once i seen an osti like that, i was at a town map room in a M-3 and just took the base when this osti shows up, the 2 flaks are shooting at him and and he rolls right by like he doesnt even care that im there, his turret gets knocked out and then tracked on both sides, 5 or 6 planes are dropping the left over ords on him and shooting at him, hies sitting in a giant crater and then he just disappeared guess he towerd out.
hit an M-3 twice in the driver side door with a panzer at close range once, another M-3 at a camp site was distracting all of us by driving around and i unloaded the pintal gun on him and so did a few otheres there and he just drove off with no damage.
on the other hand ive had 2 panzers that were hard to kill, once overlooking a town and getting shot up by fighters the other time i remember well was when i was defending a VB from incoming tanks and i was being shot at by a few 110's. they shot off my pintal so i kept firing at the tanks and then i got tracked on one side and then the other side, think i might of been sitting in a crator dont remember, wish i could get those more often but nowdays seems like a single 50cal round takes my panzer to its death.