Originally posted by Yarbles
It would be good to see more of the table and how the Spits stack up there for kill ratio and percentage of total kills.
#20 Spit XIV K/D 1.18, 0.3% of all fighter kills
#21 Spit IX K/D 1.15, 2.9% of all fighter kills
#25 Spit XVI K/D 1.11, 7.2% of all fighter kills
#35 Spit VIII K/D 0.93, 3.6% of all fighter kills
#50 Spit V K/D 0.56, 0.5% of all fighter kills
#57 Spit I K/D 0.24, 0.1% of all fighter kills
Most kills :
#28 P51D K/D 1.05, 8.4% of all fighter kills