All good points, but as with all points one facktor is not mentiond, If thay make it harder to do things the lazy, or inept will stop playing. If thay make it so base taking vulching chary picking furballing useing buffs wrong became any thing near as tuff or imposable as it was then thay would loos alot of people that would rather have points handed to them then actualy work for them. Lets face it, its about the size ppl all about the size,
In points! Get your miend outa ther. As I was saying if you make harder to get points then the lazy or just not good ppl will stop playing. Seariously, ask them if the flight mod was set to realistick,, aside from being a big drain on the server and us imagin how many ppl would not even get off the ground
Hummmmm like the mentles on that actualy,, I could sit and watch that all day and be amuesed. LOL