rules they set up....but...

MA is a place to find what ya can and deal with what you get into. I have had tons of good fights....

A squaddie and I ran into 9 109's one night....just the 2 of us...we lived and only 2 got away....

Same squaddie and I ran into 13 TEMPS and a Nik....only one TEMP got away and he was smokin....we landed a ton a HURRIS none the less...

I have had some 1v1's that lasted 10 minutes....great fights

Had some 2 on 1's....lasted and survived ....a few 3 on ones where I didnt fare so well but got 2 maybe...

Been alone and run into 10 sets of buffs in a Jug.....Ever try to dodge .50's from 30 buffs while your diving in?

There are TONS of things to get into....

I flew a P47N one day...100 fuel and droppies.....ALL the way to a bish rook fight that was basically the ONLY fight on the map....If i remember right it was like 7 sectors away....killed a few.....flew all the way home. It was fun....Only knight there with 10 rooks and 10 bish...they even teamed up on me for a was a fun sortie. Looking back to se like 3 bish spits and 2 rook whatevers not firing at one another...just chasin me.

Good fights happen all the time in the MA....HO's happen 99 out of a 100 fights...collisions happen alot....cherry pickin (which everyone including me does) happens at every rather large fight.....Running happens about 75 percent of the time.

What can I's the MA.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 05:55:25 PM by RedTop »
Original Member and Former C.O. 71 sqd. RAF Eagles

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A good fight?
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2007, 05:53:48 PM »
To me a 'good fight' is one that keeps you on your toes and edge of seat for some time.  

In it you need to utilize every bit of knowledge and timing you can come up with.. there is usually some sweating involved... and when its all over , win or loose you absolutely cant help but   and talk to your adversary about the fight.
It's the ones that keep your adrenaline pumping. (and the ones you talk about at work the next day)

I have no hesitation mixing it up with 3-5 red cons.. but I will hate you if you run from a 1v1 to a buddy.

I recently have had some fun fights against Batfink in the DA  I think I lost all of them but I had a blast.
also UB6UNDR in the furball area (I like the way he warns me on open channel " you ready FB?"

Most recently some guy named 'Airfool' whupped me repeatedly in the DA, because I don't feel like I preformed well in those fights it doesn't rank as high in the GF  meter to me personally. (I'm not trying to take away from Airfool I'm saying my poor performance made for a poor fight)

to all you guys who like to fight!

Offline Widewing

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A good fight?
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2007, 06:17:29 PM »
I had a fun fight last night. I was flying an IL-2 beating off a horde of tanks. A Knit CV was nearby. I saw a friendly involved in a fight with a Zero. The Zero was beginning to gain ground, so I flew over and vaporized the Zero. I then chased a Seafire a couple of miles towards the CV. I'm well off shore and few friendlies were nearby. That's when I spot a gaggle of F6Fs, F4Us and FM-2s coming in higher than me. At least six of them and they're salivating for my Stormovik.

I reverse towards our base. I start collecting Check 6's as they dive down and close on me. No panic tho as I tell the friendlies that "I'm just suckin' 'em in". The lead attacker is a Hellcat, but there all bunched up close vying for the "easy kill".

At 1k, I bank left a bit and horde all maneuver for a lead shot. At 600 yards, it's time to spring the trap. Stick over to the right and back.

The big IL-2 does a flawless, tight barrel roll. A firestorm of tracers whiz by. No hits. All six fighters blow by. I snap level and snap shoot. An F6F and a Corsair flutter to the ground missing a wing or tail. I split-s away in the opposite direction, build some speed.

A Seafire bores in from dead ahead. He goes for the HO, but I skid out of the way and take a front quarter shot as he goes by. Hosed from spinner to rudder, the Seafire explodes.

A Hellcat is diving in and I reverse and roll out of the way as his tracers just miss my right wing. As I avoid the F6F, a P-51 zooms by, but misses. I pull up the nose and fire. Off comes his wing. Just an assist... :(

Meanwhile, I'm alone with two FM-2s and and two F6Fs. I maneuver out of plane, working for an opportunity. I'm taking some hits, but gaining some angles. Finally, I get a good shot in on one of the Hellcats. His wingtip comes off and the pilot can't seem to gather up the damaged fighter. I fire again, and he spins into the ground. Meanwhile, two FM-2s are chewing me up from behind. I lose one elevator, but still ping up one of the Wildcats. Then, I take another whack and the tail comes off.

That's my idea of a good fight.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline WWM

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Re: Re: A good fight?
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2007, 06:40:38 PM »
Originally posted by RedTop

MA is a place to find what ya can and deal with what you get into. I have had tons of good fights....
There are TONS of things to get into....

