Kind of Ironic, isn't it?
You sit in rush hour, with half a million other one passenger cars, suv's, hummers etc...and worry about if your garbage is green.
Then you enact laws that state that you can only have two bags of garbage a week...then complain about illegal dumping in rural areas.
Then there's the arguement about incineration. Good lord! how bad will that be for the environment? Then freak out about brown outs because the electrical grid is overloaded.
You see, the main problem is that politicians,( I don't call them leaders, because they aren't.... ) enact laws in regards to what the polls say is the soup du jour.
Business by knee jerk reaction in order to keep there perk filed jobs the next time the election rolls around....
The garbage problem is easy to fix.......somewhere close by to all of us is an abandoned stripmine. Take all the garbage there. Use the economics of scale to create a garbage recylcling, reclaming / refining and incinerating centre.
Collection costs will immediately be cut in half...there will be no more recycling trucks picking up crap.
Scrubbers on the incinerators will take care of air pollution..use the heat to generate electricity.
As for the environmental impact of the dump site? Well, you've already scrapped out a couple of billion tonnes of earth to put the strip mine there....what other damage could you do?