Author Topic: No dignity, and now no anonymity  (Read 5397 times)

Offline Spitboy

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« Reply #30 on: May 05, 2000, 12:53:00 AM »
Oh, but Rip only made 1 (one) post back in January ...

<rolls eyes>

And if you believe that sorry justification, you didn't bother to follow through and do your homework.

First off, lemme say out front that I got nothing against HTC or AH. It looks to be a damn fine sim. I know and respect many of the pilots who fly here. I still maintain my belief that HT made a mistake by not supporting the Mac from the outset, and that it could have made business sense for him. But that's beside the point, and for history to judge.

My point it, Rip is the Macboy of AGW, albeit non-pseudonymed and with a "I'm yer buddy!" attitude. In fact, he was even more annoying than Macboy to the AGW crowd. Macboy made 8 (eight) posts here. Some were rather tame, some were combative. Rip made 480 some posts on AGW since April 1999. Granted, many were pre-AH. But ever since he DID discover his true calling as Defender of AH, all of his posts (and there were MANY, DOZENS, over WEEKS) had a certain "tone" to them. All would somehow or another work AH into the friendly conversation with a, "you should try it!" or a "come on over!"

But poor Rip, who recently exited stage left from AGW in a fit or moral outrage over his treatment, sees things this way:

I'll make my post short, I made 1 post in the general topic BB back in Jan. and have been branded ever since. I posted some "whats new in AH" posts in off-topic and had one guy (who was a WB trainer at that!) say he'da banned me from AGW if it was his board.

I say to these individuals "Grow up!"

Someday they will figure out that competition is a good thing.

No, Rip. Revisionist history is not allowed. That "one post" came after dozens and dozens of others over WEEKS and WEEKS were you "cordially" trumpeted AH in the AGW forums. Whenever a WB player would voice any mild gripe about WB, in would step Rip with "Try AH! We'll be there to help you learn the ropes!" Or, "In AH my connection is rock solid!" Etc. Etc. "Check your billing! iEN screwed mine up! I'm calling the Attorneys General!" "Hey, AH has vehicles!" Etc. Etc. When a WB'er would say he tried AH, there would be Rip, with a "Come to AH training, we've got trainers now!" Etc. Etc.

Many times prior to that "one post" folks had raised the issue that your cheerleading for AH was becoming tiresome. That "one post" just brought it to a head. As evidenced by the many people (more than lashed out at or were perturbed by Macboy here, ironically) who finally had had enough and asked you to cut it out and keep it to off topic if you feel the need to constantly cheerlead for AH.

That's the history. Anyone can go back and read it. Unfortunately the search at AGW is a little porked from argo's recent move, but you can get the idea from the many posts that remain.

Now, on to Macboy. Obviously a troll, his posts were not really inflammatory. Most took them in good jest or ignored them. Except for the 7th one in the  thread.

And even that post, for God's sake, was not a heinous crime. Most people either poked fun back, or ignored it. But up steps Rip, Defender of AH, to make sure the fire is fanned.

I've done a little research, since I have all this neat security equipment at my company, and found out who Macboy is.(Macboy, did you not know that your ISP can be traced ?) I won't give you his name, but I will tell you this, he (obviously) has a Mac, cannot play AH, so considers the grapes very sour. I've had a number of derogatory flames from him in AGW and his ego and head doesn't fit into the cockpit of his virtual A/C. He will always be an arrogant, bitter, mac-loving moron. So, best to not even respond to his posts, since that's how he gets his kicks.

A little over-the-top of a reaction for a simple troll? Remember, this is Rip, AH Trainer, the same guy who said:

I posted some "whats new in AH" posts in off-topic and had one guy (who was a WB trainer at that!) say he'da banned me from AGW if it was his board.

Oooh, that nasty WB trainer! Hell, Rip, at least that WB trainer didn't stoop to the level of a certain AH trainer, trace your Internet activities and call you an "arrogant, bitter, [AH]-loving moron."

What are you trying to prove Rip? And more important, how did you get his IP? And, lastly, why do you ignore you own advice of wisely ignoring a troller, and rip into him to fan the flames even more? For a person whose crime was 8 posts in several weeks, most tame and unnoticed?

For the love of Mother, after reading Pyro's post and Rip's moral outrage in exposing Macboy like he was some kiddie-porn distributor or biological weapons dealer, I expected a little more than 8 rather lame posts! I expected a locust-like plague of posts, threads with hundreds of angry and outraged players! I expected to see "I'm leaving AH if you don't ban Macboy!" threads. Lord help you if you ever get a real troll in here. What, will Pyro and Rip enlist the FBI and NSA to find him?

Sorry for the long rant. Some of you know me, some don't. But I really, REALLY get tired of hearing Rip trying to justify his actions and paint himself as an innocent martyr. That and I find it totally hilarious that he's so outraged over Macboy's 8 lame posts; to the point where he went so far as to match up IPs. Still curious about how you did that, Rip. Care to shed any light?

And finally, you might think I got some kind of vendetta against Rip. I don't. I just get sick and tired of listening to his justifications and his air of moral superiority over on AGW. And now this Macboy thing has shown me what he's REALLY all about. I just want to make sure everyone knows the WHOLE story.

Spitboy -SW-

Offline indian

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« Reply #31 on: May 05, 2000, 09:26:00 AM »
Fine you told the world now show you disserve not to be toasted your self and stop doing the same here.

