Author Topic: the wasted vote thing...  (Read 1983 times)

Offline bsdaddict

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the wasted vote thing...
« Reply #75 on: February 05, 2008, 12:08:08 AM »
Originally posted by Arlo
Social programs. No ideology required to participate. A perception of threat of one to complain non-stop about them is though ... it seems. :D

Voting and representation. Funny how those work. And if you come back claiming that's "socialist" .... well .... *heh* :aok
The participants don't define the program, Arlo.  Were the Jews Nazi's for being carted off to death camps?

Offline Arlo

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the wasted vote thing...
« Reply #76 on: February 05, 2008, 12:28:03 AM »
Originally posted by bsdaddict
The participants don't define the program, Arlo.  Were the Jews Nazi's for being carted off to death camps?

Apparently, neither do the staunchest opponents of the programs .... with any amount of realistic accuracy (and certainly not without a fair degree of hyperbolic rhetoric and fearful passion involved). Are neocons social scientists because they see the threat of socialism destroying the fabric of society in anything that doesn't involve making a buck? :D

Offline moot

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« Reply #77 on: February 05, 2008, 03:14:27 AM »
Social Programs are fine so long as you can opt out of donating and benefiting.
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Offline FrodeMk3

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the wasted vote thing...
« Reply #78 on: February 05, 2008, 04:06:07 AM »
Originally posted by moot
Social Programs are fine so long as you can opt out of donating and benefiting.

The problem with them is, though, is the number of people benefitting vs. those paying in.

When SS was first started, there were 4 people paying in, and something like 1 collecting. Now, it's more like 5 people collecting with only 1 paying in.

And, gov't. has raided the SS funds' whenever it's been in a real pinch. That hasn't helped it any.

I'll be honest with you on this note, lasz. I would support more defense spending if I thought it would mean the creation of thousands' of higher-paying jobs. However, with the price's that we pay for equipping the military anymore, it seems' like the money just sinks in to high-cost programs, with little in the way of economic returns, like jobs.

I do agree that we could use alot of those high-dollar systems' that we only get with profligate military spending. UAV's, enhanced body armor, battlefield robots, Stealth aircraft-all these things' improve the survival chances of the individual soldier, sailor, airman, or marine.

That said...we really need to fix our social systems' here, first. Putting a complete and immediate stop to illegal immigration would be a major relief to both healthcare, and SS in one stroke. I think the People of the U.S. could afford that, rather than the possible results' of those systems. Have any of you honestly thought about what would happen in this country, If SS, Medicare, and all of the other programs' were abolished overnight? I'd be curious to hear some of the reply's.

Offline Xargos

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the wasted vote thing...
« Reply #79 on: February 05, 2008, 04:10:00 AM »
SS was never designed for anyone to ever collect.  Think about what age you had to be to collect when it was first initiated, compared to how long the average American lived back then.  It started off as a scam, and it still is.  You'll never get back what you put into it.
Jeffery R."Xargos" Ward

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Offline lazs2

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the wasted vote thing...
« Reply #80 on: February 05, 2008, 08:36:00 AM »
so arlo..  you are wrong but won't admit it?   No one I can think of would say that social security and medicare are not socialist programs..  

As was pointed out.. they would not be if we were not forced at gunpoint to pay into them and if those who did not pay into it didn't get benifiets.

It is not complex..  you are creating gray areas where none exist.. muddying the water for no reason other than to hide in it.

someone said that illegals are a problem.. they most certainly are..  I don't like of the candidates positions but..  the worst positions are the ones the democrats have.  

More people who should not be here will be here if we elect a democrat than a republican..  many who should not be here will be citizens by default and will not even speak the language..  they will know nothing of any political system except  for the one that they left.. one of histories most corrupt.   It is the way of life they know and apparently...  yearn for.    they will fly their mexican flags and speak only spanish.  they will try to turn this country into the  same craphole they left.


Offline bsdaddict

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the wasted vote thing...
« Reply #81 on: February 05, 2008, 10:14:05 AM »
Originally posted by Xargos
SS was never designed for anyone to ever collect.  Think about what age you had to be to collect when it was first initiated, compared to how long the average American lived back then.  It started off as a scam, and it still is.  You'll never get back what you put into it.
scam, yep.  ponzi scheme is more like it...    


"Ida May Fuller (September 6, 1874 - January 1975) was the first U.S. citizen to be the recipient of a monthly benefit Social Security check on January 31, 1940, a check for $22.54. Fuller lived her entire life in Brattleboro, Vermont, retired in 1939 and had paid just three years of payroll taxes. Nevertheless, she received monthly Social Security checks until her death in 1975 at age 100. By the time of her death, Fuller had collected $22,888.92 from Social Security monthly benefits, even though she had contributed only $24.75 to the system. This is roughly an annualized return of 22%."

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #82 on: February 05, 2008, 03:11:06 PM »
Originally posted by Xargos
SS was never designed for anyone to ever collect.  Think about what age you had to be to collect when it was first initiated, compared to how long the average American lived back then.  It started off as a scam, and it still is.  You'll never get back what you put into it.

Gotta be one of the stupidest conspiracy theories evar. :D

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #83 on: February 05, 2008, 03:15:10 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
so arlo..  you are wrong but won't admit it?   No one I can think of would say that social security and medicare are not socialist programs..  

As was pointed out.. they would not be if we were not forced at gunpoint to pay into them and if those who did not pay into it didn't get benifiets.

Yeah ... it's all me, Laz and you never had issues. Ahem. (Mmmmmright) ;)

You started out threatened and frustrated and just got worse from there. I'm thinking your system of representative democracy (your personal one) must be broken while mine still works. Don't get over it, though. :D

(Keep up your non-partisan, independent efforts at not drinking the agenda-aid. All differences of opinion [regarding yours] are a threat to society.) :noid :t

- Your favorite dev advocate .....
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 03:17:41 PM by Arlo »

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #84 on: February 06, 2008, 07:48:57 AM »
now don't get huffy and hurt arlo...

Just admit that you don't know what socialism is.


Offline Arlo

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« Reply #85 on: February 06, 2008, 03:02:13 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
now don't get huffy and hurt arlo...

Just admit that you don't know what socialism is.


You mean .... admit you're the expert on anything you think you're the expert on and worship you properly?

Neh. Not justified. :D

Laz, `ol boy, firstly .... anything that doesn't involve good `ol capitalism isn't the threat you think it is just because it doesn't involve capitalism.

Secondly ... socialism (or even social programs) isn't the enemy of capitalism. Even communism appears not to be. If you're still convinced, though, share that with the Chinese.

Thirdly, I don't have a burning agenda that requires a minimum of one new thread a day to whine about what I feel threatened about (often repetative - perhaps because I didn't get enough props for the last four hundred and thirty-nine I started.) So there's not really as much reason for me to share in your angst.

Fourthly, you really should try to relax more. It makes the button less obvious.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 03:14:41 PM by Arlo »

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #86 on: February 07, 2008, 08:55:51 AM »
No arlo.. I meant what I said.. you don't know what socialism is.

I really don't start all that many threads tho.   and.. you do seem to reply to a lot of threads..  never any substance but.. we are forcing it out of you little by little..  more and more are seeing the real arlo.

Me... I'm an open book.
