Author Topic: New toys!!! But......  (Read 9761 times)

Offline Curval

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New toys!!! But......
« Reply #195 on: February 27, 2008, 11:46:24 AM »
When did Hitech learn how to spell?:huh
Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain

Offline hubsonfire

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New toys!!! But......
« Reply #196 on: February 27, 2008, 11:59:23 AM »
He was probably drunk when he posted that. ;)
++Blue Knights++

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I was wondering why I get ignored so often.  -Hitech

Offline Airscrew

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New toys!!! But......
« Reply #197 on: February 27, 2008, 12:00:14 PM »
Which explains why he's trolling for more scotch,  he's all out...

Offline Softail

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New toys!!! But......
« Reply #198 on: February 27, 2008, 07:35:12 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
I think it is time to make football fields bigger longer and wider, also I think all football fields should be at 12,000 feet, this would add a lot more training strategy to the old stale game. The rules of football have become very stale.


I can't address European Football (aka Soccer), Canadian Football or Austrailan Rules Football....but as far as American Football......the rules of football change yearly.  

just look at a handful of changes......

Intentional Grounding to avoid a sack,  
In The Grasp,  
Two Point Conversions its back,
The Tuck Rule (Thank you NE).  
Contact past 5 yards,
Helmet to Helmet Contact,  
1 step rule hitting QBs,
2 Step Rule on carrying an interception into the endzone (it was there now its gone).  
Moving the Goal Posts to the back of the endzone (yes...they used to be ON the goal line kids),
kickoffs from the 35 vs 40.  
The MUFF rule.  
Instant Replay...its repeal...its re-instatement.  
Making a "Football Move".  
Forcing a reciever out of bounds.  
Increasing the penalty for calling two time outs to Ice a kicker (remember Mr. Gibbs?),
Calling Timeouts from the sideline.  
The Quarterback's Radio....
    The Defense Using Radios???? Could be the next rule change. (Thank you NE).  
Timeouts or 10 second run-off for injuries under 2 minutes.  (all defenses abused this until it became a rule)
The Holy Roller Rule (advancing a fumble within two minutes...thank you Oakland Raiders (version 1.0) ).
   and many, many, many, more.

All these changes were made to 1: address a shortcoming or flaw in the current rules or field configuraton and 2: increase the competitive level of the game.    

Business must be going GANG BUSTERS!


Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #199 on: February 27, 2008, 07:54:36 PM »
Were those rules changed/added/repealed because half a dozen fans claimed the game was boring?
++Blue Knights++

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I was wondering why I get ignored so often.  -Hitech

Offline Softail

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« Reply #200 on: February 27, 2008, 08:17:05 PM »
Well if you consider a group of 32 fans called owners.....yes.

The point was more that changes are made EVERY year contrary to the implicaton of the short sigthed and even less thought out response.  

To answer if it was to apease the fans....YES.    Most notably, The Forward Pass, the Shorter Playclock,  the limited contact allowed by a DB to free up the recievers for the BIG PLAY.  The rules to keep the marque QB's and Recievers upright and healthy for the season.

So where exactly did you get your statistic that says its only a handful?  Personal poll?  email responses?  letter campaign?   phone poll?  or Magic 8-Ball?   See ... I can be condescending too.

Offline TheDudeDVant

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« Reply #201 on: February 27, 2008, 08:35:14 PM »
I would just like to see bomber formations taken away from the mass numbered  country that has a perk thingy in affect..  Make them fly sinlges..  8)

Offline Lusche

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New toys!!! But......
« Reply #202 on: February 27, 2008, 08:47:24 PM »
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
I would just like to see bomber formations taken away from the mass numbered  country that has a perk thingy in affect..  Make them fly sinlges..  8)

a) Do not take away my targets

b) You wouldn't fare any better if the mass country would resort to flying Me 110's, Heavy P-47's and the like. Actually such jabos are much more efficient in taking down towns & capturing fields. They need less time to climb, less time to get to target and can HO everything in sight.
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Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #203 on: February 27, 2008, 08:59:55 PM »
Originally posted by Softail
Well if you consider a group of 32 fans called owners.....yes.

