Author Topic: Wednesday Night Snapshot "Milk Run"  (Read 1101 times)

Offline 68falcon

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Wednesday Night Snapshot "Milk Run"
« on: January 15, 2008, 08:04:13 PM »
All are welcome to participate
Event begins at 10PM EST
in the Special Events Arena

"Milk Run"

Summer 1943, the United States Eighth Army Air Force is
gaining confidence.Its complement is now up to 13 Heavy
Bomber Groups and 3 Fighter Groups.Its commander, General
Ira Eaker, is beginning to weld it into a fighting force
capable of wresting control of the airspace over occupied
Europe.Today, the assigned target is a factory in
Northern France at Lille,making aircraft parts for
Messerschmidts. An easy mission...But the pilots of the
Jagdflieger are equally determined to send these upstart
Yankees home with their tails between their legs...
Lt. William Lindley, Pilot of a B-17, 95th Bomber Group
“…within seconds the Luftwaffe fighters appeared. There
were so many more black dots on the horizon, thicker than
the gnats around the rear end of a camel. About the time
I made the turn from the I.P. toward the target, heavy
and accurate flak began bursting among our formation;
the fighters pulled in front of us. The flak looked
awesome but the FW190`s and Me109`s would put the fear
of God into anyone. To see them attack head-on from the
twelve o`clock position with their wings flaring and
smoking from their machine gun fire is frightful to say
the least… Awesome, particularly when one realized they
are firing directly at us.…For the next fifteen minutes
I was in a state of absolute and incredulous shock.
Between the exploding flak shells,the burning aircraft
going down, excited voices yelling over the radio, and
those concentrated and continuous fighter attacks, I
spent half the time with my head in my steel helmet
ducked down behind the instrument panel. The aircraft
was on automatic flight control equipment, being steered
by the bombardier. He managed to get the bombs away over
the target area.”
Country Percentages:
40% Luftwaffe  
P-47D11 50%  
B-17G 50% (formations)  
B17 roll from A10. P47s roll from A12. Attack A50. All
objects on the field are valid targets.  
Like most Snapshots this is a single life event. B-17
pilots may reup as "gunners” only. B17`s must salvo their
bombs. That is an individual B17 must drop all its bombs
simultaneously. All B17`s in a formation do not have to
all drop their bombs simultaneously. P-47`s must
rendezvous with B17`s over England. They must then stay
within vis dot range of the B17`s until enemy dots are
spotted. B-17`s or P-47`s may not refuel or re-arm. P-47’s
must roll with 100% fuel. No bombs or rockets. B-17’s
may choose 75% fuel.  
109G6 50% 190A5 50%
109’s roll from A50 190’s roll from A63  
109’s and 190’s must roll with 100% fuel. Any gun package.
LW pilots may not cross the 14 line until enemy is spotted

Victory Conditions:
Fighters - 10 points each
Bombers - 25 points each
Fighter and Bomber Hangers - 60 points each
Ammo and Fuel - 10 points each
Ack - 2 points each
Arena Settings
1. Terrain - BOB4
2. Icon Range - Short
3. Radar - Off
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 79,200 about 15 miles
5. Tower Range - 79,200
6. Visibility - 13 miles
7. Wind - None
8. External view for bombers (F3) - On
9. Friendly Collisions - Off
10. Enemy Collisions - On
11. Kill Shooter - Off
12. Fuel - 1.5
13. Ack - .8
14. Time - 0700 X2

Designer Notes
There may not be time for a 2nd Frame.  
CM Notes
Suggest start time of 0700 and have the time X2. Make sure
buff pilots use formations. Jump all Task Groups out of the
area. Prior to D-Day. All fields in France should be German
and all in England should be English.  
Design By
Buzzbait and Daddog
Commanding Officer
68th Lightning Lancers
Fear the Reaper no more. Fear the Lancers

Offline MajIssue

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Wednesday Night Snapshot "Milk Run"
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2008, 05:59:47 PM »
Had a great time flying Milkrun... Keep up the great work!
X.O. False Prophets
Altitude is Life
If you keep ignoring "Wife Ack" it will go away.

Offline 68falcon

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Wednesday Night Snapshot "Milk Run"
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2008, 06:21:02 PM »
68falcon wrote on 01-18-2008 11:43 AM:
First let me thank AATalen and 68Tazz for volunteering to CO and helping to make the event a success.
Below are the scores for an interesting battle. If you looked at the logs you should notice that some of the pilots had trouble distinguishing friend from foe :eek: Scores reflects kills/deaths no matter who is the killer:furious In other words if you shot down one of your own B17s the Axis where awarded the points and vise versa.

Allies scored:
Destroyed 19 fighters @ 10 points each = 190
Destroyed 7 Fighter and Bomber hangers @ 60 points each = 420
Destroyed 5 Ammo and Fuel bunkers @ 10 points each = 50
Destroyed 8 Ack @ 2 points each = 16
Total = 676

Axis scored:
Destroyed 13 fighters @ 10 points each = 130
Destroyed 30 bombers @ 25 points each = 750
Total = 880

Overall and from the responses I have received it appears everyone enjoyed the snapshot.
Commanding Officer
68th Lightning Lancers
Fear the Reaper no more. Fear the Lancers

Offline 68falcon

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Wednesday Night Snapshot "Milk Run"
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2008, 06:22:27 PM »
Originally posted by MajIssue
Had a great time flying Milkrun... Keep up the great work!

Thank you and hope to see you at more of these.:)
Commanding Officer
68th Lightning Lancers
Fear the Reaper no more. Fear the Lancers

Offline EagleEyes

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Wednesday Night Snapshot "Milk Run"
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2008, 01:29:47 AM »
Ill be able to fly snapshots for the next couple weeks starting next monday!! Taking 3 weeks off from work for a mini vacation, even though im not going anywhere!! lol...Looking forward to having fun like i always do!!


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Offline MjTalon

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Wednesday Night Snapshot "Milk Run"
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2008, 06:57:06 AM »
WOW, we actually WON :O !

WTG axis! And allies, congrats on a hellva time .

As far as shooting friendlies down, yes i know. Seph shot down a FW by mistake and was awarded for it. Forgot to mention to my countrymen that if you shot a friendly, they'd go down.

Cavalier - 82nd F.G
Group Commanding Officer