This is why I like the MA's.  Never know who you will fight and always a different plane.  It's the ones, which seems to be a growing number, that purposely avoid the fight  if they do not have a distinct advantage that I'm talking about.   I don't mind jumping into a or even 3 as long as they actually roll up their sleeves and fight.  

The reason I am picking on 190 series is because it seems it has overshadowed the 51 as the runner.  Spend 10 minutes climbing to their alt 6K away and then watch them run when you head for them.  I've even upped another 190 so I could be in the same plane and they still ran. :confused:

As for the P38, the only person I have fought that actually wasn't afraid to fight co- was Corky. That guys is not afraid of fighting!  (not taking anything away from those I have not fought)
To me, I guess a "good fight" is a fight that equalizes and turns into the edge of the seat best angle/best moves pilot wins.  (This does not have to be a 1v1)   I get no "rush" out of picking and running or running and picking knowing their is nothing down there with the E or speed to threaten my little plane.  The excitement comes from the dangers of the engagement.

Offline RedTop

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A good fight?
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2007, 06:53:13 PM »

I totally understand where your coming from. Been here bout 6 years or so and things have certainly changed in that time.

But....Thers always letting em run...I have let more planes run away this tour than I ever have. Just hate chasin em. If someplace in that running thier nuts happen to drop and they come back....then cool. I'll fight and win or lose it's ok.

I had a 190 run 50 miles one day...after he lost is advantage....Me like the dummy I am chased him all the way back...just to watch him fly thru his ack and me die in an idiot.

I got a ...Now I back....was polite...but in all reality I was absolutley STEAMING. Why did he refuse to fight 1 person? No idea.

Now I have been sitting on a few kills and get in over my head...low fuel..low ammo..or just flat outnumbered to the point I was GOING to lose...And I have run as far as I could to try to save my butt....But that is rare.

I have cherry picked....Helped squaddies that were in trouble more times than I could say. And They me. But , thats what squaddies do...and ANYONE who says differant is not being honest.

I have a wingman....pretty much he and I get in WAY over our heads alot...but we do o.k.

When someone loses thier advantage and just runs....or the first thing they 4k...over and over....those are the ones that no matter HOW many 's I my kitchen..where my puter is...I'd be tellin em loudly to get screwed...LOL
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Offline Bosco123

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A good fight?
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2007, 06:57:10 PM »
To tell you the truth The best fight are the people who go to KOTH. I, myself go to KOTH and have a god time at it. In the MA though when you find someone who is in KOTH against another KOTH member you are looking at a good fight. The top score people are cherrypickers and realy have a hard time to fight the KOTH dweebs like me.

I would love to see WMLute and JimBeam fight again that was a good battle last week and Kuvo75.
Skifurd AKA "Bosco"
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Offline A8balls

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A good fight?
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2007, 07:12:53 PM »
I'm with Widewing on this one. Beating back a horde is alot of fun.

For the "purist", a good fight is usually 1v1, no HO and an initial cold merge. This is dueling in the most strict of terms and really doesn't happen in the MAs very much. The #1 rule in the MA is "kill more than I am killed". I never plan on a cold merge. If it's in my sights, I fire. If he's on my squaddies six, I pick. If it's on the runway, I'll try to shoot it quickly. Flying into ack is pretty stupid if you are planning on a return flight. If you are trying to kill ack, then you're pretty much expected to fly into it.

Situations dictate the pick, vulch and HO. They are never really planned as such. I never know if someone will need to be picked because they are on my squaddie until it happens. Vulching is expected, to cap a field. If someone says "I let them get-up to be fair", with several friendlies around the field, it usually translates to "I missed him the first pass".

Then... there's the HO. My first priority is to survive the fight. If it's in my sights, I fire. Even if the shot is Head-On, I'll take it. You never can depend on the other guy being a gentleman and making a cold merge. BUT... if I want a "good fight", like WWM is suggesting, I go to the DA.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 07:16:53 PM by A8balls »
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Offline WWM

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A good fight?
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2007, 07:23:03 PM »
Originally posted by A8balls
Vulching is expected, to cap a field. If someone says "I let them get-up to be fair", with several friendlies around the field, it usually translates to "I missed him the first pass".

Have you ever flown into a base with no  intention of your country capping, it in a fast plane (190), just to vulch 4 or 5 kills then run home?

I can honestly say I have never vulched and never plan on it until they list names on icons.  Then I can guarantee it. :D   I am a spiteful bstrd.


Offline hubsonfire

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A good fight?
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2007, 07:25:44 PM »
Originally posted by Widewing
I had a fun fight last night. I was flying an IL-2 beating off a horde of tanks. A Knit CV was nearby. I saw a friendly involved in a fight with a Zero. The Zero was beginning to gain ground, so I flew over and vaporized the Zero. I then chased a Seafire a couple of miles towards the CV. I'm well off shore and few friendlies were nearby. That's when I spot a gaggle of F6Fs, F4Us and FM-2s coming in higher than me. At least six of them and they're salivating for my Stormovik.

