Author Topic: This is What A Police State Looks Like  (Read 1243 times)


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This is What A Police State Looks Like
« Reply #45 on: February 18, 2008, 04:20:57 PM »
Originally posted by Rich46yo
So you dont think we "protect" anyone? The countless violent felons, predators, scam artists, and lifelong criminals we lock up every day? You dont think that "protects" anyone?

                        I just got convictions on an armed stickup crew I caught in the act of holding up a Liquor store. They had pistol whipped the owner and told him they were going to kill him. Luckily for him he was able to get to the alarm and we caught them guns still in hands. You dont think that, and all the scores like that a copper does in his career doesnt "protect" anyone?

                      Your 46yo DredIock. Its really time to grow up. Ive made countless on view felony pinches that nobody ever called me for first.

                      But on behalf of all my LEO brothers and sisters I'd like to say "thanks" for stereotyping all 400,000 of us due to your little adventure as a little kid on your little bicycle.:lol  You got issues dude.

No what I said was the times you "protect" anyone in comparison to the times you respond to an event thats already happened is probably 1 in 10,000.

you caught the guy in the act. He had alredy pistolwhipped the owner.
you responded to an event AFTER it was already taking place.

My brother in law not 3 weeks ago was pistolwhipped and robbed.

For every criminal you catch, there are 100 more out there.

Trust me. you do little that actually protects anyone from anything.

Occasionally yes. But before...very rare. Or I should say very little in the greater scheme of things.

I am grown up. And without any issues. I''ve based my pinions on 46 years of life experience. not just that one incident.

Furthermore I have repeatedly stated my utmost respect for the police.
but I dont kid myself into thinking they are something they are not.

As first responders you all are great.

If I get beaten and robbed. or my kid (god forbid) ends up missing.
I'll give you a call to track them down.
But for protection.
Nobody can protect me better then me. And I certainly dont count on the police to.

And I wouldnt want the type of country it would take for you to have that kind of power.
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This is What A Police State Looks Like
« Reply #46 on: February 18, 2008, 04:22:24 PM »
Originally posted by SWrokit
:aok   You basically covered it, saved me from climbing up on the soap box :D

I dont see a big "S" on your chest.
But if you feel like your Superman too.
Go ahead and fly
« Last Edit: February 18, 2008, 04:27:02 PM by DREDIOCK »
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This is What A Police State Looks Like
« Reply #47 on: February 18, 2008, 04:26:44 PM »
Originally posted by indy007
Am I the only one that sees the irony here? Opening lines are about a policeman filming them and getting peoples pictures...

So the film director decided to film the protests and put everybody in its picture on the internet for the whole world to see?

Wow. :huh :lol

I see what your saying.
but I dont think your average Joe citizen is planning on keeping video on file for future reference. such as to ID people either.
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Offline Rich46yo

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This is What A Police State Looks Like
« Reply #48 on: February 18, 2008, 04:37:16 PM »
How can I? I wasnt there and Im not a Portland P.O.

                                 I draw no conclusions from an edited Internet video. Neither should you. And "none" means "none". I must admit tho I loved the opening. Boy theres some real "balanced" reporting.:lol

                                It has become kinda SOP for the whackout Left to portray us as monsters because we now wear a lot of riot gear and actually carry mace that works at least 1/2 the time. I remember the sports riots I got thrown into when all I had was a lousy bad fitting helmut. Boy I sure wished I had one of those turtle suits.

                              And you have to wonder why all those PPD POs would even be there dressed like that? That and some of the comments makes it obvious this isn't the first march from this group. Why would they just grab a guy for no reason and arrest him? And even tho its Police footage that doesnt mean they were able to capture everything. Its also obvious there is video from several events made to look like one.

                             As a video editor my ownself, "yes I do weddings and events/corporate work", you cant even be sure of the audio. In the age of NLEs and DV it would be childs play to stripe an audio clip onto a timeline and make it seem like LEOs are the ones doing the talking.

                            OK they got us on that one. I mace at least 6 babies a shift. Its my personal quota and I rarely fail to make it.:lol

                           Tellya the truth I cant even watch the entire thing it is so idiotic. And the people behind it have a lot of nerve trivializing the Holocaust, trying to compare it to their own little adventure, and using scenes of it horrific nature to further whatever cause they have. With most the only selfish cause they have is that they are angry someone they didn't vote for got in office.
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Offline bustr

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This is What A Police State Looks Like
« Reply #49 on: February 18, 2008, 04:45:14 PM »
The film we are seeing is the copy this group got from the police. The film has been doctored and sequences moved around to support the story of the narrator.