The point was more that changes are made EVERY year contrary to the implicaton of the short sigthed and even less thought out response.  

To answer if it was to apease the fans....YES.    Most notably, The Forward Pass, the Shorter Playclock,  the limited contact allowed by a DB to free up the recievers for the BIG PLAY.  The rules to keep the marque QB's and Recievers upright and healthy for the season.

So where exactly did you get your statistic that says its only a handful?  Personal poll?  email responses?  letter campaign?   phone poll?  or Magic 8-Ball?   See ... I can be condescending too.

Owners are owners. We're the fans and players. If a small percentage (a fraction of a percent really) complained about the rules in football, nothing would change. I wasn't trying to be condescending, I was just making the point that the analogy doesn't really work well in this case.
++Blue Knights++

Proper punctuation and capitalization go a long way towards people paying attention to your posts.  -Stoney
I was wondering why I get ignored so often.  -Hitech

Offline skyctpn

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New toys!!! But......
« Reply #204 on: February 27, 2008, 11:56:11 PM »
Those rules where added because the cows that used too occupy the fields they use for football where more lively and entertaining than the players.

Plus as each new generation becomes desensatized to things it gets harder and harder to amuse people.
Case in point.. There are commercials on television with characters more horrific than in most of the mid 60's horror movies.

Offline EagleDNY

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« Reply #205 on: February 28, 2008, 08:01:47 PM »
This is a long thread, but let me add my $.02 --

I'm in a squad that has a bomber wing, and we have a lot of guys that fly buffs (myself included).  Right now, the bomber wing spends its time upping, climbing out, going to a base and flattening it so that the rest of our squad can roll in and take it.  

When that happens, you hear a lot of guys whining on 200 how we've spoiled their fun (and usually a comment or two from us on whether you would like some cheese with that whine...).

It would seem to be a good idea for both the furballers and the base-takers to give the folks that like to fly all these beautifully modeled bombers some reason to bomb something other than a base.  Some of the best air battles I have seen in this game have been when one side or another gets a load of buffs and escorts together and gets intercepted by a horde from the other side.  If the strat and radar system was adjusted to make that happen more often, I think that would be a good thing.

Same thing goes for the Jabo wing of the party.  Somewhere on these maps I hear that there are actually trains with AAA on them - might be fun to have at one if it actually made some difference in the situation.  As it is now, the Jabos just come along to wack the odd hanger or base strats as preparation for the coming base-take.  It would be nice to be able to bomb bridges or convoys or something that made some difference in the supply situation.

more later...


Offline ridley1

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« Reply #206 on: February 28, 2008, 08:18:01 PM »
I know what you're saying Eagle....have a chance to go after the supply lines.

HTC has a window now at start up that warns you of the train...and I've seen it , what, twice, three times?

Offline oldone

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New toys!!! But......
« Reply #207 on: February 29, 2008, 12:29:54 PM »
i am an older vet who played many years since ah1. i have since canceled my account due to boredom and the game being stale. on occasion i will come back for a 2 week trial to check out whats new and TOD. i will also use the forums to gauge the state of the game from time to time.

i did love this game.

i agree that this game has become "quake on wings" and very stale. i remember hanging with the best of them in the sky and when i would go through a slup, i would grab a gv and hang with the best there as well. there has been changes that imho killed my fun to the point where i would rather go to work than play.  given the current state of the game i couldnt see paying for it anymore.