I reverse towards our base. I start collecting Check 6's as they dive down and close on me. No panic tho as I tell the friendlies that "I'm just suckin' 'em in". The lead attacker is a Hellcat, but there all bunched up close vying for the "easy kill".

At 1k, I bank left a bit and horde all maneuver for a lead shot. At 600 yards, it's time to spring the trap. Stick over to the right and back.

The big IL-2 does a flawless, tight barrel roll. A firestorm of tracers whiz by. No hits. All six fighters blow by. I snap level and snap shoot. An F6F and a Corsair flutter to the ground missing a wing or tail. I split-s away in the opposite direction, build some speed.

A Seafire bores in from dead ahead. He goes for the HO, but I skid out of the way and take a front quarter shot as he goes by. Hosed from spinner to rudder, the Seafire explodes.

A Hellcat is diving in and I reverse and roll out of the way as his tracers just miss my right wing. As I avoid the F6F, a P-51 zooms by, but misses. I pull up the nose and fire. Off comes his wing. Just an assist... :(

Meanwhile, I'm alone with two FM-2s and and two F6Fs. I maneuver out of plane, working for an opportunity. I'm taking some hits, but gaining some angles. Finally, I get a good shot in on one of the Hellcats. His wingtip comes off and the pilot can't seem to gather up the damaged fighter. I fire again, and he spins into the ground. Meanwhile, two FM-2s are chewing me up from behind. I lose one elevator, but still ping up one of the Wildcats. Then, I take another whack and the tail comes off.

That's my idea of a good fight.

My regards,


^ :lol  That's what I would consider a great fight, even though mine rarely go that well.
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Offline RedTop

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A good fight?
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2007, 07:44:50 PM »
Originally posted by WWM
Have you ever flown into a base with no  intention of your country capping, it in a fast plane (190), just to vulch 4 or 5 kills then run home?

No Sir

I can honestly say I have never vulched and never plan on it until they list names on icons.  Then I can guarantee it. :D   I am a spiteful bstrd.

I have....and admitted it when I landed and got the attboys...yadda yadda's.....But I don't go to a base with "Vulching" as the intent...I go to start a fight....and ALOT of works....sometimes TO good.


to you...cya up I'm sure:D
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A good fight?
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2007, 08:49:22 PM »
more than expecting everyone to change their attitude......i think what WWM is saying here is that it is OK.....its fine.....its not problem that you play the way you want to play....

...what bothers him is the same people coming to the forum and ranting about 'good fights' when in reality they couldnt fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

i tend to understand, but that is how people are. do one thing in the arena and bullchit on the forums to 'save face'.

but hey, nothing to lose sleep over, just people. people can get alot worse than this.
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Offline Masherbrum

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A good fight?
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2007, 09:11:07 PM »
My opinion will never matter, so the original question posed in the thread will go unanswered.
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Offline crockett

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A good fight?
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2007, 11:03:14 PM »
I've given up looking for good fights in the MA. If it comes along it comes along. I used to waste a hell of a lot of time doing no fighting looking for a good fight.

Now I just say screw it and up where ever and kill until I get killed. Hell I even vulched the other day for the first time in about 4 or 5 months.

Just not as fun as a good 1 on 1 with a good stick, but I guess the MA is what it is..

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A good fight?
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2007, 01:14:16 AM »
Originally posted by Rich46yo

                     Now the guy who sticks it out until one of us is dead. Now thats a guy I can respect. [/B]

agreed.....unfortuantly, the dead guy is usually me lately:rofl :rofl
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A good fight?
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2007, 05:55:29 AM »
Originally posted by Shuffler
You mean 3 vs 1 if your in bombers.....

                                No I mean 1 on 1. I dont have 2 other shooters in the bombers, and most times dont have any more firepower working then whats on a fighter. Add to that giving up so much speed and maneuverability.....

                              But so many dont know how to attack them. There's a few who are capable of making mincemeat of 3 bombers so it can be done. It happens to me once or twice a month. There are other ways to attack bombers then trying to crawl up their "6".

                          And the problem with fighting 3 or more fighters is that you can only shoot at one at a time.

                          Then we had the guy last night in the Spit. I was sitting in my bomb sight and heard guns going off. By the time I got back there he was peeling off and he ran, after only gunning one bomber down. Unfortunately thats what were in them for, to bomb. And Im always going into bases with big dars, and always have to choose to either drop or fight.

                      Anyway, I seem to get good 1 on 1s less and less.
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