Dear players of Aces high 2,
My name is Kjeld Langeveld,I live in The Netherlands and i'm 17 years old, I'm better known in Aces High 2 as "Insanity" maybe some of you ever flew with me.
I used to fly in the early days of Aces high, better known as "PigeonZ" Flying under the Merc-Air squad.
But back to the point,
I thought up to make a movie a little 3 weeks ago, I was watching a crappy movie on TV and thought, "sheezzz I can do much better than that" That's how my project started to roll.
I'm planning to make a movie of about 30 minutes long, Now I'm still busy with the script, offcourse it will be about flying.
I got all the preparations ready in the software part,
- Fraps
- Sony Vegas
- 3D studio MAX
But I'm planning for a major battle in the end, and a few small one's in the middle.
I need allot of help in this movie i'm gonna need about 100 fighter pilots to shoot the battle's.
And to play the cast.
If you want to participate with this movie please make a post on my squad forum. ( link will be here soon )
Or post a little message here, so i can count how many players will allready be in and want to help me out with other stuff, Camera works, special effects and Coordination.
I also want to ask to the administrators of the forum, to make this a sticky as soon I got 20 people or more participating.
I've got about 4 years experience with movie editing and recording,
I helped making this movie, special effects are my work. Sorry for the bad quality ( and yes.... I used to play World Of Warcraft )
I hope many players will help me out, it will be a long proces but it will be worth it.
Many Greets,
Kjeld "Insanity" Langeveld.
(P.S: Sorry for all spell fouls, still have much to learn at school.)