Author Topic: Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?  (Read 5139 times)

Offline Tigeress

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #180 on: December 22, 2007, 10:00:33 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
tigress.. over and over you claim to understand that men and women are different.. but then.. you go on to say that men should be forced to be the way that you want them to be... against their nature.. so that a few manly women can do a mans job when it suits em.

You also seem to feel that it is fine for women to be sexual objects when it suits em and for who it suits em but that how men react should be subject to rules that you make up.

You claim that it is I who am the bad guy here but.. I don't rape women.. I don't harass women.   It is often difficult to ignore em when they are being immature and slutty or when they are doing their childish flirting.   but..   that is ok with you..   they can use their sex for whatever but men must be subservient to their desire?

If they want to be a sex object we must drool but... wearing the same clothes.. if they want to be men that day... we must treat em as men?  

You have never been a man so there is no way you can understand what a man feels and why.. and it's not that we won't tell you... it's that no matter what... you will NEVER understand.

You can't be like us because you are nothing like us.   That is fair tho because it goes both ways.

This is the root of all the problems involved in men and women working together.   As the job becomes more physical.. the male and female traits come out more.    You do not want to be treated as an equal.. you would not like to be treated as I treat the men around me.   you would cry.   not all the time but.. you would.. and.. you would take it in a way that I can't understand.

life is not the movies.



Thanks for your post. Means a lot to me...

Nothing you have ever said to me hurt me or made me cry... unlike some other people.

I do listen to what you say and think about it... and we often agree and sometimes disagree.

Perhaps I do have men on a pedestal and expect them to rise above their  base instincts.
Some will and some won't as has been in my experience with men.

I have no way of knowing what makes men tick.
All I can really go on is their behaviors and conversations about their behaviors... good and bad and in between.

I don't buy self-help books. I did buy Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus long ago.
That particular book was a Godsend in trying to figure out the reasons why men behave in the ways they do.

I am sure I have discussed and thought about men more than any other single subject in my life outside of my work.

It's a fine line to walk talking with a variety of men on this subject.
My women friends have been reading the thread here and we discuss it.

I consider people based on their behavior towards me and others.

I have never considered you a bad guy.

I Promise.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 10:47:04 AM by Tigeress »

Offline Bluedog

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #181 on: December 22, 2007, 10:38:24 AM »
Pretty much way off topic here, but this made me think of you Tigress ;)

Cheeky monkey.

No idea which sex, but absolutely awesome jungle fighters. :lol

Offline lazs2

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #182 on: December 22, 2007, 10:53:29 AM »
tigress... I have at times tried to figure out what women think but have long ago learned that it is just an academic thing.. it serves no real purpose.   they are what they are.. just as we are what we are.

Men understand each other..  you need to know that.   women somehow think that they are "insightful" and "empathic" when they understand other women.. they somehow think this "talent" is transferable.. that it somehow means that they understand "people"...  including men.

Women see in men only what men allow them to see and it is not what other men see.  Just as.. women allow men to see only so much of what is... a woman.

There is nothing wrong with this of is perfectly natural.   What is unnatural is when either sex.. but mostly women.. try to overcome this nature.

It always backfires... mother nature can't be fooled... just like you can't do anything about the weather... and shouldn't try.. you can't do anything about the differences between men and women and.... shouldn't try.

We need to respect each other and aknowlege the differences.. even celebrate them.. they are good and they are natural.

I am sure you have seen the men who flirt and are popular in the womens circles and such.. It always turns out that they get into a lot of trouble or.. turns out.. they are gay.

Treating women and men as equals is playing with fire and unnatural.   Forcing them together in tense situations... hell.. even office situations and expecting to not have problems... from minor hurt feelings to major assaults... is ludicrous.

I am respectful of women but avoid working with them as much as possible.  If I were given a female partner in a dangerous job I would quit.


Offline Tigeress

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« Reply #183 on: December 22, 2007, 10:57:17 AM »
Originally posted by Bluedog
Pretty much way off topic here, but this made me think of you Tigress ;)

Cheeky monkey.