Tommy (INDIAN) Toon
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Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2000, 09:36:00 AM »
Whenever a WB player would voice any mild gripe about WB, in would step Rip with:

 "Try AH! We'll be there to help you learn the ropes!"

Yep, and you took that out of context, I can make anyone look bad taking stuff out of context.

Or, "In AH my connection is rock solid!"

Post the whole response please, again, out of context, I was responding to bad connects, and what games were good connects, and what games were bad connect, and why this is...

 "Check your billing! iEN  screwed mine up! I'm calling the Attorneys General!"

Yep, just warning others who might have  this problem, and many did!  Good thing I shed light on it!

"Hey, AH has vehicles!"

That was posted in OFF-TOPIC

When a WB'er  would say he tried AH, there would be Rip, with a "Come to AH training, we've got trainers now!"

You failed to mention the whole thread  again, the individual was saying on this and that was screwed up, I offered my assistance to the individual.  I'm not going to stand by while someone blasts the sim for their inexperience.

You know what, I still like your agressiveness, too bad you can't practice  it that well on the field of battle ;p

Offline Superfly

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« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2000, 09:49:00 AM »

[This message has been edited by SUPERFLY (edited 05-05-2000).]
John "Superfly" Guytan
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Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #34 on: May 05, 2000, 10:23:00 AM »
Rip Lied to us all, he's not working for B**** he's a Salesperson !! WORSE, HE PROLLY WORKS IN MARKETTING !!!  

JG2 "Richthofen"
Don't shoot ! I am only an observer......

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Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2000, 10:51:00 AM »
Yes, Marketing ALL online flight sims!  Hell, convinced my neighbor to sign up for Warbirds!  He tried AH and it was alittle difficult for him, so he tried WB's on easy mode, liked it, and now is a member in the ACA arena!

(Oh, Spitboy, btw, I still fly Warbirds!)

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 05-05-2000).]

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2000, 11:42:00 AM »
C'mon, guys.

Spitboy is trying to shed light on the AGW perception of events. I know Rip meant well in every post he made, but it wasn't received that way. Read Badger's post and you get a fair idea of what I believe happened.

I'm not trying to take sides here, but I do know there are two sides to any argument. Even if you don't agree point-for-point what Spitboy said, try to see the overall viewpoint he is posting from.

Again, this whole argument is about perceptions, not intentions.  

Offline Daff

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« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2000, 12:04:00 PM »
Lets not forget your AH age-survey..
Made on AGW 2 years ago,eh?
Sorry, Rip. The criticism you recieved on AGW was well-deserved.


CO, 56th Fighter Group

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #38 on: May 05, 2000, 12:26:00 PM »
I will dig that up Daff, if you'd like, however some of those long threads are unreadable now.

Someone actually counted and posted what the metrics were in AGW.

Give me a half a day or so, I will pull up the thread here in AH as well.

Edit: Found the AH Thread: see my post "Daff" above.  Also, avg. age is 33.81, I said "offhand" about 38 yrs., wasn't too far off eh ol' buddy?    The experience in the armed services of respective countries was on AGW forum, don't forget, in Germany, you automatically go into service at age 18 I believe, other countries the same, so, when I said about 40% served, I'll be you a buck I wasn't too far off.  

BTW, some of your responses have been real winners Daff:
Daff:I've never seen cloud like that in real life, though...get within 10 feet and you white-out. Fuel modifier is artificially high forcing the use of droptanks.                     View system is, if anything, even more unrealistic than WB. Nobody adjust the seats while looking from left to right. No                    seat I've ever seen can be adjusted a couple of feet from side to side!                     There's no SL's, WeW's, EMCs or HA.                     Most mportantly..gunnery is a joke.Want more opinions?

But yet, you fly AH an AWEFULLY lot for hammaring it, little crow served?  How would you like it sir?    Yes, we WOULD like more opinions Daff.  



[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 05-05-2000).]

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #39 on: May 05, 2000, 12:31:00 PM »
Oh Daff, btw I didn't see you flame BNZ too much when he posted this:
"Not much of a contest here for ya guys.                   Just get us a good connect-damage model-flight model.. and 85% of the WB community will follow  you.                   WB is so f*ked beyond repair that you could fly gliders in your m/a and still get a crowd

Don't ya just love BB's Daff? Pick and chose who you hate.  

Offline jmccaul

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« Reply #40 on: May 05, 2000, 01:27:00 PM »
I always told myself that because you play online flightsims it doesn't nesscarily mean you are socially mal-adjusted.

Mabye i was wrong.

P.S i'm not just talking about macboy.


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« Reply #41 on: April 20, 2001, 11:48:00 AM »
A very interesting thread.


Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #42 on: April 20, 2001, 11:59:00 AM »
Very old thread, what compelled you to punt it?


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« Reply #43 on: April 20, 2001, 12:37:00 PM »
EYE has a conspirator theory against Westy, Brat and some other person... he thinks they are all one person posting with the sole intention of driving EYE insane.


Offline Kieran

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« Reply #44 on: April 20, 2001, 01:57:00 PM »
No kidding. Why do we have this old stuff being kicked up? These are old arguments, they have been resolved, no need to open old wounds.

I would say that unless you have a purpose to opening these things up (such as verifying facts or backing up a point) all that is accomplished is hard feelings.