by looking at me one might get the impression, I would enjoy hacking up little helpless creatures...
When I was locked down in states, there was some "cons" who thought it was cool to kill the Pigeons when they land at there window, (They would sharpen up pencils and stab them through the Holes in bottom of window) I found out about it and freaked, I seriously tried to fight like 4 guys over it, They stopped immediately ... I was so pissed I don't know, cant explain it. Why stuff like that gets to me.
I'm with ya there. I don't get worked up about much, but killing or injuring things (real things...not cartoon pilots
) for "fun" gets to me very quickly, regardless of what it is.
A couple newer pics:
Hiking the Appalachians in Virginia last November.
Myself and the gf/ack a couple days after the snopocolypse in DC...pardon the excessive glare.