the things that killed this game imho are as follows

*eny - i didnt like the way that i couldnt fly my favorite late war ride at times, then being locked in a squad who wouldnt change countries.
*changing countries instantly - great to defeat eny but there again i would be locked into a country loyal squad of great people who didnt want to change countries for the night. so i would leave the squad and feel lost.
*gvs seems unfair now and i couldnt figure out why. i think it has something to do with the graphics being turned down or something like that. what i know is i die more than i kill and in ah1 and the beginning of ah2 it was not like that at all.
*base capture seems alot harder. imo i had more fun when a few guys could take a base. taking bases easily meant we were not in the sky looking for a furball. we actually had a mission to accomplish and something to do other than look for a fight. something for everyone. maybe it is cause i have been away for so long i dont know.
*bombing is ridiculously easy now. i remember when calabration took a little more skill than it does now.
*2 or 3 MAs now? i enjoyed the game more when there was 600-700 players in the main arena.
*took pizza away from us. miss them beer bottles and the giant pizza. again something to do other than landing kills. those canyon fights were the best. the gv action there was also very fun.
*i missed hearing 68 doc talking on range drunk as hell. :rofl

i really miss AH1. i wish they would bring it back...who cares about the eye candy. even then i thought the graphics were subpar but it was a blast! i didnt get bored with the game in general as much as the changes made to accommodate the players who were not as good at the game. given enough time anyone could become adept at this game but i think it was the majority of the players who could not adjust that HT listened to that ruined it for me. i think the players who moaned about the horde and caused country changing instantly  helped ruin it.  maybe im off the mark here in my opinions due to memory degradation of time but one thing i know for sure is, its not fun anymore and i KNOW its not due to boredom from playing so long. boredom is a factor but only due to the changes that are in effect. i do disagree that  playing the game for so long caused canceled accounts due to boredom. i think the rule changes drove players away.

so what am i playing now? battlefield 2142, halo 3 (playing with the kiddies sucks, so i dont play so much), diablo 2 (people still play this), rockband, guitar hero, crimson skies, WoW (again i hate playing with all the kiddies so not so much anymore) tabula rasa (waisted 40 bucks me thinks).

what would i suggest to make a better AH? bring back AH1 as a MA choice might be a start. apply ah1 rules to ah2 including the base situations and maps that are long gone. make an experiment  of it. tod would be a change but when will be it out? i will come back to check out tod for sure.

Offline redman555

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Re: New toys!!! But......
« Reply #208 on: February 29, 2008, 05:55:34 PM »
Originally posted by ridley1
How can aces high move forward as a game?

I remember when they changed the graphics so that town buildings became shells, and didn't just dissappear. "wow", I thought How are you going to to be able to see if the towns destroyed..and we all adjusted...It didn't take long.

Then, 85 billion field guns were added to the base and the a city of barracks to each field..."wow", the heck are ya gonna get near a base now?

the answer was simple...we all had to change our strategy, the challange level when up...In the old version, looking back, a base capture would be unbeleivably easy..

I'm sorry to say...but that linear capture experiment was a dismal failure.

But let's analyse can AH continue to evolve, as we all wait breathlessly for combat tour.

I think that the easiest way to evolve the stratagy in this game is to make use of  all those strat targets out there. Think about it...the last time I went after one of them, was because a V base spawned into an ammo factory and I had nothing better to do, because wife ack was asking me stupid questions, yadda, yadda, and if had to get called away again, nothing would happen to me in my osti because, theres no strat defense..and nobody cares.

I think that Cities and factories have to take a more important, significant part
of the game. But how you can imcorporate it into the game now...well I'm kinda hoping that this thread will further the discussion

Personally, i think more planes need 2 b added, i relize its not easy for the Hitech crew 2 do this, but it would just b funner with more planes 2 choose from.

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Offline DrDea

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New toys!!! But......
« Reply #209 on: February 29, 2008, 11:57:44 PM »
Face it.This game will never be just right for everyone.people will always like some of it and not like the rest.Its human nature to want things "your" way but its highly unrealistic.I used to LOVE the old spit factory runs in AW with a fully gunned B 17 but theres really no comparison to that game and this one. Ive also said eliminate score and you eliminate half the problems.
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