Looks like the veils of politeness have been removed.
I've seen HT and Pyro develop their product since 1996 at least...
Given your focus on the most potent of German stuff I am surprised you even care about the He111
I'd love to see a complete BoB set. I'm in favor of everything else that makes for a well-rounded planeset, but sort of biased toward seeing the 109 set complete (I've been waiting for 10+ years). Regardless, the A6m3, Ki43, He111 and Do117 are probably needed before my beloved 109 series. The russian types are needed too; LaG3, Mig1-3, etc.
We get the American lineup before anything else-- yes save the P-39....panic!!!!! Is that really what represents WW2?
You're making things nasty yourself by saying just that, when in fact there isn't any such bias, which you'd know if you'd been around long enough or had read up on the past threads before coming out and saying that.
Again, I've probably been watching HT and Pyro's developments for a much longer time than you've been posting at the AH boards. In their
previous flight sim (even the earlist versions) their was bias toward allied aircraft. Heck, the Yak series didn't even exist in the wb lineup until the company was bought out by iEN (as hideous as they are).
As they say on Wikipedia, "citation needed".
It's called 'sociology.' Bias always exists for the victor when recounting history. If this were a flight simulation created by russians I assure you that every russian aircraft would be included in the planeset before the Tempest or P-47N (which I love to fly, shhhhh!)