No idea which sex, but absolutely awesome jungle fighters. :lol

That was VERY cute, Bluedog! :rofl Cheered me up a little.

…Amazing video. I think the tigers were sibling babies.

The skill, confidence, and mischievous frolicking of that monkey is amazing!!!

And I got the point ;)

« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 11:01:00 AM by Tigeress »

Offline Tigeress

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #184 on: December 22, 2007, 11:31:03 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
tigress... I have at times tried to figure out what women think but have long ago learned that it is just an academic thing.. it serves no real purpose.   they are what they are.. just as we are what we are.

Men understand each other..  you need to know that.   women somehow think that they are "insightful" and "empathic" when they understand other women.. they somehow think this "talent" is transferable.. that it somehow means that they understand "people"...  including men.

Women see in men only what men allow them to see and it is not what other men see.  Just as.. women allow men to see only so much of what is... a woman.

There is nothing wrong with this of is perfectly natural.   What is unnatural is when either sex.. but mostly women.. try to overcome this nature.

It always backfires... mother nature can't be fooled... just like you can't do anything about the weather... and shouldn't try.. you can't do anything about the differences between men and women and.... shouldn't try.

We need to respect each other and aknowlege the differences.. even celebrate them.. they are good and they are natural.

I am sure you have seen the men who flirt and are popular in the womens circles and such.. It always turns out that they get into a lot of trouble or.. turns out.. they are gay.

Treating women and men as equals is playing with fire and unnatural.   Forcing them together in tense situations... hell.. even office situations and expecting to not have problems... from minor hurt feelings to major assaults... is ludicrous.

I am respectful of women but avoid working with them as much as possible.  If I were given a female partner in a dangerous job I would quit.


I acknowledge your thoughtful post and will re-read it again and think about it.

I have laughingly characterized man as "The Beast" in our previous conversations. For me it's like the moth drawn to the flame as I have said to you before.

I have been "hit on" by men who are strangers and not strangers more times than I could possibly count and I don't take it seriously unless I really know the guy.

I and other women place a huge emphasis on trust; I have to trust "the beast" if I am going to be close to him and build my life with him.

In a dangerous job, each partner of a pair has to trust the other; if you don't trust any woman (or any particular man) with your life then having a partner is pretty much out of the question.

In a marriage sometimes there are life threatening situations.

My ex and I, when we were still married were at a beach in Florida.
Both of us were in the water chest deep within 10 or so feet of each other.

I said something to him while he was at my back. He didn't respond.
I turned around and he was simply gone. In fact the water in that direction was devoid of swimmers. I looked for him and spotted him on the beach along with a lot of other swimmers.

About that time my leg was grazed by a large sand shark. Turned out he had seen it and panicked and scrambled for the beach without saying a word to me leaving me there unaware of what was going on.

I would have given my life to save his and would have never left him unaware in a situation like that.

I never trusted him again after that day.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 12:10:21 PM by Tigeress »

Offline lazs2

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #185 on: December 22, 2007, 12:01:23 PM »
tigress.. that works both ways.  I have always heard from women that they "trusted" me or that they felt "safe" around me but.... it cuts both ways.

When they see the "beast" that is man.. things are never the same.   If they beg and whine to hear.. to be "let in" on things in your past that they have heard vaguely about but... you flat know it is not something you should tell em...

If you break down and treat em like an equal or let em in or let em really see... they never look at you the same... you are really a monster... they just never knew it.. they will never understand what the monster really is either.

Smart women don't ask and when they see it.. they try to forget it.

but... it is nothing more than your example.. you thought you knew someone close to you ... that you "understood" his maleness..  you didn't..  just like some who think they know me don't.. still..  men do understand.


Offline Tigeress

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #186 on: December 22, 2007, 12:30:47 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
tigress.. that works both ways.  I have always heard from women that they "trusted" me or that they felt "safe" around me but.... it cuts both ways.

