I understand all the concerns in chosing planes, and as such accept all responsibility as for those chosen. I know that the ultimate decision was up to me, and I chose as I did for various reasons.
1) I had hoped that the B-17 would be used to a more devestating effect than it has been. Getting to high alt seems to be a deterant, and as such is showing why the Ju-88 is dominating in the "Heavy Divebomber" role.
2) I chose the P-51B purely for it's ability to turn somewhat better than the P-47, yet maintain speed. As well as being quite long range, and being able to carry a bomb payload of some signifigance. While at limited fields, it's reach could be felt from virtually anywhere stationed.
3) Fighters with cannons - well here's where I defered on the opinion of the allies who gave one. I haven't flown the F4U series much, nor the Tiffy. If I was aware of how devestating the cannon were, I'd have been more likely to chose. I also felt that the mossie would be adequate in it's use as an effective dive bomber, which a GOOD deal of cannon to boot.
However, if pilots aren't going to fly the planes, the way they were built to be flown, I can not accept responsibility for that. I also have a feeling that no matter which planes I chose, the other would have been requested. If I'd have taken the Hurri II, people would complain about lack of speed. If I'd have chosen the F4U, Rear view would be an issue, and if I'd have taken the tiffy, well surely durability would be mentioned.
Bottom line is, no matter which choices I made, some would be happy, some would not. Either way, they're choices I can not change, and can only learn from.
We'll work with what we have. and win/lose it's been an awesome experience!