Author Topic: I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer  (Read 1077 times)

Offline SD67

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #30 on: February 16, 2008, 04:42:00 PM »
I'm still sceptical about the power lines.
I have no problem with the low voltage ones, anything from 66kV down isn't bad but the thing's I've seen happening to the natural environment in the vicinity if the HT transmission lines gave me the creeps. I've seen countless trees under the lines that fail to grow to their expected height, with weak deformed trunks. I've seen failed nests in the towers of large birds like the wedge tailed eagle and dead chicks with deformed bodies and limbs.
There is no way in hell you'll get me living within 500M of Transmission lines.
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Offline moot

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #31 on: February 16, 2008, 06:05:56 PM »
Originally posted by B@tfinkV
it's ok for us to disagree :)

personaly i still believe that all our luxuries and consumer markets are what causes all the suffering of humans. think about it for a while, i dont have the will to try and make you understand my view.

So inanimate objects are the source of humans' feelings?  You don't have to make me understand your view, it just needs to be presented clearly enough.

Excessive luxuries and consumer markets are people's doing, not the other way around.
if we cut everything completely so that all we could do was eat, sleep, reproduce and run around to get our blood pumping then there would be no more war.

Yeah, if we all went into a coma, that would work too.  And better, in fact, so according to your line of thought you would prefer that.  Right?

it is the greed and possesion of our material world that causes every unjust act humans perform on other humans.

Bogus.  Throw a couple hundred people of all sorts on a big deserted island with nothing to own (not even the leaves from trees), and you'd still have a ton of drama.

no matter how much good material gain you see in the developed human spieces of the currect epoch or indeed any age you cannot claim its worth without observing Newton's law.

Non sequitur.
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. you think that doesnt apply to material happiness and currency?

Laws of physics applied verbatim to something else than physics?  Currency might have some analogous characteristics, but material happiness?  It's completely arbitrary.

Technology is the continuation of that bone the proverbial 2001 ape grabbed.  It's the extension of our body, the extension of our will.  Rejecting this means to extend our abilities to accomplish more, more efficiently is absurd.  The purpose of man is to accomplish, whether it's in arts, science, or anything else.. The motor of man is desire, whether it's a desire to be excellent or mediocre, a nobody or somebody, holy or secular, constructive or destructive, etc.  Without a purpose you are no different from a rock standing passive in the stream of time.

The "problem" with extreme consumerism is people who've concluded that they needed all that plastic wrap and superfluous crap that commercial organisms pelt them with.  Those people live to eat, rather than eat to live.
Make no mistake though, running around naked in the woods is no end in itself..  It's no better a reason to live (and eat to) than an amoeba entertains sitting in its blissful puddle of ignorance.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 06:20:31 PM by moot »
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Offline B@tfinkV

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #32 on: February 16, 2008, 06:32:01 PM »
Originally posted by moot
So inanimate objects are the source of humans' feelings?  You don't have to make me understand your view, it just needs to be presented clearly enough.

only if i am bothered enough to make someone understand exactly how i do, and thats not ever easy or profitable to me.

Excessive luxuries and consumer markets are people's doing, not the other way around.

any ownership whatsoever causes many of the human sins. we should have developed our minds past violence before we even started developing weapons to steal other peoples cows.

Yeah, if we all went into a coma, that would work too.  And better, in fact, so according to your line of thought you would prefer that.  Right?

bullchit, what about love companionship and travel? could they not be enough pleausre for a lifetime and still include our 4 staples activities of food drink sex and adventure? it is the assigned value of our material development that clouds the truth about why humans fight each other so much and so brutaly

Bogus.  Throw a couple hundred people of all sorts on a big deserted island with nothing to own (not even the leaves from trees), and you'd still have a ton of drama.

you misunderstand. i didnt say desert island. you can still find material gain on an island and find thigns to kill each other for. i said limit to those four completely. not limit your surroundings.

Laws of physics applied verbatim to something else than physics?  Currency might have some analogous characteristics, but material happiness?  It's completely arbitrary.

 one little kid gets the new power action figure for chrstmas but another doesnt and this makes him sad, angry, dishonest, vengefull or another emotion. it works the same when one nation all have acres of fertile land to share and plenty of wealth and luxury and another nation has much less.
 every single person who spends a day emitting a happy persona cannot fail to grind into the skull of at least one very unhappy person. every person who enjoys owning something openly makes an equal emotion of jealousy in at least one person at some point.  

for me is far more important than pysics but shares the same rules in many cases. only time i worry much about physics is when im high in the air.
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Offline B@tfinkV

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #33 on: February 16, 2008, 06:34:01 PM »
Technology is the continuation of that bone the proverbial 2001 ape grabbed.  It's the extension of our body, the extension of our will.  Rejecting this means to extend our abilities to accomplish more, more efficiently is absurd.  The purpose of man is to accomplish, whether it's in arts, science, or anything else.. The motor of man is desire, whether it's a desire to be excellent or mediocre, a nobody or somebody, holy or secular, constructive or destructive, etc.  Without a purpose you are no different from a rock standing passive in the stream of time.