When they see the "beast" that is man.. things are never the same.   If they beg and whine to hear.. to be "let in" on things in your past that they have heard vaguely about but... you flat know it is not something you should tell em...

If you break down and treat em like an equal or let em in or let em really see... they never look at you the same... you are really a monster... they just never knew it.. they will never understand what the monster really is either.

Smart women don't ask and when they see it.. they try to forget it.

but... it is nothing more than your example.. you thought you knew someone close to you ... that you "understood" his maleness..  you didn't..  just like some who think they know me don't.. still..  men do understand.


I have to believe that men are human, and that I am also human, Lazs.
…different in ways that our gender diverges; the same in ways that our humanity parallels.

You have told me before that I can't really trust any man to contain his base instincts... no man.
Yet… if I can't trust any man, even one who loves me, what's the point of having a life together or even living?

That's why I cling to hope, Lazs... hope that men really are human.

I admit... I have been doing a lot of crying this morning...


Edit: John9001 said something on this thread that has been stuck in my mind ever since he wrote it. Something along the lines of "you want to be equal but special."

From his perspective I guess that is right.

I can never be like a man; imo, no woman, ever, can do that and few would want to.

What frustrates me is when I see guys say, but you want to be equal.

What they must think of as equals and what I think of as equals are not the same thing.

That is why I keep going back to "humanity." I don't want to be treated like as a guy by a guy if that is his meaning of equal. I am not his "bud" but I can be friends and a co-worker or a lover.

I have an intellect and have done many things in my life, none of which diminished my femininity in my eyes... the accomplishments, in my mind simply pushed the frontiers of what a "woman" can do, not what a woman who is trying to be like a man can do.

Women like me are stretching the scope of what a woman is able to do as a woman as we go, in this life.

Why oh why does this appear to be taken as some sort of a threat to them by so many men? How does my accomplishments and those of other women have to have anything to do with men's own self-definition and definition of us as women? I am seriously not trying to be a man whatsoever! I am not trying to redefine men as "less than" or even "equal to" a woman.

Maybe this is all about male ego... maybe you or other men here can help me to try to grasp what is going on here.

I have heroes like Lt. Lilya Litvak - The "White Rose" of Stalingrad and Danica Patrick and women who fly in combat and the women who were Heroes of the Soviet Union.

No wonder I am offended when people trash that... and trash me for pointing these accomplishments out and being proud of them or wanting to be like them and trying to promote women who choose to be in combat zones. Bully for them I say; I wouldn't want to go to Iraq.

Lt. Lilya Litvak was essentially assassinated by 8 men in a coordinated mission designed solely to kill her for making them look like a bunch of beginners getting shot down to the point of her becoming a WWII Ace at their expense because she was a woman and Jewish to boot.

Society is what it is... some people get it; some don't. I am seeing that many men are not getting it at all. There is a serious disconnect.

I don't know if I am ever going to be able to articulate this well enough for men I have a disconnect with on this to understand and that is maddening in the extreme.

I am sure they are terminally frustrated by me as well... I am sorry. I am not trying to frustrate you, promise.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 02:20:51 PM by Tigeress »

Offline Tigeress

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #187 on: December 22, 2007, 02:51:14 PM »
How about we just drop the term "equal" altogether?

That seems to be the sticking point.

How about we all just strive to "be all that we can be" as individuals without the gender contest?

Is that possible?


Offline Benny Moore

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #188 on: December 22, 2007, 03:25:57 PM »
Originally posted by Tigeress
I have to believe that men are human, and that I am also human, Lazs.
…different in ways that our gender diverges; the same in ways that our humanity parallels.

You have told me before that I can't really trust any man to contain his base instincts... no man.
Yet… if I can't trust any man, even one who loves me, what's the point of having a life together or even living?

That's why I cling to hope, Lazs... hope that men really are human.

