Reminds me of a selection team I was involved with: I was asked to participate in a lead illustrator selection a few years ago. The manager had a big show at our first meeting and urged us to be fair and impartial. We labored over the selection, gave interviews and re-interviews...hassled and tussled for weeks on end. Nearly got into fights, people had to walk out, but in the end we made a fair and I thought, great recommendation.
When we told the manager who we recommended he paused, thanked us and announced he was overruling our selection and going for the brown nosing midget sunuvubeotch that didnt even make the top ten
That was a real turning point for me. I have nothing to do with that BS garbage anymore, and they refer to me as disgruntled. Hell, I just dont care anymore and cannot be bothered with that stuff.
Oh, I have detested the UN for years.....send the whole damned outfit to mars for all I care....UN is totally blown.