Good morning gentlemen, & you too, well you know who you are.
Ol'Bull steps to the briefing podium and unveils the briefing map and a hush falls on the assembled group of pilots followed by a variety of groans and gasps from the war weary pilots who to a man know that this will be a difficult target.
All right men, the XO says as he glances over the assembled group, knowing that by the end of this mission there will be some empty chairs as all will certainly not be coming back.
The target for today's mission is A-**, the village on the north side of a medium airfield. We will depart via an air start from A-** at an app. alt of **k, turning east and grouping into a tight formation climbing to a bombing alt of **K. Weather recon has reported clear sky's at this alt. There will be only two turns involved for this mission, the first is a left turn after the air start to a heading of app **for app ** minutes and the second a right turn to a heading of app ** to take us to the target. Total time to target is ** minutes. Target lanes for the bombers are as follows. We will approach the target from the north and line as follows Frank will take the east side outside line, I will take the east side inside line, Dirt will take the center line and line on the large oil tank complex, BK will take the west side inside line and HRD will line on the west side outside line. This will be a ** pass bombing run. The fuel load is **% and the bomb load is ****. i am hoping to close the village in ***** but there will be at least two P51D configured to jabo loads to close field in necessary. The CO will advise and direct fighter cover and jabo assignments. **** will be IB from the *******************of our target. Any fighters or bombers who are shot down after the mission begins should up jabos from this field and cap and harass any opposition.
Our alternate will be A-**. if we strike the alt target formation assignments will remain the same.
Gentlemen, this is an achievable target, Frank, HRD & myself hit it last night with the following targets destroyed. 37 buildings down and 5 guns. recon officer frankc estimates that there are 60 structures at the target as well as 8 guns. After bombs away each pilot should report his hits for a tally so that the jabos know what is left.
Timing is critical here guys ***************************************. If the are jabos upping from **********they should target the ******** at the airfield. In order to get this done right we will roll the bombers at 7;15 CST, thats a quarter after 8 for you Jar, uh lets see, that means Mickie's big hand is on the , well I can't help you with all that now, just ask Rap. We must maintain good bomber formation and radio chatter should be held to an absolute mimiumn.
Good luck gentlemen and Gods speed
That is all, Bull out.
XO ~Avengers~