The "problem" with extreme consumerism is people who've concluded that they needed all that plastic wrap and superfluous crap that commercial organisms pelt them with.  Those people live to eat, rather than eat to live.
Make no mistake though, running around naked in the woods is no end in itself..  It's no better a reason to live (and eat to) than an amoeba entertains sitting in its blissful puddle of ignorance.

this is a good one so im not going to reply, but i will read it again and think some. i certainly dont think what i am suggesting would involve just running naked through the woods. what have we really accomplished apart from making our own lives longer and more painfull in many cases.
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Offline Holden McGroin

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #34 on: February 16, 2008, 09:25:18 PM »
Originally posted by SD67
I'm still sceptical about the power lines.
I have no problem with the low voltage ones, anything from 66kV down isn't bad but the thing's I've seen happening to the natural environment in the vicinity if the HT transmission lines gave me the creeps. I've seen countless trees under the lines that fail to grow to their expected height, with weak deformed trunks.

They cut the trees down under power lines so they do not interfere with the lines.  Chainsaws do tend to deform trunks.
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Offline Chairboy

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #35 on: February 16, 2008, 09:49:45 PM »
Chainsaws cause cancer!?
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Offline angelsandair

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Re: I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #36 on: February 16, 2008, 10:29:33 PM »
Originally posted by AquaShrimp


Being a ham radio operator, I know that using a hand held radio for any extended period of time can cause bloodshot eyes from the RF.  When it comes down to it, thats all a cellphone is, just a low powered hand held radio.

Well I dont talk on the cell phone, i txt
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Offline Motherland

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Re: Re: I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #37 on: February 16, 2008, 10:39:59 PM »
Originally posted by angelsandair
Well I dont talk on the cell phone, i txt

It shows.

Offline Holden McGroin

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #38 on: February 16, 2008, 11:30:33 PM »
Originally posted by Chairboy
Chainsaws cause cancer!?

Sawdust is a carcinogen... carsonogen... cancer causer.
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Offline moot

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #39 on: February 17, 2008, 02:16:20 AM »
Tons of flaws in your arguments Batfink!

Originally posted by B@tfinkV
any ownership whatsoever causes many of the human sins.

No. Inanimate objects have no power over people's minds.
we should have developed our minds past violence before we even started developing weapons to steal other peoples cows.

No. If we waited for even the majority (nevermind 90-99%) of the world population to learn better than to be violent, we'd never have progress like we've had, nevermind what we're capable of.  We'd have had WWII carry on beyond Aug. '45, we'd never have had electricity because serial killers somewhere out there were likely to drop toasters into people's bathtubs.. We'd not be learning how dangerous applications of useful things worked so as to prevent the dangerous applications, e.g. bio/chemical warfare, nanomanufacturing, IT security, cryptography.

Comatose peace - You said:
"if we cut everything completely so that all we could do was eat, sleep, reproduce and run around to get our blood pumping then there would be no more war."
Which is throwing the baby with the bath water.   If your goal is to absolutely remove the risk of war, then you are better off putting everyone to sleep than leaving something as risky as "reproduction".  That's still a significant cause of violence today, technology or not.
you misunderstand. [...] i said limit to those four completely. not limit your surroundings.

See above.
one little kid gets the new power action figure for chrstmas but another doesnt and this makes him sad [...]

No, he gets sad on his own.  The power action figure doesn't zap his brains into feeling sad.
angry, dishonest, vengefull or another emotion. it works the same when one nation all have acres of fertile land to share and plenty of wealth and luxury and another nation has much less.

No.. I want a whole planet to myself, with a full blown top of the line lab to experiment with, and all the tools that ever existed for me to build stuff with (e.g. warbirds).. It's completely unrealistic, all things considered, but that doesn't mean I suddenly "feel" anger and vengefulness for this un-satisfaction of my wants or needs.  I don't go on a murderous rampage to steal the keys to the space shuttle for a joyride to the stars...
Since you like stories.. My dad was born in a stone house in the middle of nowhere, Venezuela's countryside, near the mountains.  Podunk.  The wealthiest thing about his family was his dad being the head of the local militia.
What did my dad do, stuck in poverty like that?  Did he get all pissy that elsewhere kids his age were swimming in cash?  No.. He scored high enough to get a scholarship to Europe, worked his bellybutton off for a bunch of diplomas in electronics and physics, and scored himself a job that's led him from being a brown-skin nobody in a french company full of racist bastards, to being one of the pillars of the american division of a company that's the best of its field worldwide (save for one or two extremely high end, very low output competitors)...
His capitalizing on opportunity means I and my brothers can stand on his shoulders and reach even higher.
every single person who spends a day emitting a happy persona cannot fail to grind into the skull of at least one very unhappy person.

Yeah, if "happiness" makes sense, people will buy it.
every person who enjoys owning something openly makes an equal emotion of jealousy in at least one person at some point.  

No.. Did you forget what you wrote in the preceding sentence?  How do you resolve someone who emits happiness at his ownership?  How do you explain people visiting exhibitions like car shows and museums, or air races?  Do you really think those kids that come back from seeing all that are poisoned with envy rather than inspired?

what have we really accomplished apart from making our own lives longer and more painfull in many cases.