There are two things that I truly desire in life.  The first is to fly, and the second is a marriage with a good, kind, and beautiful woman.  I have entirely given up the second.  Quite aside from the fact that even were I so lucky, I could not treat her nearly as well as she'd deserve, I am convinced that the woman of my dreams does not and cannot exist.

The fact is that even were I happily married for thirty years, if I suddenly found that my wife had slept with another man, I would of course be devestated but by no means surprised.  Such actions, I've found, are entirely consistent with human nature.  Behavior is determined by genetics, upbringing, and circumstances.  In this unhappy universe, you can never be sure that the person you think you trust won't hurt you.  On the contrary, people can be trusted to let you down.  Sometimes it's in little ways.  Sometimes it's in a big way.

The problem is that human isn't enough.  What's the point of having a life together or even living?  That's what I've been wondering for years.

Offline BlueJ1

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #189 on: December 22, 2007, 03:54:09 PM »
Im active duty Navy. From what Ive seen females in the Navy are nothing but trouble. Yes theres a good deal of them who work alot harder then their male counterparts. But for the most part all the females I have worked with use their gender to either not do work or to escape their responsibilities. Theres a few in my shop currently who do not go out on the flight line at night because they complain it is to cold. Theres also a large problem with Navy females becoming pregnant right before their shore duty is up and they are supposed to be moved to sea duty. Some females in my squadron (shore duty) have served around 8 years and have never left stateside because they purposely get pregnant. Its not uncommon to see these females with 4 or 5 children. This also means they receive a great deal of money from the government to do nothing. Ive never served in a combat yet so I cannot comment on that aspect. From a shore duty perspective stateside Id be afraid to see the problems there.
Aviation Electrician MH-60S
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Offline AKIron

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #190 on: December 22, 2007, 04:07:46 PM »
Originally posted by BlueJ1
This also means they receive a great deal of money from the government to do nothing.

Things have changed since I retired from the USAF in '95. No one active duty received a great deal of money back then.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #191 on: December 22, 2007, 04:13:18 PM »
Originally posted by AKIron
Things have changed since I retired from the USAF in '95. No one active duty received a great deal of money back then.

E-3 pay. about $1500.
BAS- about $300.
BAH- Do not know exact amounts, but close to $2,000 for housing. 2 kids about another $2,000 I believe.

Single E-3 like myself makes peanuts after all the deductions.
Aviation Electrician MH-60S
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Offline alskahawk

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #192 on: December 22, 2007, 06:28:00 PM »
Got a $167 a month when I went in. Went up to 225 or so when I got married. Maybe that was where that first marriage went wrong.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #193 on: December 23, 2007, 10:27:58 AM »
tigress.. you can't really drop the term "equal" if you want everyone to "be all they can be" because...  If you lower standards so that some can "be all they can be"  they really aren't being all they can be.. it is an artificial construct..

more artificial than your "social constructs"  if you leave out strength and temperment (not all men are suited to all jobs) then you leave out any fairness.

By your reasoning.. why not lower the standards for engineers to let the retarded in?


Offline Tigeress

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #194 on: December 23, 2007, 10:41:34 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
tigress.. you can't really drop the term "equal" if you want everyone to "be all they can be" because...  If you lower standards so that some can "be all they can be"  they really aren't being all they can be.. it is an artificial construct..

more artificial than your "social constructs"  if you leave out strength and temperment (not all men are suited to all jobs) then you leave out any fairness.

By your reasoning.. why not lower the standards for engineers to let the retarded in?


There are retards who are passed along and get a degree that isn't worth the paper its written on... it soooo happens.

But, like the military, corporate american is not in the business of carrying deadwood. They dont last long. I have dealt with a few of them.

The worst ones are the loafer academic types who are smart and very capable yet think they are above the system and just do what they want when they want to amuse and please themselves. These people havent a clue of what is really going on... very self-serving and self-distructive in the end.

Same thing with worthless people working the system in the military... can't fool all the people all the time... sooner or later they get their walking papers.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 12:14:58 PM by Tigeress »