Did you notice there is only a year and day stamp on the film. No time stamp. If you were going to cut the film apart and resequnce it to support your version of reality you would have to remove the time stamp. Especially since the narration wants you to beleive this is a liniar time progresion of events.

Also the police captian's lips are not saying what the incerted captioning is saying at many points in the film. Makes me wonder how much of the audio has been dubbed since some of the lines sound like kids trying to sound like bad cops.

You cannot make an assesment of the police or protesters in this film because of no context to tulips anyones motivation. You can only analyse the frames as isolated incidents. You don't know in each frame what caused any given action taking place because segments have been left out.

Funny thats exactly how the Natzi propaganda service doctored films to make them look like innocent lambs.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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This is What A Police State Looks Like
« Reply #50 on: February 18, 2008, 05:07:46 PM »
This is What a Liberal Whackjob Looks Like
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Offline Gunslinger

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This is What A Police State Looks Like
« Reply #51 on: February 18, 2008, 05:16:17 PM »
I would assume that they are tapeing as evidence.  9/10 these protests (as stated earlier) have that troublemaker element in them that don't necesarily repersent the protest as a whole.  They usually set things on fire or pick fights and what not.  I don't think it's illegal to be filmed by ANYONE while in PUBLIC.  There's no right to privacy while your at a public event in the middle of the street.

When these officers go to court to testify that a specific individual broke the law while being arrested at a protest i'm pretty sure there lawyer asks "what proof do you have"?  The cops now can simply say...."here you go".

Not to mention they usually get a bad rap at things like this as they arrest the troublemakers and the crowd turns on them as they didn't see the aleged crime take place.  

The fact that the protestors got THE COP'S footage to me tells me the system is working.  There's no secret Mcarthyism goin on here.

Offline Gunthr

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This is What A Police State Looks Like
« Reply #52 on: February 18, 2008, 05:39:10 PM »
They have the right to speak out and protest. - Drediock

Dred, Its like so many things that seem simple on the face of it... that turn out not to be as simple as you might think.

Sure, in our country, we honor the long standing right of free speech.  But there are limitations.  You have to have a plan, you have to show the authorities your plan and have it approved by them because you have charged them with public safety ( remember, you sue them if you feel that they haven't used due care to protect the public, right????)  Then you are obligated to follow the plan you submitted.

Sooooo, you must obey the limitations. You can't block I-95 with your protest, for example.  Does that make sense to you? It is against the law to block lawful travel and commerce that way - it infringes on the rights and safety of others.

If that makes sense, maybe you could agree that certain restrictions on the right to assemble and for free speech might be appropriate?  

So the parties in Miami agreed to have the demonstration at a certain place and to end the demonstration at a certain time for the sake of public safety.

Except they don't end it, and they don't stay where they were supposed to.

Now what do you do?  You can't just sit on the curb and wring your hands.    That wouldn't be good, Drediock.  Inaction only emboldens the elements that want chaos.  The same people in that very protest would sue your prettythang off for failure to act to protect the public.

So allow me to tell you how to react to that situation.  You end it as quickly and with as little injury as possible.  You don't plead.  You don't beg.  You act with overwhelming force.  This results in the fewest injuries.  The problem is snuffed out just like it was in Miami.

If that was so wrong, why were these fine upstanding men and women from South Florida law enforcement who did their jobs not thrown in prison?  Oh sure, there was a lot of weeping, threats of lawsuits and gnashing of teeth. but nothing became of any of it.

No, the issue is that you do not understand the nature of propaganda, or the laws relating to public assembly.  In this case, it wouldn't be too far out to say it was a matter of national security.   The President of the United States was not far from there at the time, along with many other heads of state - in a post 911 world.

There were many injuries in this demonstration by the way - both civilian and police.  

It is very simple.  The rules were agreed on before hand.  The protesters broke the rules.  Those charged with the public order immediately shut them down.   It was actually a nice piece of police work.  If you've ever been in a demonstration that was out of hand, or in a riot, you would appreciate it.
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