First of all, To all the AvA staff, for trying something different-that may have been the best change of all.
Now...I don't really believe that one setup will satisfy everyone, after reading all of the posts' in this thread. It was fun, and novel. However, Like everything in Aces High, it is dependent on a certain standard of gameplay.
What is that standard? Is it team based capture-the-flag? Is it the open arena Free-for-all? We have had people on both sides' of the coin in here. In retrospect, It was a mini-MA. But it was not made that way by the people who set this scenario up. It was made that way by the player-base.
The In-fighting of the player base.The gameplay issues. The whining, milkrunning, hording, chest-thumping, exploiting...everything that everyone's complained about in this thread, were brought to the surface by their own actions. Ty to the AvA staff for giving us something different. Hopefully everyone behaves' themselves better in the next AvA war.