Gee I dunno... This is taking too long so I'm just gonna rip a list off somewhere else, you can pick and choose what you think was a catastrophic development for humanity... :

1.   Electrification
2.   Automobile
3.   Airplane
4.   Water Supply and Distribution
5.   Electronics
6.   Radio and Television
7.   Agricultural Mechanization
8.   Computers
9.   Telephone
10.   Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
11.   Highways
12.   Spacecraft
13.   Internet
14.   Imaging
15.   Household Appliances
16.   Health Technologies
17.   Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies
18.   Laser and Fiber Optics
19.   Nuclear Technologies
20.   High-performance Materials

And looking to the future, these were recently concluded to be the most important challenges we should overcome in the 21st century:

Make solar energy affordable
Provide energy from fusion
Develop carbon sequestration methods
Manage the nitrogen cycle
Provide access to clean water
Restore and improve urban infrastructure
Advance health informatics
Engineer better medicines
Reverse-engineer the brain
Prevent nuclear terror
Secure cyberspace
Enhance virtual reality
Advance personalized learning
Engineer the tools for scientific discovery

Do these make your skin curl too?  The best way to get what you want is to work for it.  The best way to make something work is to apply maximum force towards it and/or in a most efficient manner.  Efficiency is a matter of engineering (i.e. wit), and that "brute force" can in most cases be manpower.

What am I on about?  Given that everyone on the planet is human, there's some fundamental things everyone has in common, and those things which everyone commonly enjoys are things which everyone stands to benefit from working together on.
Living longer, better, and having more things to do and explore are indeed things worth striving for, and restricting ourselves to just eating, sleeping, reproducing and running around to get our blood pumping isn't going to get us those things.  Nevermind the fact that doing those things or not isn't what causes war.
Hello ant
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Offline Holden McGroin

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #40 on: February 17, 2008, 03:59:43 AM »
Originally posted by moot
Gee I dunno... This is taking too long so I'm just gonna rip a list off somewhere else, you can pick and choose what you think was a catastrophic development for humanity... :

1.   Electrification  
Loss of fish runs, Global warming, Electrocution
2.   Automobile  
Smog, Traffic deaths, GW
3.   Airplane  
GW, Ozone
4.   Water Supply and Distribution
River dams, diversions, fish runs, loss of Colorado Estuary ecosystem
5.   Electronics
6.   Radio and Television
Britany Spears
7.   Agricultural Mechanization
Topsoil depletion, Loss of NA Great plains Tall Grass ecosystems
8.   Computers

See Internet  
9.   Telephone

(Cellular Telephone anyway)... traffic death, phone calls in theaters, Village ppl ring tones  
10.   Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Ozone Depletion
11.   Highways
Smog, Traffic deaths, GW
12.   Spacecraft  
13.   Internet    
Leave Britany Spears alone videos, Paris Hiilton
14.   Imaging  
15.   Household Appliances
Electric fondu pots, Ronco Vegamatic  
16.   Health Technologies
17.   Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies
Smog, Traffic deaths, GW
18.   Laser and Fiber Optics  
19.   Nuclear Technologies
Hiroshima, TMI, Chernobyl, Global Thermonuclear War
20.   High-performance Materials
« Last Edit: February 17, 2008, 04:13:43 AM by Holden McGroin »
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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #41 on: February 17, 2008, 04:29:16 AM »
You missed:
Electronics: Evesdropping on horny neighbours, talking toys, and junk that never works like it's supposed to

Spacecraft: Mega-chemtrails, Big Brother sats in orbit and Alien parasites brought back to Earth

Imaging: 'X-Ray' glasses that see thru clothes, invasion of unborn babies' privacy, and removing tumors from where they're supposed to be

Health Technologies: People live longer and better.. Need I say more? :furious We can't let tyrants of the world live longer just because everyone else would benefit from it too dangit!

Laser and Fiber optics: It gives crackpots like Hawkins more credence (high power lasers can replicate black holes' event horizons' conditions), brought us broadband which means porn :mad:, and Optical computers would run faster which would mean EVEN MORE porn.

High Performance Materials: Those annoying metal things that go vrrrrrrrrrr under the wings of planes, race cars go EVEN FASTER so that drivers and spectators are under even more danger, safer armor for soldiers mean they survive to kill EVEN MORE babies :mad:
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Offline moot

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #42 on: February 17, 2008, 04:35:55 AM »
Village people ringtones :lol
Hello ant
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Offline B@tfinkV

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #43 on: February 17, 2008, 05:36:50 AM »
Originally posted by moot
Tons of flaws in your arguments Batfink!

No. Inanimate objects have no power over people's minds.

oh ok, so criminals steal things just for the thrill of possibly being shot then.

after that start i couldnt face your wall of text, sorry.
 400 yrds on my tail, right where i want you... [/size]

Offline moot

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I knew it! Cell phones do cause cancer
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2008, 06:18:17 AM »
Sorry Bat but your arguments splintered every which way.  

Criminals are in it for the same reason everyone else does what they do.  They just do it for mistaken reasons, for the most part.
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